
Chapter 33

The small home coming party was what us girls needed, Shay and Tana had a blast up until they passed out on the couch.

The rest of us decided to move to the Man cave the looks on Jay, Moon Bin, and Rockys face were that of fat kids in a candy store.

Who would have thought Jay park a former member of 2pm, and world known sexy solo artist would be geeking out over a man cave.

Between him eyeing the wall of game systems that I hunted down on ebay to the fully stocked bar he looked like he was in heven and we hadn't even gone into the sound studio I move in here from the house or the movie room I also had added a snack bar.

Rocky and Moon Bin gave each other a look, than looked at me and asked in unison, "when can I move in?"

Anna laughed and replied, "when you get permission from my father and your lable. Isn't it like living with the enemy? Wouldnt your lable be afraid we would steal you?"

"but, its so nice here! We know you even have a practice room elsewhere, if we kept up with parctice they couldn't complain right?" asked Rocky.

I shook my head and replied, "if you were my artist I wouldnt like it. So, no but I am fixing up the house next door its a 4 bedroom two bath if you want I will rent it out to you boys. You can even give me a list of things you would like, and I will see what I can do."

Jay kept bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet waiting to ask a question. Anna amused asked, " let me guess you want a key too?"

He nooded with a sly smile and said, "yes to your heart and to your love."

Embarresed Anna just smiled and blushed Amber seeing Anna in a awkward predicament came to her side and said, "until she gets rid of the monster at her side, no one is allowed to touch my little angel, but me." she then picked Anna up and and ran away with her leaving the boys smiling after them.

Rocky then looked at Jay and said, "Dude you better belive once that girl is free, you will have competition their are many Idols waiting for a chance, one of them is king Daesung of bigbang the rest are in Bts, Astro, Got7, Seventeen, Monster X, and Super Junior. Dude good luck you will need it as much as I will."

Jays face fell as he saw his chances to be with in his opinion the most spectacular woman he has ever known, besides his mother.

Anna looking around at her frinds got a idea, why not have a end of a tour party...


The music was loud and kept beat with her heart, Anna and Jay were dancing to the up-beat rythem their clothes clinging to them from the heat. His hands where on her thighs leaving tingles as he moved them. She loved the smell of him it was natural it was just him.

She snaked her arms around the back of his neck while grinding her backside against him. She could feel him stiffen and growl in frustration, she looked up at his beautiful dark eyes that looked like the ocean at night, gave him a sign that she understood what he wanted, anna wanted it as well.

Anna looked around the yard bodys where everywhere doing various forms os activities she looked at the large windows of her house were more music and dancing was and saw all her friends and a bunch of celebrities she knew of but didn't know.

She had to be careful just one leak and more than one career was over not just hers. She let out of frustrated side she didn't want to let go of the demigod, that came to her willingly, but she had to.

She went over to the bartender that she has hired and told him everyone was cut off the rest of the alcohol was to be put away in her room, she gave him the key to lock it up behind him after. Anna went to her office and looked at the 10 different baskets filled to the brim to phones, she gave a big sigh she was going to have to call managers to come and get the people they were in charge of, so they weren't caught by the press.

Anna knew that this was going to take her all night if she didn't get help so she went in search of one of her sober friends or at least a somewhat sober friends.

Anna then saw Jay one of her white couches in the living room looking bored and out of place with a cigar in his hand and trying to tell if one of my trainees to keep her hands to herself.

I walked up to him and asked" you wanna help me? I think its time to call some managers to pick up some people and take them home."

A look of Relief came across his face and instant before he said "I know one manager that really needs to come get his or her trainee"

I looked at the small girl no more than 18 or 19 and shook my head with a frown and said, "I will call appa and have him do a mass text to all managers. In my company. These ones should not have been able to be here, they have curfew and its almost 4 in the morning."

He then gave a wicked smile before whipping out a marker with the letter means Sharpie on it. I smiled too, maybe Jay Park was my spirit animal. He handed over one of the sharpies to me, and I wrote on her forehead out past curfew and drunk. I then looked around the room for some more trainees I spotted the group and the corner there was a few that look like they were still sober so I went over to them first and I asked which one of you wants an autograph from your Noona two boys look at me I could tell that they were sober and gave me a big smile and nodded in agreement. I straddled the first one wrote past curfew on his cheek I looked at the other one that was opposite of the cheek I wrote on and smiled and climbed upon him and you wrote the same thing I've been looked at their drunk comrades and smiled each one of them I wrote passed out pass curfew and drunk or just past curfew and drunk after I was finished with them I looked for my next victims it took me a good half hour before I found every trainee in my company and a few from other companies. A few of my friends figured out what I was doing and started joining me and getting their trainees.

Honestly was the most fun I've had all night besides dancing with Jay when all trainees are marked I called my appa and let him know what needed to be done he told me that he would the other companies ceos too to help.

It took all managers 15 to 20 minutes to get to my house, it was as if there was a raid people started fleeing as if the cops are coming after them. but no something worse it was their managers.

Once the managers caught their charges they came up to me and asked where to find the phones and if anyone took pictures I led a small group to my office and asked them to call the phone they needed one by one.

