
Chapter 11

'' I'm home./ Home!'' Kakashi and Anko said upon entering, the smell of medicinal herbs coming in waves from the basement.

'' Welcome home, Kakashi-kun.'' Orochimaru said hesitantly, petting Anko head briefly when she runned to her room yelling something about a present

'' Mh.'' Kakashi nodded feeling awkward. He thinks of who was in front of him but Pakkun words overpower other thoughts. He will do what his body wants sometimes, not concentrate on those awful, awful memories and compare everything with his Before experiences.

Despite the fact that they lived together for quite some time, both of them avoided those words. Kakashi comes closer to Orochimaru and leans heavily on his leg and sighs dramatically.

'' I really hope she doesn't give me a cat.'' Kakashi said rubbing his head on him, making his hair stand up even more

Orochimaru patted his head before giving a low laugh. Before Kakashi could say anything Anko barged out of the room and almost throw at him a fluffy golden ball.

'' I found it in a dumpster but I washed it and now it's shiny!'' she said excited looking at him expectantly

With golden fur and startling blue eyes, the pup whined at him.

'' Naruto?'' Kakashi asked confused holding the pup high


Anko gasped loudly, while Oro hand was holding him upright. Kakashi didn't understand.

'' You must be hungry. I didn't know you liked narutomaki.'' Anko said bouncing her leg looking more than pleasant with her gift '' Anyway! -'' she begin ''- I washed this guy like lots and lots, because some bastards throw him in a dumpster and he was so brown and smelly, but I still brough him to you.'' Anko explained

'' Anko-chan-'' Oro voice interrupted whatever she wanted to say '' - did you finish showing Poke around?'' he nodded towards a purple snake hidden in her hair. Anko gasped and with a last wave left the two of them behind. Orochimaru sighs deflating a little but his hand never fall off Kakashi shoulder '' You must be tired.'' he said almost hesitantly

'' You can let Naruto go if you want.'' Oro said and Kakashi just realized he was still holding the golden furred pup at arm length and not moving.

Kakashi-sensei! You are late! a small teen, barely reaching his hip pointed at his face

'' Kakashi?'' the hand tried to move him making him flinch '' Hmm. You must be pretty tired.'' light hands guiding him, holding the golden pup closer. Kakashi wasn't sure how it happened but in a matter of seconds he was carefully tucked away in his bed, the pup beside his head and slim fingers cradling his head.

Ah, he was in shock.

'' Sleep now, Kakashi.'' Oro said quietly and activated the Sound Diffusing Seals in his room. Sleep come too fast when there were no sound around him and if the pup orange smelling fur was right beside his nose than he was non the wiser. Kakashi could almost image he was in a mission sleeping behind his precious students, pack.

He dreamed of sunshine and the smell of ashes. Of gentle flowery scent and deep Vetiver. Of laughter and cry's. Of fear and the feeling of being proud, of peace settling in his bones after so many years.

And he realized he missed his children, his friends, his home. Because for all his trying, this wasn't his home anymore.

He wake up with wet checks and a whining golden pup at his head.

'' Well.. this is...'' Pakkun said hesitantly sniffing the new pup '' He smells like Naruto I give you that. But Boss. He ain't.'' the pug said finally making Kakashi breath in relief

'' I'm so happy and sad at the same time.'' Kakashi said frustrated wiping his face of sleep and the wet marks but we don't talk about them '' And I named him Naruto too. '' at Pakkun look he added '' It just slipped! Just look at his -'' he pointed at the pup big blue eyes ''- they look the same!''

'' It's just the same color Pup. And yeah maybe his eyes look a little too bright but we are paranoid by nature.'' Pakkun said licking a board strip on the new pup face '' And now this little guy is part of the Pack. Named and everything.'' Kakashi groaned but he didn't hesitate to cuddle the golden pup, Naruto at his chest, sticking his nose to his neck and viceversa.

Pakkun snorts and remembers how all the pups were hold like that at some point of time, so they could familiarize with Kakashi scent. It was cute, real cute.

'' We need to add him in the Contract so we can communicate better.'' Pakkun said after some time passed where he let the pup sniff him all he liked. Curious one.

'' About that how are the cubs? I'm still not sure how much Canine blood they have so there are always change of getting dangerous for them.'' Kakashi mussed letting the golden pup, no. Naruto climb into his lap. And that sounds so weirds, wow.

'' They are good, but are you sure we should give them to Anko?'' Pakkun asked a little worried, that girl makes enough chaos without three grizzly bears after her

Kakashi shrugs unbothered and said '' It's not like they can stay in our Realm, they are not dogs Pakkun. And Anko can be really kind if you say the right words.''

'' Whatever you say.'' Pakkun said sighing and taking Naruto in the Canine Realm. In around a week the new packmate should say his first words and accommodate with human language.

Kakashi sighed and said to himself

'' Now, how do I explain this to Anko? Or Oro for that matter?''


He didn't. It took an entire week to explain to Anko everything and also make sure she doesn't make anything stupid. It was also too easy convincing her into his scheme. Hide he Bear Summons from Orochimaru and hope he doesn't kick us out at the end.

He continued with his life without looking back. Or at last he tried till Gai called after him and how could he not stop? It was the first time he sounded panicked.