
Chapter 26

I got into the building and there was paramedics everywhere, and people with their heads in trash cans and bowls or just throwing up on the floor.

It was total chaos the worst cases were being hauled off in the ambulance that were awaiting outside.

What has happened here? Was my first thought my second was... I think I am going to be sick from this smell...

I ran up to Shay avoiding the sickness on the floor. She was helping one of the younger trainee boys who was throwing up and crying for his mother in between throw ups.

Tana was helping a little girl who looked listless, I recognized her as one of our middle school trainees that just joined the company.

One of the guards came up to me panicking and asked, "do you have a car? We have run out of vans to drive everyone to the hospital."

I nodded than said, "yeah but your driving it with them, I will start calling cab companies too. What happened here?"

He took my keys and said, "its not just us its other companies that use the same cafeteria food supplier everyone has food poising bad..."

He than ran to a group of four sick kids and had them following him. I yelled "put the car seat in the trunk!" He gave me a weird look than nodded.

I got my phone out and started dialing cab companies telling them the problem, that I would pay double for any messes on the way to the hospital, when everything was done they could bill me personally.

The cabs started to show up and people started to get in them, After 2 hours everyone was at the hospital that needed to be.

I went up to my office and Found YaoChen rocking a sleepy YoungJa he took one look at me and my vomit encrusted clothing and said "girl... You go take a long shower I will bring you a towel and clothes. We can burn all that Gucci tonight. Even if its a waist of good Gucci."

I just hung my head and did what he said to do not having the will power to fight not that I wanted to, After having over 20 people vomit on me today I was reminded why I didn't ever want to be a nurse.

As I was pealing my clothes off I was gagging and throwing them away making sure nothing was in the pockets I knew the cheerleader in my head had ran away fr9m the horror that was this morning so far.

I knew I was in there forever but I didn't think I would ever get the smell off of me I just wanted to scrub the morning fr9m my brain this is why I would never be able to be a horror movie actress.

I finally got a knock on the shower door, it was YaoChen he opens it and adverts his eyes saying, "if you stay in there any longer you want have any skin left. you don't smell anymore."

With eyes adverted he handed me a Towel and resumed talking, "YoungJa is asleep on your couch. I am going to go buy you some clothes while you hang out with her. hopefully the maintenance people have cleaned up all the vomit I about lost it getting to your office."

I wrapped the towel around me than put my hair into a wet bun not wanting to deal with it until later.

I grabbed my phone out of my locker than tightly holding my towel I made my way to my office I had my work out clothes in the hidden closet in the wall.

I changed into my spanks and sports bra than I noticed my tank top was missing with men that Shay stole my clothes again.

I locked my door so no one will walk in on me barely clothed, and started to Finished my paper work, after what seemed like hours there was a knock on my door.

I opened the In came YaoChen saying, "baby girl I like the look very American cheerleader. But here in Korea its a little too little... Its not the Gucci but it will cover your bra and panties."

He handed me a complete BTS dope outfit shoes and accessories included it was a extra long T-shirt that went just above my knees that sad RM's girl on the back the light pink material was a soft cotton.

I was happy he got me a new back pack too, my red one is in the trash along with the wallet, clothes, and shoes.

I was smart enough to gently take everything out of the wallet so nothing touched the vomit to my relief though I could just rinse off the cards and IDs bout my passport and picture of my family was not risible.

It was all ruined by some young boy who threw up inside the bag like a barf bag he had grabbed it out of my hand as I was walking by.

When I Finished getting dressed I asked in a sweet voice, "will you please take a picture of me for my boyfriend he will really appreciate this look."

He took a couple of pictures for me of me than one of me and him together.

I sent the cutest picture and said, "after a very stressful and vomit induced day at work I had to have my new Manny go buy me new clothes. this is what he got me I guess I was thinking about you too hard and he picked up my thought waves. By the way he is gay he is dating my make up and hair guy so don't get jealous or start worrying."