Each manager got there charges phone with a thank you, a couple even said, that it was awesome that I took the phones away beforehand that way no one could leaked photos. I gave them a smile and a nod and tell them you're welcome soon the crowd start to diminish that and the phone in the baskets until it was just the phones that I recognized.

Some where Jays AMOG artist phones a couple where my groups then there was two I didn't recognized I put the rest of the phones in the basket and went to look for their owners the first person I found was loco he had passed out ontop of a floaty in The pool the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end knowing that that was unsafe, I took off my dress and my shoes jumping in I made my way  to him gently pushing him to the side of the pool then shaking him gently saying in a a provocative voice, "let's go to bed honey, I'm all wet.." his eye has snapped open and looked at me I gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, "honey you're not very safe right here why don't you go and get in bed with me?" he tried to get up but ended upfalling into the pool, worried I dove down and grabbed him by the arm and pulled he started to swim with me we reached the surface he gave me a look of embarrassment before saying, "I'm sorry darling you're hot and all but I have someone," I just gave him respectful and smiling replied, "you're hot and all but I was just trying to get you out of the very dangerous situation. you go inside and find you a place to sleep that isn't on a body of water."

He smiled and swam over to the side of the pool and jumped out I followed him and he helped me out of the pool once he noticed what I was wearing he turn a deep crimson then turned around I looked down and smiled, Anna had just a white lace bra with some lace thongs she was never going to understand the Korean culture, and how they can have saunas where everybody is naked butt when it comes to being barely clothed they're all shy, at least she had her goody Parts r

covered, she thought it was cute that he was shy and bashful. wondering who else would feel the same way.

I grabbed Locos hand after finding my clothes and putting them on and told him to follow me I let him to one of the spare bedrooms where I found ugly duck and Won-jae passed out. Anna gave Loco a smile then went to her room where she produced the key that the bartender gave back and unlocked it.

Anna was still holding Locos hand and pulled him into the room saying, "you can find some clothes in the closet over there." he gave me embarrassed nod and went through the boys side closet, I went over to the girls side and decided to find a pair of comfy shorts and a tank top wet underwear was not fun to wear.


Anna quickly discarded the clothes that she was wearing and was in the process of looking for her most comfy shorts and tank top when the door opened showing locos head pop in I gave him a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

He gave an odd look of a deer caught in headlights, then slowly turned a deep tomato like red.

Anna was one that was very comfortable with her body so she tilted her head to the side and put her hand on her hip and asked "did you need something sweetheart?"

He gave a visible gulp not able to stop looking she just smiled and said, "if you need to know where you can sleep you can either sleep with me in my bed here after I find everybody make sure that they're safe, or I can find you another room, though by that time you might have to share with somebody else."

I could tell that he was slowly getting very uncomfortable so I turned back to my clothes selection I found a green lace shorts that hugged every curve and a White lacy tank top that didn't leave much to the imagination. she put them on slowly knowing that he is watching every move she was is making.

Anna purposely made some of the lace get caught into her hair so she turned to Loco and asked, "can you please come here and help? Me my hair is caught?"

Thats when she herd a thud she moved the bottom of the lace tank top out of her eyes and saw a very passed out Loco on the floor with blood coming out of his nose.

Anna and decided to take the tank top off and find a different one that was a little less revealing thinking to herself these Korean boys their hearts just can't take an American Girl. especially one with loose morals like me hopefully one day I'll find a man who can put me on the right path until then I going to have fun.

Anna put on her tank top and then went over to Loco using all her strength she lifted him up and carried him over to her bed.

he still had all of his jewelry on she removed it all and put it onto the side table Bowl along with his wallet. she tuckef him in and give him a kiss on the forehead.

she made her way to the bathroom where she knew she had a glass and some Tylenol.

She filled the glass up with water and put it next to it wallet along with two pills she knew he would need those tomorrow.

I made my way threw the house I found shay and grey on her bed paased out pillows between them, Tana, cha cha and Elo where in a cuddle pile in her room Dj Wegun was under his dj booth asleep holding one of my rainbow bears asleep I put a blanket on him and placed a couch pillow under his head so he would be more comfortable.

I found in the kitchen Gummy and Kunst cuddled up to one another passed out I gave them pillows and a blanket also but I then took an extra step and took a picture the looked so cute and happy.

Not finding anyone else I went outside and foud a passed out Lee Kwang Soo on a lounge seat his lanky form look so cute I couldnt help myself and took a picture I was happy he had fun tonight.

I then took another picture of me kissing him on the mouth and sent it to his phone caption "too bad you were a sleep and didnt wake up I guess im not you princess after all"

I giggled to myself then went to look for hoody and Jay i2 knew they where here if the rest of AMOG was. I found them in the man cave arguing, I slowly walked to the door and listened.

"I am tierd of beeing the only female! Get her to sign with us trick her or make her fall for if you have to Jay!"hoody was angry and determined.

