

"We should destroy that mirror!" Aditya sounded so determined. Even though that mirror could be linked to his life...

Shiv was so shocked to hear him say that.

"Are you a fool? How can we break that!? What if it is linked to your life?" Shiv's anxiety took over his calm demeanour. He was truly worried about him.

Already Ira was wounded terribly that she could die any moment! If Aditya was to be harmed the same way, Shiv was not sure whether he could continue being his usual self.

Aditya understood his concern as he playfully laughed at him.

"Haha. Is someone worrying about me? I thought you would kill me if I interrupt your moment with Lady Ira again!" Aditya nudged his shoulder while teasing him, he only earned Shiv's anger in return.

"Are you crazy? Is this the time for you to be fooling around?"

Aditya gave a meaningful smile at him.

"Thanks for worrying about my safety. But don't worry... nothing will happen. There is a 50 per cent possibility that this could be the original mirror! Besides we don't have any time to waste. Lady Ira is in a critical situation..."

Even though his reasoning was acceptable, he was still his close friend! Shiv didn't have the heart to put his life in danger as well!

Seeing him being hesitant, Aditya decided to take action.

He walked to that mirror and punched it with his bare hand! The force of the punch was very strong that the mirror instantly broke into pieces. His hand was scratched from the impact.

Shiv was shocked to see him break it. He placed Ira down comfortably and ran to him.

Ira was drifting in and out of consciousness. She wasn't aware of what was happening around her.

Shiv forcefully pulled Aditya and demanded.

"You stupid bastard! Did you really go nuts!? How are you feeling now?"

Aditya with a sly smile on his face, "See I'm...."


Before he could finish what he was about to say. Aditya coughed up a lot of blood as he held his chest and groaned in immense pain.

"So, this is how... Lady Ira is feeling right now...."

He forced himself to talk as he continued to cough.

Shiv gently patted his shoulders, "Don't talk anymore. See what I told you!"

"No... I will be fine in some time..."

The pain in his chest grew severe. He was covered in his own blood as he started to bleed from various parts of his body.

Shiv was caught in the middle of both Ira and Aditya.

Both of then were in immense pain.

"Whoever it is out there pulling this trick, I swear, I will kill you if anything happens to these two. Shiv went on a rampage as he started destroying everything that he could see. The more angrier he became, the more his power surfaced!

He was barely stopped by Aditya before going completely crazy.

"Stop! This is not the time to be doing this! You must find the real mirror and break this spell to save Lady Ira! Pull yourself together!"

Aditya's forehead started glowing, a weird pattern started to appear.

"Shiv! Get away from me!" Aditya screamed at the top of his voice as he tired to push him away. But it was a little too late to push him away.

Ira who momentarily gained her consciousness understood the situation with a single glance! It was all thanks to the knowledge that Seal shared with her.

She squeezed out every ounce of her remaining strength to stand up. Ira desperately tried her very best to walk toward him before she was too late!

'Please let me make it! Shiv, I have to protect him!'

The radiance started becoming stronger and stronger that finally a heavy power of the wind slashed through everything in sight!

"Shield!" A strong barrier was formed as it covered both Shiv and Ira. She barely made it on time. Shiv couldn't understand what was happening there anymore.

The impact of the attack was too strong for Ira in her current heath. It immediately made her collapse after stopping that attack.

Shiv regained his senses as he held her on his arms.

"Ira! Ira, wake up! Are you alright? Ira!" His mind went blank seeing her collapse.

Ira was barely holding on to her consciousness.

"Curse! That was a curse! Stay... away..."

Ira slipped out of her consciousness entirely this time causing Shiv to panic.

Aditya who was standing on the middle of the attack was completely unharmed.

He walked near Shiv.

"See... I told you, I will be fine. Lady Ira's condition worsened while she blocked my attack...."

"What Is this curse she was talking about!? Why did you attack us?"

"Just know one thing Shiv! It was never my intention to attack you guys and yes this is a curse... I'm cursed with immortality. If, my life was faced with any kind of danger, the curse will activate itself and destroy everybody and everything near me..."

Shiv was stunned to heart his explanation.

The whole place was in tatters. Amidst the pile of broken things, something glowed.

Aditya went ahead to take a look. He found a very small mirror. It was not damaged even the slightest bit!

He turned around and showed Shiv.

"I guess we finally found the damned mirror!"

Shiv carried Ira in his arms as he walked towards Aditya.

"But why is this mirror not damaged even a little?"

"Because this thing can never be broken by anyone but the demon lord himself. I didn't know they used to caste the spell with this mirror....."

"Then, there is no way for us to break the spell?"

Ira's body was becoming much colder as her breathing was becoming weaker by the second.

Aditya helped him lay Ira on the floor. He took his small knife and went near Shiv, "Show me your hand!"

Shiv stretched out his hand without any further questions.

Aditya cut his hand as his blood gushed out from the wound.

Shiv was a little startled by his sudden action.

"Feed her your blood, it will help her heal!".

Hi All,

Here is the chapter for the day. Hope you all like it!

Comments and reviews are much appreciated!

Thx for reading!

Yuukikocreators' thoughts