
The Wudang Legacy

Xiao Chen, a young cultivator with a rare talent for dual cultivation (both magic and martial arts)

mightynero · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
59 Chs

The Journey Begins

Xiao Chen followed Wang Yu out of the village, leaving behind the only life he had ever known. They walked for hours, crossing rolling hills and dense forests, until they reached a secluded valley. In the center of the valley stood a majestic mountain, its peak shrouded in mist.

"This is Wudang Mountain," Wang Yu announced, his eyes gleaming with pride. "The birthplace of the ancient Wudang Sect, and your new home."

As they ascended the mountain, Xiao Chen marveled at the intricate carvings and ancient artifacts that adorned the walls. They reached a grand temple, where Wang Yu introduced Xiao Chen to the sect's leader, the venerable Master Qin.

Master Qin, a wise and powerful cultivator, examined Xiao Chen's aura and nodded in approval. "Wang Yu has told me of your potential, young one. You have a rare gift. We will nurture it, and you will become a great cultivator."

And so, Xiao Chen began his journey as a disciple of the Wudang Sect. He was assigned to Wang Yu as his mentor and began learning the fundamentals of cultivation: breathing techniques, meditation, and inner energy control.

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