
Not interested

" So class, I am here to tell you a story" our teacher said. What the fuck?

"Is this some sort of fairy tale story? Sorry to say maam but we're really not interested" I said while smirking. The whole class laughed

" What did you just say Avianna? Im your teacher for pete's sake! Give me some respect!" she screamed. I glanced at her and saw her teary-eyed.

Duh I'm not scared. I rolled my eyes.

" Back to what I'm saying, lemme tell you a story. A story about an enchantress, her husband that is a warrior, and her baby" she continously said

I yawned because of boredness, are we still in gradeschool for her to tell us those?

"Her father, is the greatest warrior in their country. And her mother, which is an enchantress, was their king's daughter. They love each other so much. And then she came, the baby.." Maam glanced at me. Gosh why me? Did'nt she know that I don't care about what she's sayin'? Is she dumb or what?

" The baby named Therese, I'm pretty sure that she's 18 now. Because 18 years after she was born, there was a war between the Mortians and Philomenians, the two most powerful group of enchants in their world. Her father, which is the captain of the warriors, lead the war. He sacrifice himself for his family to run away. The mother carrying Therese run away. But she can't take it, she can't afford to loose his husband so she followed the idea on her mind. She left Therese on someone's house, in the doorstep to be exact. For them to see her and adopt her." she said then smiled bitterly

She sounded like she's the mother in the story huh

" Maam what happened to Therese after that? Did they adopted her?" my classmate asked

Tss. Pre-school

" Yes. They did adopt her. But little did they know, if Therese was 18 years old, she's destined to be back in their land. Because she's the most powerful enchantress born and their land needs her. They need her to protect them, to protect their land from Philomenians again. " maam said

" What if she don't want to? What if she's too attached in the normal world with her friends right now? Will they force her? What will happen?" my another classmate asked

"Even if she don't want to, she needs to. Because if she don't, she will burn into ashes and pass away. And her mother won't let that happen of course, she will find a way" Maam smiled

I touched my chest , I want to groan in pain but I don't want to be a distruction in their story telling. It feels like hell, I think I will faint anytime

I felt someone held my waist before I lost my senses

And all turned into black

