
Sky Fall (2)

(As the Sky fell, The god of the world fell along with it…)

[Time limit over: You have passed the first Step of the tutorial!]

The hellhound's slowly disappeared from the street running back to where they came from.

They stared and wondered, this was just a tutorial to them? Within the two hours Graham learned the names of the two others and their occupation. 

The older man was named John Winston, he was an entrepreneur only in the city to visit when the attack happened. He said he grew up in chicago whatever that foretold, and he had a crazy swing. When Graham asked him about that, he smiled saying he was the baseball team ace when he played in college. 

The female was named Chloe Hoyce. She was just the store clerk of the cane shop, she had never met the owner but was glad by his intuitiveness to invest in windows strong enough to hold the impact from whatever John threw at it. She grew up in New York and lived with her parents who were office workers in the city. 

Graham looked at the two, knowing there was a lot more about John he didn't talk about to them. His experience was one of them, the man knew how to fight. Perhaps a gang? He thought.

His thinking was for nothing as the demon appeared before them.

"Congratulations for completing the first step of the tutorial! If you look towards your interfaces now, you should be granted an award comparable to your struggle!"

All three had their status pop up before them. 

Graham watched the words unravel before his very eyes. 

[Select a boon from a chosen god_ ]

[The God of Communicative Ravens wants to bless you with -Wisdom's Pledge-]

[The God of Sneaky Fast Delivery wants to bless you with -Quick Step-]

[The God of Anger and Atonement wants to bless you with -Judge's Scale-]

[The God of the clawed out innards wants to bless you with -Willpower-]

[The God…]

The choices were large. What the hell? Were all of the people watching us this entire time? Graham stuttered as he didn't know which one to pick. 

"Oh! One more thing to mention guys. Tehe. A boon is just an additional skill, but by taking a god's skill you can find yourself under their alliance or even greater. This first pick is the most important, so do your best!" 

Each god wanted to grant a human being worth it, a skill. It paid them more if one was to suddenly gain the strength of a god, to already have them convinced to join their mythology. 

Like Myth and Legend, the mythology's were always at war with each other battling for whose religion was more righteous. 

Graham didn't know who to choose, and if he didn't choose any of them he knew he'd surely die. 

Suddenly a new notification popped up much later than the previous ones.

[The God of Common Casuality wants to bless you with -No End-]

Due to his curiosity, he found his solution.

[Selected boon]

"The time is up! The next quest will begin shortly!"

[Objective: Enter the tower that breaches even the heavens!]

[Failure: Death]

[Success: 500 G]

Gold was used for two things: attributes, and survival goods. 

Graham looked at his total.

[200 G]

Then he looked towards his status screen. 

[Graham William

Affiliation- Neutrality

Titles: None

Status Ailments: Newcomer (+3 to stats until 1st Quest) , Hellhound's Bite (Curse Mark)

Skills: No End (???) Lv. 1 , 

Stat's- Strength (5) Agility (5) Endurance (5) Magic (5) ]

He clicked on one of his stats. 

[Would you like to spend 100 G on upgrade this attribute by 1]

He clicked yes. 

[Strength has been enhanced to 6!]

So it was just like a game… 

John and Chloe were already out of the door walking towards the tower that broke the sky. 

Arriving there, the three of them stood amidst the crowd of everyone who survived. Graham couldn't remove his eyes from the angelic creation before him. The tower, made of marble and chiseled to perfection, sparkled with glamor standing amongst New York's skyscrapers. A creation so perfect was a flaw in this world, it was like the tale once told before of Babel's tower. 

[Updated- New Sub Quest has started]

The screen popped up for everyone at the tower. 

[Objective: Kill the tower guardian and enter the Tower!]

[Anyone who contributes to killing the creature will obtain a rare item!]

[Success: Permission to enter the Tower]

[Failure: Destruction of the world]

The words were big, but the definition of world was more or less derived from the Greek and Roman times. It means the area of which the citizens lived in, New York was their world. 

The guardian was once a statue standing before the gates of the tower. The stone that encased him crumbled to the floor and he came to life like a gargoyle. 

[Asterion the Minotaur has Awakened]

His body was that of a giant, his muscles bulged out like a powerlifter. His head would be expected to be a bull, but it was more demonic. His eyes had red mana illuminating from them. 

[Asterion used Fear]

The aspects of everyone's nightmare lived in their heads. To fight through your fear meant courage, but courage was not enough for this fight. 

Chloe slumped over, clinging on to her head crying. 

"No. No. You can't take her away from me again. No!"