I sent the message than I asked YaoChen, "when can I meet your boyfriend so I can hire him?"

He smiled and said, "I will call him right now he hates his current job all day he works on old lady's trying to make them look less old."

I than asked, "is it safe to leave this room and go down stairs? I need to go and see the damage to my car I let sick people ride in it.... Not many people know this but I have a very weak stomach I might send my manger to go get the Lexus. I am not trusting a van or cab of awhile..."

YoungJa woke up with smiles saying, "Unnie hungry? Me hungry." She was reaching up to me with her small little hands her big brown eyes in want for love and need.

I picked her up and smiled asking "you want to go out to eat and go shopping?" her face lit up at the thought of spending time with me.

She nodded I looked at YaoChen and asked, "you good with her here? I will only be a little bit." I didn't want to have her picture in the tabloids with me just in case another scandalous thing was written, she could be hurt in the process.

He nodded I handed her over than ran out when I got to the elevator I put on my mask as a precaution.

When I stepped out everything was clean but the mixture of bleach and vomit was a tad bit overwhelming, I stopped Breathing threw my nose, and ran to the Security office to get my keys when I got my keys from the same security officer I asked "do I need to get it detailed? is it that bad?"

he shook his head no and said, "no one threw up in it they only threw up on the side. I took it through the carwash before coming back it's clean. Thanks for all your help today with the boss in Australia on a scouting mission you are the second in command being his daughter and all. Also why did you have a child seat in your car? Don't worry I put it back the way it was."

I looked at him and said "I am taking care of a cousin of mine her mother is in the hospital and it does not look good she won't be with us for much longer. The child's father is over seas at the moment for work."

I gave him a small smile, "So, she is now my responsibility until I go to Japan when he will be taking her back. She will also be going on tour with the angels."

I looked around the

NAre you prepared to not have Mr. Lee for 6 months he is going with me on tour?"

If you show your really diligent at your job, he my have you as one of the three body guards that will be going with him."

I then excused myself and sent a message to YaoChen that the cost was clear and he could meet me at the back entrance.

The news reporter's where crowding the front entrance with the fans trying to get the scoop on what happened today Appa was going to be back in the morning so I wasn't going to try and get them to leave.

I was the only person that messaged him on what was happening here today.

being angry was an understatement he had take a 10 and a half hour flight from Sydney to Seoul. Then take care of everything while jet-lagged, yeah, angry was an understatement he was furious.

I went to the front desk and asked for the list of those hospitalized today, and their room numbers, to be emailed to me so I could send get well flowers.

I then got the BMW and drove it to the back of the building, While I waited for YoungJa and YaoChen I made a phone call to the hospital and took care of everyone's hospital bills from the company.

I than got the list that I wanted in my email there was over 80 employees sick from the cafeteria.

I let out a sigh knowing this was going to cost a lot by the end of the day I was just happy that it wasn't us it was the wholesaler that we bought from fault because YG, SM and some big name corporation's where struck also by the same company.

I called a popular flower boutique and placed an order for flowers for everyone telling them that it didn't matter what flowers they used as long as they were get well flowers and the cards said, "we hope you get well soon jyp entertainment." I then ordered some irises and daffodils with other non strong scented flowers,to be sent to every room saying, "get well soon with love. Angel Anna."

By the time I got off the phone YaoChen and YoungJa where in tube car waiting patiently for me to Finnish.

I looked at them and asked, "Korean or American? Because that's what I eat one or the other.."

He looked at me and said, "Korean I know a place if you want me to drive. You look like you need a nap time." I just nodded than we switched seats.

He than said, "I'm going to pick up my boyfriend too on the way so you can meet him."

I nodded and then hunker down in my seat and slowly passed out today was an exhausting day so far and it wasn't even noon yet. It was only 11:30 a.m.

By the time I woke up again there was a big black man in the back seat quietly fanboying, I had dried crusted saliva on the side of my mouth, on the side where he couldn't see, thank God!

