
The Youthful Age of Youths

In every corner of the world, a new project was about to be launched in the countries of Stellar. It was called "The Youthful Age of Youths". A program that aimed to revolutionize the world of sports and entertainment. With a primary focus on youth sports, the project aimed to provide a better training environment and promote Youth sports globally. They were looking for individuals who possessed not only exceptional skills but also a burning passion for their chosen sport. Only athletes who are professional in the five chosen sports; Tennis, Basketball, Volleyball, Basketball and Soccer, will be qualified to join the national youth team. As the young athletes trained diligently in the camps, their daily lives was monitored and watched by citizens who supported them. Out of the 120 participants of each camp, there are only fifteen that can reach the qualifier. Read as these youths fight to reach their dreams. Enduring hardship, overcoming challenges, and shearing laughter together. This book is all about friendship, passion, and entertainment in sports. PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK.

NobleFox · Esportes
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8 Chs

Chapter 1; Summoned to the Principal's Office

This is the third month of the 3045-school year. And some of the students have already begun to show their true colors, fighting, slacking off, being late and not coming to school. The ones that can still be considered exemplary are the ones who do attend, but even so, there's no doubt they're beginning to rebel against the system.

They just need some sort of catalyst to ignite their rebellion, a cause that would draw attention from the teachers. All youths are facing the same problem. Whether it's peer pressure, bullying or a lack of proper support, one way or the other, they still have things that trouble them.

Since ancient times to modern times, society has been run by the powerful. But in modern times, the rich have become more powerful. With money, status and power, comes more authority and more people with power. Technology has been advancing at an unprecedented rate. Since the extinction of ancient Earth, the survivors of humans were found by the interstellar spaceship and were taken to the planet of Stellar.

The interstellar were different from the Earthling, these humans have evolved to be extremely advanced. They have a long lifespan and age slowly. Their species have lived for thousands of years on various stars within the galaxy and are the most advanced lifeform yet discovered.

The world changed in so many ways, and yet, we still managed to cling onto certain things from centuries ago.


Black to the present. At Golden Bridge Academy,

In grade 10 class B, an energetic young boy with spiky silver hair and a bright green turtleneck sweater, who was in no way prepared for what was to come entered the classroom. The boy had his hands on his hips and his face was scrunched up into one of disgust as he looked around at the other students. He then proceeded to walk over to the black and sat down on top of the empty desk.

"Oh great, another loser," said a red-haired boy in the corner sarcastically.

The other students heard him and turned to look at him. They knew that those two would start fighting again early this morning. As expected, when the silver-haired boy heard "loser", he stood up and walked slowly to the red-haired boy. He then grabbed the other party by the collar of his shirt, lifted him off the desk, and slammed him against the wall behind him.

"I dare you to repeat what you just said. I won't be so polite next time," he said threateningly.

The red-haired boy glared back but didn't say anything. This made it clear that he did not want to fight, and that he could sense that if he did, there was a high chance he would lose badly. "What I said can apply to anyone. Now that you're attacking me, prove that you are a loser." He gave his best attempt at bravado.

The red-haired words had hit like a punch to the gut and left everyone speechless.

"Bastard!" The silver hair boy cursed under breath and was about to pounce and punch the redhead, when a loudspeaker sounded with the principal's voice: "Attention all students. If your name is called, please report to the principal's office. Take your belongings with you." After a short pause, the speakers announced: "From grade 10 classB, Zhu Shizhen and Liu Shan. Grade 10 class A, Li Bai, Zhan Zhao, and Zhao Yun from grade 11." The principal called fifteen students names before saying; "Please report to the principal's office immediately. Classes can resume, thanks for your cooperation."

The red-haired and silver-haired boys are Zhu Shizhen and Liu Shan from classB. After hearing the announcement, Liu Shan snorted at how bad the timing was and threw Zhu Shizhen to the ground before walking away with his backpack.

Zhu Shizhen watched as Liu Shan went in the opposite direction with his backpack slung over his shoulder. His jaw tightened as he remembered how he was going to fight against him just a minute ago. He looked down at the hand that was holding his bag. It was covered in dirt.

Zhu Shizhen got up from the floor and brushed off the dirt from his hands and pants. Looking around, he saw the teacher's desk was empty and there were only a few kids still left in the classroom. They were either taking out their things or gathering their belongings. With a scowl on his face, he grabbed his own backpack, threw it over his shoulders, and ran out.


Zhao Yun has just entered the school yard with his hands stuffed into his pockets. He was late again today. Well, if he hadn't stayed up all night playing video games then he wouldn't be late.

At least that's what Zhao Yun tried to tell himself. Although it was the truth, he couldn't tell that as an excuse to the teacher, he will be asking for punishment otherwise. Even after being reprimanded many times by the teacher for not getting up on time. He couldn't care less for his grades anyway, so this wasn't really worth much of a punishment. But just because he was a rebellious youth, doesn't mean he likes getting punished.

"What should I do? What shall I do?" Zhao Yun mumbled to himself as his steps dragged him towards the front gates. As a matter of fact, he knew very well what to do, but the choice was a bit difficult... "YES! That's it!" he said loudly, startling the other kids around him.

A big smile broke out on his face, showing all of his white teeth. Without a second thought, he took a right turn, walked swiftly across the road that led to his classroom. "That's right, I can say that I help either a pregnant lady to the hospital or an old granny cross the street! They always need help anyway." He chuckled to himself, "With such a deep moral conduct, the head teacher will surely be proud."

And with another huge smile, Zhao Yun sprinted up the stairs. Just as he reached the classroom entrance, he heard his name being called on the loudspeakers. summoning him and other students to the principal's office. Zhao Yun was both disappointed and relieved at the same time.

Although he'd already thought of a good excuse, ... Maybe this was for the best. He turns around abruptly and quickly makes his way to the principal's office before the head teacher to see him.

The head teacher who was lecturing the other students, spotted Zhao Yun at the corner of his eyes running down the hall, he shook his head and murmured beneath his breath: 'Such a bad influence.' After a long pause and a deep sigh, he resumed lecturing. Not letting Zhao Yun's matter ruin his day.

When Zhao Yun arrived at the principal's office, he saw his fellow schoolmates were waiting at the door. None of them knew why they were called, so no one tried to explain anything to each other. All of them had their eyes locked onto one thing: just wait patiently.

I will try to update regularly.

NobleFoxcreators' thoughts