" it's not that easy, she partially owns the damn company she is signed with and once her father steps down she will have complete control!"jays voice was strained

"So you have done worse to get what you want. Hell merge with her company if thats what it takes but get her she is making billions a month just her her group only make 1/8 of what she makes alone. I want that money and her." They then started talking hushed voices.

I counted to 30 before I entered the room so they wouldn't know that I heard their entire plan a knew what they were talking about and who they were talking about I was so used to companies trying to poach me amusing underhanded methods.

I guess that's why I've started to become the way I am, "use them abuse them and then leave them." has become my new motto as of late.

I gave the biggest false smile I could as I entered the room acting like I was drunk off my ass I walked over to hoody and fell onto her lap and started playing with her hair. Getting a evil idea "your so perrty canz i kiss your perrty libz?"

Hoody gave Jay a worried look I took that moment to straddle her slipping my hand up her dress to feel for her clit and kiss her I started rubbing her clit in circular motions kissing her taking her breath away I finally heard a moan that I wanted I trailed my kisses down her neck running my fingers through her long luscious locks holding her head in place so I can lightly nip her neck She let out a moan then.

I inserted two fingers inside of her while still rubbing her clit with my I entered slowly making her stretch her wetness got over my hand I could start smelling the lust I explored her mouth kissing her passionately.

Jay just watching his mouth slightly open as if he had never witnessed something like that before I let go of her mouth and then I looked at Jay up and down befor pulling him to me and kissing him I made shure to keep my other hand pleasuring Hoody I could tell she was close so I inserted the anther finger inside her this had her riding my hand just as she was about to release I let go of jay and made my way to my knees I pulled her legs apart then I started to suck on her clit this made her grab my head she started to buck like a wild horse I used my now free hand to hold her hips to my head and I started sucking hard licking up all the fluids she was releasing she started to relax her wimper softening.

I let her go then I acted unsteady and smiled a drunk smile and said, "that taste yummy..." I looked over to jay and he had lust all over his face though he did just watch live porn. I went over to him a kissed him and said," your a very pretty boy too bad your not a girl or Kwang Soo. Have you seen him? I want to ride him now."

Jay looked shocked that I perfered everyones favorite walking punch line to him.

I didnt give him a chance to respond I turned around and teaterd to the door.

I found Kwang Soo where I left him I moved him enough to snuggle him. I accidentally rub my hand across his stomach I knew that he was built like a rock might have to rethink the whole keeping him just a friend.

I wrapped his arm around me do you think each other as a pillow and then I kissed him on the mouth his eyes shot open in surprise I looked at him under my eyelashes and gave him a shy smile before asking "can I sleep with you tonight?"

He turned beet red before saying, "only if we can use something more comfortable" I smiled. Got up and helped him up he towered over me but I knew the couch in upstairs man cave pulled out into a bed. I took his hand and asked will you carry me to the 1st room on the second flor of that building?

He nodded so I jumped on to his front wrapping my legs around his waist he placed his hand on eather side of my butt I started to kiss his neck thin his collar bown eventually I felt his not so little buddy.

I smiled we made our way to the room I wanted, passing a curious hoody and a shocked Jay. I pointed to the room I wanted then jumped off him I pulled out the already made bed and used the trow pillows for pillows.

I then looked at kwang Soo and I jumped on the bed making me level to him and kissed him hard he wrapped his arms around me tangling his hands into my hair I pulled him ontop of me, he was gental he helped me with my top as I helped him with his pants once my top part was exposed he trailed kisses on my collarbone down to my left nipple he kept my right breast with his hand as he sucked gently on my left nipple I can feel heat building.

area as if he knew what I wanted he started making his way to my hip bones slowly releasing of my shorts he looked up at me as if asking for permission I moaned "please" wanting more his gentle touch driving me crazy his mouth found my sweet spot he licked my clit before inserting two long fingers inside he started to suck on my clit making me moan in pleasure the longer he went on the less control I had before I was begging him to fuck me.

He slowly entered me letting get accustomed to his Garth and length I was slightly worried he might be to large he growled saying, "you're so tight I took all of him he bottemed out and I could feel him hit the wall, with the most pleasent pain I have ever experienced.

As we both where reaching our climax I was screaming his name as if he was the only man in the world his last pump inside me was hard and fast it shadered me I crumbled in a sreaming orgasm while clinging to him for dear life.

i didn't want him to let me go I kissed him hard saying sweet nothing's into his ear afterwards.

I held on to him as he adjusted us to a comfortable sleeping position I snuggled onto him breathing in a his musky scent of pure delight. I started trailing my nails down his back after a minute or two I could feel him harden again I looked up at him and ask"more, please?"

He smiled down at me and laid on his back giving me free reign of his body I climed on top of him and slowly let him enter me I then tightend my kegles and rode him hard, my breast jumping up and down his hands were on my hips helping stay steady his moans made me want to fuck him harder and harder, as we spent ourselves again and again I could feel all of his seed coming out I finally collapsed ontop of him panting heavily with him.

I loved how even flacid he could stay in me while we move to be comfortable. I pulled the sheets onto us then cuddled up to him he held me as if he want to protect me from everyone and everything.

I smiled then fell fast asleep in his arms.