
Chapter 12

'' Kakashi, my rival!'' with a trail of dust behind him, Gai stopped by his side '' I heard.'' he said patting his back. Kakashi turned confused cocking his head to the side, messily tied forehead almost falling

'' Okay. '' he said slowly trying to remember if anything unusual was happening today and when nothing come to mind he begin walking forward, Gai at his side '' It's pretty bad.'' he said even though he had no idea what they were talking about but too curious to see what Gai does next. His friend was rarely so... not Gai.

'' I know. How could he do that to you?! After telling everyone you are his apprentice he goes out and takes two Genin matching them to you.'' maybe Gai said more than that. Maybe he didn't and just stepped heavily than normal. The only thing Kakashi could hear was a ringing sound in his head, his mouth going numb and his hand twitching uncomfortable.


That was today. The moment when Team Minato become Team 7. Kakashi swallowed heavily and hurried to the training ground, barely remembering to wave at his friend.


It did not take long to arrive there, smelling Minato-sensei scent from far away but nothing beside that. He breathed a little easily. Kakashi though that he had more time but it seems his memory failed him and now he can remember just the dreadful memories, the growning growl in his throat from the betrayal and sadness. It was like all the effort and healing he had till now was gone, leaving behind the same shell of a persons he was.

'' Kakashi-kun.'' Minato sensei said smiling gently not a trace of what he would announce '' I have a surprise for you today.'' he bit his lip and added '' I hope you like it.''

Kakashi hummed and hiding anything beside the wanted reaction said '' Did Kushina-san finally break up with you? Or when you ever together?'' the man squeak made him feel much better than he though, always fun teasing the man about his relationship with the red headed woman.

Suddenly two new scents entered his sense and he looked to the side, their voices heard from a distance.

'' There they are.'' an Uchiha, after the emblem sewed on his sleeve, short dark hair and darker eyes, fair skin and too excited eyes. A civilian raised girl, after her low quality, shinobi wise, clothes and purple marks with a gentle smile and shoulder length brown hair. At the same time they were the biggest traumas Kakashi ever got, not like he would recognize it.

'' Kakashi-kun, meet your new teammates.'' the Uchiha frowned looking at his small stature and the girl waved smiling brightly '' Obito Uchiha and Rin Nohara. Both of them graduated recently as Genin's and now joined to make team 7.'' the man smiled brightly clapping his hands '' Now. Likes, Dislikes and dreams.'' he said making them introduce themselves.

Suddenly, Kakashi realized that he never introduced himself like that. The sadness grown like sickness.

He doesn't really remember at what point he returned home but after a training that has in mind making him pas out, Kakashi landed heavily in his bed. He was pretty sure he stepped on a sleeping Anko-chan on the hallway by mistake, is not his fault that she is at a phase where she thinks that snake walking is the best. He sighed heavily remembering that meeting. After Obito and Rin introduced themselves, Minato-sensei though that running them through the village without a pause would be a good training exercise.

'' How are you a Genin? '' Obito asked incredulous at the first pause '' You are a baby!''

'' Kakashi-kun must know Minato-sensei for a long time.'' Rin said Obito snorting and nodding at her side

I worked hard. I like to work hard, to train, to learn new jutsu, kata's or anything related with being a shinobi. I like to sneak in kunoichi classes when taijutsu become too boring. I like to train if not my mind than my body as a past time. To challenge myself with Gai. To run, hunt, catch my own prey. I worked hard Rin, Obito. To be were I am. that's what Kakashi would have liked to tell her when she subtlety said he was here because of nepotism of all things

He fall asleep, that annoying ringing pounding in his head.


At the same time, in the Summoning Contract, Kakashi pack was staying in a circle staring at one another, throwing ideas desperately between each of them. A single mindset engraving in their beings.

We need out. Now!

'' I have an idea. But, I'm not sure if he will break more than heal.'' Pakkun said quieting them

'' If it get's him out then it's enough.'' Uhei said flickering his ear, teeth bared. They all nodded when Pakkun finished, it was a much better idea than all the variants they throw around.


'' Report.'' a cold voice echoed in the almost barren room.

'' Subject H has a violent but silent reaction upon interacting with his new teammates. The Uchiha and the civilian girl are not pleasant either with their new but much better teammate and are trying to make themselves more superior than Subject H.'' a small stature, tuffs of black hair '' There are no sign of him leaving the Snake Sannin house, neither himself or the promising girl can be reached inside the house.''

'' Disappointing. The Snake.''

'' No signs of accepting the offer after rejecting it months ago.'' the same person said before stepping back and letting another person take's it place.

'' The dog.''

'' Despite the new fascination of eating raw meat he doesn't venture out for anything bigger than mice and small birds. More observation it's needed. No sign of being discovered.'' the person stepped back

'' Now the most important part. Do tell Hound.'' a much taller person, older as well stepped forward, despite the blank mask he wasn't wearing a long hospital coat and not a black uniform

'' There are no advance on the wolf cellules. No subject survived past a few months. We begin to think that there would be a need for an actual impregnation at this rate. The Tree subjects are much more developed, already five of them passing the stage outside the pond.'' it was a much softer voice than one could image, a perfect one when talking with a child

'' Fertile subjects will be brough to you. Do not disappoint.'' all three of them bowed '' Dismissed.'' when the three soldiers left the man sighed frustrated. Who would have though that a mere dog would be so troublesome to cut.