I sat up and fix myself up making sure to get what I know I felt was dry crested saliva on the side of my mouth

I then looked at big black man and said, "hi, how are you? you must be the boyfriend I keep hearing about."

He shook my hand enthusiastically saying, "girl you have no idea how big of a fan I am. your Paradise Lost music video is my boy Jam. I want to learn those sexy moves."

I blushed and said, " I heard you were looking for a new job... them blackpink bitches stole my hair and makeup stylist, so now I'm looking for a new one a better one I want to look better than them bitches, sexy even. I want boys, girls, straight, or not thinking that I'm the hottest bitch around up there with my best friend CL. But I don't want to copy her she is the queen, she can keep her crown I want a tiara of princess. By the way I am sorry I was a sleep it been a very long and hard day already."

He smiled and said, "my Chenie here already filled me in no worries by the way my name is Allen. I would love to work with you especially since I would be working with you my Chenie all the time."

I looked over at YaoChen and said, " I'm not calling you that I'll call you oppa since you both are like technically older than me I'm only 19."

Arriving at the Mom and pop restaurant, Allen helped me take YoungJa out of her car seat.

she seem to really like Allen, she would pet his face and say, "pretty" and he would just smile at her saying, "I want to keep you you're good confidence booster."

We headed inside like a weird little family the two men holding hands like lovers holding a child and me a good two heads shorter than them leading the way.

When we entered the restaurant we were immediately greeted by an elderly lady who had a big smile on her face.

she lead us to our table and set us down next to four hooded Rowdy guys that we're at the table next to us she then brought a high chair for YoungJa.

All of a sudden there was a fan boy squeal at the next table than one of the guys with a hood said, "MJ shut up you don't want the fans to find us!"

"But...but its An Angel my favorite one! Anna is here!" said the guy who I assumed was MJ.

I know I should have worn a disguise...

I looked over at their table and gave my brightest smile and waved Showing them that I herd them and can still hear them.

"Omg its really her! Maybe she and her friends will eat with us?" said another hooded person that was just as hyperactive as the first.

Seriously, guys I am right here and can hear you... Why do your voices sound so familiar? Do I know them?

They than pulled their hoods down revealing, MJ, Rocky, Moon Bin, and Jin-Jin of Astro my personal favorite boy group at the moment.

My smile became a real smile, than Allen said, "well now we know the difference between the fake smile and the real one... I am guessing you know them."

I nodded than got up and gave MJ and Moon Bin a hug fangirl hug with a big smile taking them off guard.

Than Jin-Jin and rocky complained saying, "hey!" "we need hugs too!" I went to their side and hugged them also.

I than yelled, "excuse me, can we put the tables together?" to the older lady that was at the register.

She looked up at us and smiled than nodded a yes I moved YoungJa over to the side and the boys put the table together.

We than sat down me in between MJ and Moon Bin YoungJa between Allen and YaoChen Jin-Jin was next to MJ and rock by Allen.

I then introduced everyone moon bin than asked, "so why are you with a baby are you filming hello baby or something?"

Rocky interrupted moon Bin at this and said, "I will be your baby daddy all day any day." He than gave me a cheeky wink that made the blush I had just gotten go deeper.

I smiled at his frankness and said, "YoungJa is my cousins little girl, she is in the hospital and can no longer able to take care of her with her illness . So, I am since her father is abroad working and can't do so. Its only temporary until I can meet her father when I am going on tour in Japan."

YoungJa than asked, "Unnie, prince's?" pointing to Astro her large brown eyes looking at them threw her long eyelashes in shyness.

I nodded trying not to freak out over her and how adorable she is and said, "yes they are handsome prince's that sing And dance. If your good they my sing for you. Would you like that?"

She nodded her head so hard that I was worried about shaken baby syndrome and clapped bringing a smile to everyone.

