
There's Something Wrong With You, My Lord!

Battered, injured, jaded and marvellously wreaked. Luis Lee was one of the powerful ability users during the chaotic time of the apocalypse but that was until he found himself reincarnated in a magical world full of hunks and gorgeously powerful moon elves.  At that moment he thought, "Let's live a slow slutty life, (b)itches!" These long-eared hotties needed him for something and the new moon elf lord was determined to do nothing. However, an obnoxious system was added into the mix saying that he is reincarnated in a world of a book. System administrator: This world will usher an Apocalypse after a decade. So enjoy your stay (b)itch. Few days old moon elf lord: Will I ever get a proper rest? A story of a perverted soul who just wanted to get laid starts now. Author's Note: Bearers are another gender of the moon elves. They have PP but has the ability to 'bear children'. This concept is practically like an omegaverse- minus the heat. This is my first ever novel. :) The book cover is a commissioned art made by Kanl Art. Paid by the Author using all the love that the beloved readers gave to this book! Hihihi! Do not use without Author's permission. Contact me @ https://discord.gg/M6N3nDkA

Imsuperberbs20 · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
240 Chs


Shane Greenwoods has long been existing in the northern part of the Amber Forest but it was nothing but an unnamed and unexplored vast woodland until 400 years ago.

During the time of the great draught to be specific.

The moon elves at that time named this land as Shane Greenwoods for it's amazing vitality even during the time when most of the parts of the Amber Forest are on the verge of turning into a dead land. Some elders exaggeratingly said that the extreme weather made the greenery shine like a well-polished moonstone.

Now, the Shane Greenwoods which was originally snubbed, became the woodland that has the most moon elf activities.

This also made the Shane Greenwoods as the land that is subjected to various exploration and studies by the temple.

Currently, the moon elves found out that the Shane Greenwoods is actually divided into three circles of which has varying eco-system and different density when it comes to mana and nature's energy. These are the outer, middle and inner. Outer circle is relatively safe with few low danger critters like stag and wild dogs.

Middle circle is the farthest that most moon elves can go since most of the mystic beasts residing there are ranging from three star to four star beasts.

Inner circle was the most mysterious one as only few of the strongest moon elves are lucky and strong enough to reach that part of the Shane Greenwoods.

"So what you are saying is, after you arrive in the hunting ground the 24 member hunting group decided to split up into four groups so that you can hunt for more preys, just like the usual?" Luis clarified. He is currently listening to Rion's report about the incident that happen. He is the one that he send as a help for the hunting group so by virtue, it is his responsibility to tell the details of the accident.

Rion nod yes and he continued, "I also decided to split up the sentinels from my squad so that we can serve as an aerial scout for them so that we can immediately spot if there is any prey nearby or a powerful mystical beast that we need to avoid." Luis considers this and he thought that it is indeed reasonable.

"Our initial arrangement was that we will search for prey in the outer circle of the Shane Greenwoods. The outer circle is the largest so we do not need to worry moving around.

"The density of the nature's energy and mana in that part is subtle which is the reason why most spiritual and energy rich herbs are abundant in that part. The trees are sparse and herbal and fruit bearing shrubs cover most of the places. Because of the abundance of food for plant-eating mystic beasts, one star beast such as flame horned bull and and four-pronged stag are rich in the area. These are the meats that you enjoyed the most my lord so we decided to hunt it for the banquet." Rion's explanation almost choked Luis.

Luis suddenly felt guilty. As far as eating is concerned, he admits that he is kind of picky. Especially when it comes to meat... Meat...

Luis once again pulled his wandering mind and resumed with all seriousness.

"I see," Luis cannot see any fault in that. They just wanted to provide something that their moon elf lord will like. That is passable.

"So, what happen? I've seen the injuries that the warriors have and they are not torn by the claws or teeth of a beast. The cut was rather clean as if it was slashed by a blade." Luis pointedly asked the detail that has been bugging him.

Contrary to how backward the moon elves live, iron is already a common tool among them.

In fact the moon elves already has their own smithing technique. The metal clans which settled in the Redhill mountain peaks are actually the number one source of all the metal tools of the entire race.

Considering the existence of iron weapons, Luis already know that the injury should be inflicted by a being that is smart enough to use weapons and the one that fits this condition is of the same race.

Luis is someone that came from apocalypse and he had seen groups interlocked into a bloody conflict all for various reason.

Shane Greenwoods is a rich resources. There are four clans sharing it. It does not take a genius to know that there must be conflict of interest going on.

Detective Luis' final conclusion is the incident yesterday is the brunt of conflict between clans. This is something he expected and he is quite sure about it. Thought the delusional moon elf lord.

"That..." Rion intensionally or unintentionally stalled for a few moments as if he is hesitating. "The hunting group fought with a band of rogues in the middle circle, my lord. They had a dispute over a beast that this hunting group was chasing. Supposedly this is for the contract beast of a young moon elf named Jiro."

Probably immersed in his fantasy of being a detective, Luis mouth flew without even understanding anything.

"Then I was right, this is a clan dispute between the Hyon Clan and the Rogue Cl- hold on, do we have a Rogue Clan living here in Amber Forest?" Luis initially thought that his guess was right but he abruptly realized that he is actually wrong so he asked for someone to clarify.

"Answering your question, my lord," Nicol answered immediately. "Rogues are the moon elves who are not part of any clan recognized by the temple. They are either kicked out for doing something harmful for the clan or they ran away. They will often times form a group in the wild and will hunt for prey in the territory of some clans since they do not have permanent dwellings."

Luis now understood if there is a conflict that happen during the hunt.

Trespassing is a crime in his previous life and that doesn't change in this formerly lawless place. Everyone wants to protect their interests so it is understandable to act with hostility when there is someone trying to take what you believe is yours.