John looked at his cane, tapping it on the floor a few times before walking forward. 

Graham stood in awe seeing Greek mythology unfold before his every eyes. He snapped himself out of it, trying to help Chloe. 

John was one of the few who thought they'd test their abilities with the minotaur. There were three others, these four seemed like prodigies in this ruined world. 

"Hey old man! Are you sure you can help with this? Aaack"

One of the younger prodigies turned as John walked up getting caught off guard by the minotaurs fist. He was sent flying into a wall, losing all air in his lungs. He picked himself up almost instantly, not even realizing the blood dripping from his forehead. 

"This is going to be fun!" He said as he clashed his fists against each other. 

"Stop being an idiot." A woman with a gaze as cold as ice swiped an umbrella releasing her mana which froze the minotaurs arm. 

"No need to hog all the fun!" 

From the sky came a man with an axe sending the frozen arm in the other direction. He looked like a lumberjack, the beard and flannel fit the profile. 


Amidst the distraction the three prodigies gave, John used his mana enhanced swing on the knee of the minotaur. 

Clashing with the concrete ground leaving a cloud of dust behind with his falling pop-up came.

[Asterion feels threatened]

[Asterion used Call of the Sea]

The water from the Hudson River and Upper Bay created a tsunami looking to consume anyone not ready to take a little swim. 

Graham shook Chloe 

"Snap out of it. The minotaur is just playing with you!" 

Chloe pushed Graham away from her to the ground. The bloodlust in her posture, she had turned against him suddenly. 

She swiped at him with the knife, he dodged confused. 

Everyone else who was conquered by their fears started to mindlessly move their bodies. 

"You're not going to take my little sister away from me, freak." She said as she charged at him.

Everyone else started fighting each other, blood soon seeped into the cracks of the stone. 

"Hohoho! Look at this development! Not only have they already cornered the minotaur, the humans are being conquered by their fears and fighting each other! Don't forget you can help your favorites with contracts!" The Arc gave a thumbs up trying to be the best guide she could be. 

The Tsunami rushed to the tower. 

[The Goddess of the Frozen Undead wishes to form a contract with you.]

The Prodigy who had used ice clicked yes without looking at the contents of the contract. 

She used her newfound power, that seemed to be only a one time use, towards the wave that would soon drag everyone away from the area,

"Niflheim's Core"

Ice spread from her body encasing the entire area. The tsunami became a giant icicle and the people conquered by their fear had their feet frozen to the ground. She stumbled as she realized the skill used far too much mana to use.

Graham slipped on the ice and looked towards the minotaur. This was the moment he needed, they would create an opening for them. 

[The God of Common Casuality wishes to form an unreadable contract with you]

Stunned with the moment, he clicked yes. 

[The God of Common Casuality has granted you -gravity manipulation-]

[-gravity manipulation- The ability to control the gravity of one person. i. If leveled up it can affect multiple opponents.]

Within the cloud of dust an axe forged from the ground formed and the minotaur wielded it with one hand to swipe away the cover he had for the moment. 

[Asterion calls to his brother]

From the tower dove a human, Theseus the being who once killed the minotaur in the maze, or so the myth once told. Theseus didn't kill the minotaur, he killed the ideals he once lived by, changing the minotaur's affiliation with evil to neutrality and towards the god's. 

[Theseus has arrived to the battlefield]

Theseus held his spear on the minotaur's shoulder patting the minotaur's thick hide. 

"Don't worry my brother. Now that I am here, the tower won't be touched."

He was the tower's true guardian.

[The Guardian of the Tower has come out from hiding!]

Graham clenched his cane in his hand. -How could this be a beginning quest in any system? How do we compete with a demi-god?-

The hidden facts of this quest was something no one here could see. The Guardian and his brother were heavily nerfed due to how early the quest was. And due to their undead nature, they were chosen as the Guardian because they would simply go back to the underworld again after their death. 

Graham held out his hand calling upon his gravity manipulation. The minotaur fell to the ground, Theseus fell beside him frowning at the situation they were in.

He had no choice. He didn't need to survive for any reason like finding a little sister or because he wanted to save the world. No he needed to survive because death was what he feared…

[God of Common Casuality nod's his head towards your feelings]

A direct message played in his ears. It was the unreadable contract that gave the god the ability to speak to him. 

Graham walked towards Theseus with his cane in hand and a new look in his eyes.

Thank you for reading this far. I've taken inspiration from ORV on this novel, but I plan to go in a very different direction. If you haven't read Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, and you like this sort of thing, its a must read!

RexxyOnEarthcreators' thoughts