Our food arrived and we enjoyed our time together when we where done Astro started to sing for YoungJa filling in the two missing members spots with a different member flawlessly.

By the end the whole restaurant was clapping, Moon bin than asked to sing a song with me good boy I replied, "Sure but afterwards you all have to trade numbers with me." he readily agreed to my terms and Moon Bin smiled like he won a bet.

By this time we had attracted people from outside and pictures and video was being taken of everyone staff was even out watching us have fun the elderly lady was telling people to order or get out.

Than people started to say encore so I sang with Jin-Jin umbrella, When we where finished I sat down and happily signed autographs took pictures until the crowd disappeared.

Astro did the same by the time we where done YoungJa was asleep in YoaChen's arms her angelic face had a small smile on it.

"I think its time for me and mine to leave. Thanks for the fun time." I said to astro hoping that they might want to join us at least moon Bin or Rocky they were such happy hyper people.

I then gave my card to MJ and saying, "share with the others. Though Sanha and EunWoo already have it."

He gave me a sad look and asked, "when did they get your number and not share?"

"On running idol they where the only ones to ask after the shooting was done." I said quite frankly.

I then went up to the sweet older lady and I apologized for the disturbance in her restaurant I knew it had gotten a little packed.

She smiled kindly at me and said, "honey we made more money today than we do in a year, because of you and your friends. I hope you come more often."

My group and I than left to go back shopping. I told YoaChen's that until it smells better I was working from home. But right now I needed to go get some things for YoungJa so she will feel more at ease at home and since he was the expert I needed his help.

As we pulled up to the mall I gave them each a card and said, "Allen you officially work for me at this moment your in charge of style and such for YoungJa and I, have fun there is no limit to this card, just remember you haven't seen my closet yet so don't go crazy with buying clothes for me today. "he nodded as if he wasn't internally excited about the no limit black card in his hand.

"have fun in baby's section and hair and make up they are your supplies, buy what ever you deem necessary. YaoChen I think if you go with Allen and YoungJa it would be a lot less hectic and you wont have to be mobbed by fans. I will get the rest like furniture and child proofing I will take care of."

When I was done we went our separate ways me with my hair tucked into a hat, my mask and sunglasses in place. I looked like a overly zealous fangirl with all my BTS gear.

I found a furniture store with different baby furniture displays I found a princess theme and ran with it.

I had everything placed as a same day shipment and arrival. When I left the store I was in a good mood because I Had called and got the passcode to Daesung's house so I could send the exact duplicate to his house he was so going to owe me big time.

When I was done I went to the toy shop when I was looking at toys I noticed that the angels had a Barbie's out so I got the set along with the Daesung Ken doll I found some learning toys for her age group and I got her some Disney princess dress up gowns just for fun.

I paid the sales clerk and went to hardware where I quickly found all I needed to baby proof a house.

By the time I was done my arms where loaded and my mask was getting hot so stupid me took the damn thing off and went to the food court.

As I got a strawberry and banana smoothie and blue berry muffin, a trio of teenage boys spotted me.

To my relief they let me sit down before they crowed around me and asked for pictures and autographs.

The boldest a tall bleach blonde handsome boy, maybe 17 or 18 asked, "why are you alone? Isn't it dangerous for pop stars like you to be alone?"

I looked at him and said, "my fans respect me enough not to hurt me and love me enough to keep antifans away. That's why I love my fans and every time I see them I am nice and like doing extra things for them like sit with them and talk like we are doing now."

He gave me a small smile and asked, "are you not getting tiered of carrying all these bags they look heavy? Wait are some of these toys for babies?"

I nodded and said, "I am going to be taking care of my little cousin for awhile, she is two and yes its getting tiring. That's why I sat down with a smoothie. I am also waiting for my stylist, Manny, and cousin to show up. Why are you offering to help me carry some?"

His blush made him look like a cute little kid talking to a girl for the first time.

I could see that my inner fangirl and cheerleader fighting over his cuteness and wanting to pinch his cheeks.

