
Chapter 1

It was Monday morning, I was getting ready for school. I was brushing my hair when all of a sudden my door swung open and there stood my big brother Alec. He is three years older than me, I'm only 15 and he thinks he can boss me around.

"What is taking you so long? Come on Sarah! I don't want to be late." He yelled.

I just rolled my eyes and said " Okay I'm coming." He huffed and went downstairs.

I gathered my stuff and headed downstairs to the kitchen. "Took you long enough." said Alec. I glared at him, our father came in and said " Good morning Alec and Sarah."

Before I could say a word, Katrina and Becky came running in and attacked dad. Close behind them was mom, I always thought she could be the Moon Goddess's sister because I always thought my mother was beautiful.

Mother smiled and laughed " Good morning love." I went to the fridge and grabbed an apple and looked at my parents "Would it be okay if I stay at my best friend Sophie's place tonight?" I asked.

"But tonight is family night." Mom said frowning.

"I know but it's been 2 weeks since I've seen her and she just got back yesterday, and I want to have some girl time with her." I explained to mom.

"Nah you are making that excuse to get away from me." Says Alec laughing, poking me in the sides.

I rolled my eyes and said " That could be true or not."

Mom sighed and looked at father "What do you think?"

"Just this once, this will be the only time you can miss family night." Father said.

"Thank you mom and dad!" I rushed and hugged them both, smiling.

Alec and I both said bye to our parents and rushed towards his car and drove off towards school. When we arrived, I hopped out of his car and ran to meet up with Sophie and the other girls. My brother ran to meet up with his friends. We barely see each other when we were at school except for lunch time but I was happy to not see him a lot because then I don't have to worry about him picking on me.

As we were walking down the halls, Sophie asked "Isn't it strange that your brother just turned 18 and still hasn't found his mate?"

I shrugged "To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if Rachel is his mate, they've been dating for two years."

As soon as I mentioned her name, she came running past us sobbing her eyes out. I looked at Sophie curiously, wondering what happened to her.

I mind-linked my brother "Why is Rachel sobbing her eyes out? What did you do to her?" I didn't hear anything from him but silence.

We turned around towards the direction that Rachel came running from, as soon as we rounded the corner. Both of our mouths dropped open wide from what we saw...