
Apology and Thanks

Let's begin with this: the series is dead. It's funny how humans are emotional creatures. Rationality doesn't actually exist. (If humans lost the part of the brain which manages emotions, they would lose the ability to make decisions).

Ahem, as in asides, I've just had an emotional rollercoaster ride last week because of the brutal advice I received from many different places and I'm like: yeah— just going to ignore sunk cost, burn Cookie Cult, and try something else..

If anybody read that previous chapter (I've deleted it now), I'll say simply that if the contract from the publishing team is good (probably not), I'll take it, otherwise I'll publish my new series as I would normally on HF, SH, RR, and just hope for the best (or not depending on the situation). Yes. I'm working on a new series already.

As an author, or any creative, there's this thing called the creative fallacy where only those that are dissatisfied would complain and those that are satisfied would keep quiet. Nothing wrong with that, it's just how it works, what did I expect when I became a writer, right? So its hard to tell if my writing sucks or that the wrong people are reading it because even Harry Potter has 1 star reviews and haters. So if it's not for you, I hope you go away.

(As a side note, I was the one who asked for honest critique in the 'quests' so.. it's really still my fault that I dug my own grave tee-hee)

With that said, I'm still super grateful for the honest review. Now that I'm out of the emotional roller coaster, I now know I need to start anew with something better, for you. Which is great cuz that's what it means to grow. So I hope you don't (though you will) take this message of mine to heart. I get that it's that hard love I sometimes need as an author.

As for the monetary side of things— I'd say f*ck. I know I'm greedy and I've quit Patreon cuz.. well.. my instincts told me to! I'll see how things go along the way, maybe I'll find something in the future that'll solve this issue of not earning anything. Maybe I would return to Patreon? Idk. (Patreon is great and all but as greedy of a person I am, I just think the exchange is not worth the effort; it not only affects my psyche, it also affects the way I structure my marketing. With Patreon I actually become more selfish to drive you to GO SUPPORT ME!! That kind of thing. Or maybe that's not selfish?)

My instincts told me to kill Cookie Cult, it told me to try to contact that editor of some publishing website, to write this message, to repent for my sins— whatever. All the work I've put in, the hundreds of hours just burned up like that because my instincts told me to 'quit'.

And hell yeah I'm pissed, but at the same time I'm glad I trusted myself because I've come out better.

Give me some time to gather myself. The Zeroth, 2nd and 3rd Volume of Cookie Cult— I'll have the updates resume sometime this month, maybe next week. Definitely won't be continuing this series after the third volume, and it'll just be for those that wish to experience the crazy confusing world Avner is trying to navigate in.

As for the quests? Well, let's just say you're going to get double updates 7 days a week even though none of it was completed because I set the bar too high. (Except for Cookie Cult Zero).

In a month or two, I'd hopefully get a new series in. And you better hope that the contract term will come out bad, otherwise I might just take it, and my work will no longer be available to read for free.

And as always, I'm grateful that you're reading my work even though it's bad, and I hope you have a great day. (Bad is subjective, so basically this series is 'bad' in my eyes; don't be too concerned bout it.)