He shyly said, "I have been a fan since you where a trainee. So, carrying bags for you is like a dream come true."

I giggled into the back of my hand at his cute awkwardness and said, I "would you like to spend some time with me shopping? That is if you don't have any else to do and your friends went to join me."

they all nodded their heads enthusiastically, indicating that they wanted to join me. I just giggled some more at their silliness.

I finish my drink and asked, "is there any store that you guys want to go to? have already gone to all the ones that I need to."

They introduced themselves as Charlie Mike and Zayn, Charlie the shorter of the three with a unkempt curly red hair that was obviously dyed said, "we were just here to do some b- boy dancing and play at the video arcade, maybe win some prizes."

I than asked, " are you guys training somewhere if not why don't you come by jyp I'll ask him to do a private audition for you guys when he gets back tomorrow but only after I see what you guys got can any of you guys sing? if so we can do a blind audition right here if you're up to it... if you're my fan should know the song Troublemaker, you guys can do it with me."

Mike The tall one with black hair who is handsome as the other two said in a shy voice " I can do it if you're ok with it."

I got my phone and portable speaker out of my backpack and Set them on the fountain we where setting on and got the back ground music ready.

I than got into position with him and started, The other two boys joined us as background dancers, They where good and we gathered a crowd that was cheering us on.

At the end of the song people including the security guards that showed up chanted encore I let them show me some of their b-boy dance moves than joined the dance with my sexy urban dance movies.

Zayn was the better dancer I could tell he had more styles than b-boy so I partnered up with him he anticipated my moves and went with them fluidly as if we had practiced.

Since I couldn't go to work and practice I figured practicing with these guys at a mall would be good for publicity and the fans.

I did three more songs for everyone than after the last one I bowed to everyone and thanked them for their support the sweat was making my shirt cling to me but I loved doing things like this random performance with fans were the best.

I found Allen in the crowd of Asians only because he was a head taller than most of them. I waved at him than got my things with the help of my new friends and made my way to him.

When I reached him he said, " you just can't help but sing and dance wherever you are? While you are here we finished up shopping, and I drove the other two home, and came back to pick you up.

Figuring you might need help with your bags.

but I see that's not an issue do you want to introduce me to your new friends?"

I made introductions and then asked, "do you guys need a ride home? I know I just gave you a workout, and it's kind of suck having to ride a bus, or walk home afterwards."

They simultaneously nodded so I held my hand out for Allen to lead the way.

We got into the car and Allen asked to drive I let him they told me they where students and lived in Seodaemu-gu on the way to drop them of we did carpool karaoke and had fun.

When we let them off I gave them my business card and said, "if your wanting to join JYP... Just call and I will set up an audition room for you."

Allen than drove me home, where I knew I was going to have fun and relaxing time setting up YoungJa's room.

We got home just as the movers were arriving I like them too what would be the new Nursery and told them to have fun setting up.

I didn't realize that yap change had painted her room for me until after the movers left and I went and inspected the room.

It was perfect and YoungJa couldn't agree more, Allen and YaoChen did happy squeals than Allen said, "this is a room fit for a princess."

They then went and got our bags of toys and set up her room for her, While I went downstairs and started dinner.

As I was getting dinner ready when I got a call from NamJoon, I excitedly answered with, "Oppa how was your flight?"

"It was good I saw you on the news today anything interesting happen?" he asked with an inquisitive tone of voice.

I smiled into the phone and said, "are you talking about everyone getting food poisoning at our companies, or running into Astro and having fun in a restaurant, or doing a gorilla show at a mall with some kids I am trying to scout?"

Sounding amused at my answer to his question, he said, " D. all of the above. You have had a very busy day."

I used my cute sad voice and said, "oh Oppa you have no idea I couldn't go back to work once I left! just the thought of entering that building while it smells of bleach and vomit turns my tummy. So, since I couldn't practice at work I practiced in other places. Did you like my outfit?