Honestly, he feels sympathy towards these moon elves. Living a nomadic life is no joke with all the uncertainty and danger in the wild. Having a place called home is a goal for everyone.

"But why don't the temple just consider these group of rogues as a clan altogether? Give them a place to live and hunt?" Luis thought beautifully that the temple as an institution would do something like this.

Nicol then truthfully explained though he is feeling ashamed himself. "It was stipulated in the agreement before that the clan should be connected by blood and lineages before it will be recognized by the temple. And the moon goddess's temple adheres to the rule that the temple would not mess with the authority of the moon elf lord to rule so we barely involved in managing the moon elf race."

Luis was once again reminded of that rule. Truthfully speaking, he find such rule astringent yet commendable. Since he had seen many awful times when religion tries to blend with governance back in Earth, Luis doesn't want to believe that there is this moon goddess's temple that denies any kind of involvement with authority.

Luis is not sure if he should feel touched or what.

"Then what measures that the temple did for the welfare of these moon elves?"

"Welfare, my lord?" Rion innocently asked.

Confusion is what he can see in the faces of the others.

Luis almost face palmed himself.

Right, moon elves believes in the survival of the fittest. They would rather push the other to stand up and fight rather than encouraging them.

This is the source of their strength. Luis chose to understand.

He asked once again.

"Did the temple reach out to them for the sake of communicating?"

The silence is all it takes to answer.

Luis can finally trace the holistic essence of the temple for the entire moon elf race. The temple's main duty was to ensure the survival of the entire moon elf race. That is the big picture.

They will care for anything that concerns the future of the entire moon elf. Hence the commendable efforts to make potions and caring for the reproductive health of the bearers.

However, this does not necessarily mean that they will take the initiative to manage the entire moon elf as this duty was supposedly for the moon elf lord. This is praiseworthy if we will just solely look at their mindfulness in drawing the line.

Although there are some occasion that could serve as an exception such as when the entire race is in chaos before the establishment of the clans, that was it, their concern is very limited.

Luis does not know if he could say that the temple is heartless or dutiful.

They are rigid due to the dogma that was handed to them from the very beginning. They are inflexible.

And that is not helpful for Luis since he is preparing for the apocalypse. He is planning to make huge changes in the entire moon elf race. If the temple cannot groove with him, then he is not sure on who will suffer.

Luis maybe h*rny and a mitch (male [b]itch) but he is genuine when he says that he wants to rule the whole race and no one should be left out.

"Nicol, I am gonna tell this to you as the future of the temple is in your hands. If you plan to save the entire moon elf race, you need to start touching with the tiniest part of the race. That is the basic way of keeping an ideology going. For now, the moon elves still believe in the moon goddess as their god. Hence the temple's place in their mind is still in the prime. But what if there was a tragedy happening that made them question the moon goddess? Do you think they will still believe in the words from the temple when you are so far from them?" Luis said it based on the knowledge and the things that he experienced himself back in Earth.

Those words are just words. It was up to Nicol as the head priest if he will turn this into a guide from here on forward.

"Make the temple as the pillar that could stand with me, the moon elf lord"

He then faced the other moon elves and said his decision.

"I can more or less guess of what transpired based what your behavior towards that group of moon elves. And to be honest, I think there is no victim between the two of you. Because I think what happen was a two-way miscommunication. Tomorrow, we will set off to Shane Greenwoods."


In the north-eastern most edge of the outer circle of Shane Greenwoods. No one has never been into this part of the wood land so no one knows that this part is situated in the foot of a rocky peak of a mountain belonging to Thilbi Mountain ranges.

However, just a few meters from a water falls. There is a group of weird looking earth structure is seen there. It is covered with some ivies and wall-crawling plants.

From a far, it is difficult to assume what this structure was but if you look closely, from the peculiarly made wooden windows to doors. This is clearly a group of houses.

A few small orcs could be seen playing in the outside. Full of life and care fee.

In one of the house, a young moon elf with an extremely handsome face is putting on a bondage on himself. His wound in his back is long and deep palling his supposedly eye-catching back muscles. Signs of festering can be seen and his face was pale as though he is sick.

One look and it is evident that he is getting worse but his cold expression doesn't give it away.

Xagrien wiped his sweat away from his face.

'The wound should be healed or else the one that I am dreading will happen,' he said in the back of his mind.

He was getting dressed when a small orc with an eye-catching wolf ear and tail appeared in the door.

"Brother Xagrien, you are here! My brother said that we need to move again. Is that true?" It was Nine, the younger brother of Sibal, they are living together as a group ever since they met in the Good Pine Planes so this kid is more like a little brother for him.

Xagrien wiped away his cold expression and smiled at the little chatterbox.

"Can't we just stay here? I like it here. There is a falls near our home. We don't need to worry about water and food is also a lot. We can even catch a prey a few walks from our home. Isn't this the paradise that our previous tribe's witch is saying?"

"Why would your brother say that we will move again? This will be our new home. We will not leave." Xagrien said to appease the child orc.

However, Nine is obviously smarter than his age. He knows the ways of the world when it comes to rogue like them.

"But it was said that a group of moon elves discovered our presence here. I've seen Uncle Finue bleeding when he came back yesterday. Won't they send us away just like the others?"

"No, it is impossible for them to find us. So they cannot send us away this time." He explained in a very gentle tone. This masked the coldness that momentarily passed at the gaze of his purple eyes.

Who's that gong'emon?!

Anyway, here is today's chapter. I hope you like the little sneak peek.

I also want to thank for yesterday's power stone. Please know that I really appreciate it.

This mitch (you know what I mean) is not forcing you but if you enjoy, please give me some vote and a very short comment. ;)

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