He laughed and said, "yes, very sexy I saw that the back said RM's girl its nice to see your letting people know your taken."

I sighed into the phone and sat down saying, "I missed you this morning, all I could think about was how if you where here you would take charge and get things done.

So I did it even after a shit ton of people threw up on me, I didn't even cry even though I really wanted to."

"I miss you too I am proud of you for being my tough cookie under pressure. I will see you in a few weeks. So, don't miss me too much. Now I have to go I love you." He said this so tenderly it made my heart flutter than the empty hole of him not next to me deepen.

A tear slipped and I said "I love you too Oppa, please be safe and healthy." We hung up and I went back to cooking silently crying to myself because of my longing heart.

I finished up than set the table I than took a few minutes before calling everyone to eat and laid down on the couch and put a bag of frozen peas on my eyes to help with the swelling eyes.

When I felt I was better I put up the peas and yelled "dinner I made a simple tofu hotpot with some side dishes.

They thanked me for the meal and dug in YoungJa seemed to like the tofu more than anything so I picked mine out and gave it to her.

When our meal was finished I went to clear the table but Allen stopped me by saying, "you cooked and yeah it looked fun what you did today but it was still work your tiered why don't you let Chenie and I take over from here and go relax or do something you want to do." I nodded and went upstairs to my room I took a long bath than got ready for bed putting on Joonie's favorite nighty then getting my laptop out to Skype him.

I made sure my makeup was perfect along with my hair then I placed the laptop on to my bed and hit the call button it only took two rings before he answered I made sure I was completely covered up and then asked "are you alone?"

He was in his boxers and t-shirt looking like he just woke up and he said "yeah. it's weird it's morning here when I got here it was morning still that's after a 14hrs on a plane I am happy I slept the whole time so that it seemed normal that it was morning. Wait why are you covering up like that?"

"Are you alone?" I asked impatiently to the man on the screen who was oblivious to my predicament.

He gave me a curious look and then said "yes I'm alone." His dimpled smile could make the strongest of women swoon I was one of them.

I then put my laptop on the floor and I'm undid my blanket and showed him what I was hiding I got 30 seconds in before somebody was knocking on my door.

I hurried and put on my robe and went and answered it only peeking my head out it was YaoChen I blushed and asked, " did you need something?"

He gave me a big smile and asked, " it's bedtime for the little one, did you want me to put her to bed, or do you want to do it yourself?"

I thought about it for a minute and decide the mood was ruined and I said, "give me a couple minutes to get appropriate clothes on and I'll be there."

I went and picked up my laptop and said, "yabo, I have to go take care of young ja I figured the moods fried, we can try it tomorrow night or for you tomorrow morning maybe this time you can give me the strip tease." He nodded understanding that I had a new responsibilities now because of Daesung.

I then without turning off Skype took off my bra than got a pair of shorts and a tank top. I slowly put on the shorts and then with a little tease slowly put on my tank top.

He let out a groan and said, you better be prepared for when I get my hands on you I feel like there's going to be weeks of frustrations and pent-up urges that will need to be released."

"I love you by the way I have a swimsuit photoshoot in a couple of weeks you want a preview afterwards I can send some pictures to you?"

He nodded and said, "goodnight I love you too. Pictures will be awesome."

I kissed the screen than hung up needing to go put YoungJa asleep my heart breaks for her when I remember that she is about to lose her mother at such a young age.

I went too young ja room and grabbed a book off the shelf Goodnight Moon I snuggled up with her and started to read. I noticed that she wasn't asleep by the time I finished so I start singing Amazing Grace to her it worked like a charm.

When she fell asleep I snuck out of her bed and went and found the guys.

I told them that they needed to be here by 6: 30 or 7 in the morning I will take care of breakfast they just seen it take care of me and the kid.

I then went to my room and snuggled into Joonie's pillow, it smelled like him, I fell asleep thinking about the man I was longing for.