
The Worlds Awakened

Driven by the desire that has existed in the hearts of dark creatures, a young lady Lily is drawn back to her old ancestry line by forces she might not be able to comprehend. As a little girl, she disappears and her sudden disappearance is mistaken for demise. Her return a decade later on shocks many. However, Lily's return is more sinister than anyone could imagine. Series of events follow her arrival as the darkness that looms around her unearths people's fears. Her truest form is revealed when she is sent on a mission to let free the chains on the gateway to "hell". Lily becomes the only chance for the dark race to easily descend on earth and expand their control. Or at least that is what she knows. Her impending task is nonetheless incomplete without the gateway keeper, Leo. Their encounter seem to unravel more than just the dark race's quest to invade the human world. Leo, a strong spirited lad, has his truth and journey of self realization completed by the arrival of Lily. The forces between Leo and Lily are written to repel, but with the unexpected attraction and desire for each other, will both Leo and Lily look at each other under a different light? Crossing the realms bound by time and dark sources, the fate of Lily and Leo are destined to intertwine as they venture into the darkest of paths together. What seems as a misery tends to bring them together and closer. This fondness between Lily and Leo rather shakes the existence of the forces between them. Is darkness truly as it seems? With desire, passion and betrayal, is there the slightest hope for lost trust and love to be rekindled?

Beryl_Achieng_4675 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


The wind was blowing stronger this day than any other day.The waves of the ocean were flapping on the rocks intensely as if trying to break free from the ocean.

The gulf was clear and the sound of the wind blowing over the waters could be heard as it whistled with a lonesome tune that beckoned a strange presence.

The mood was so tender yet intense as if the whole ocean was restlessly waiting for a particular presence.

The fishing boats could be seen further in the ocean trying to puddle their way back to the shore. The fishermen did not seem like they were a large crowd like usual.

Usually the ocean would be swarmed by fishermen all hoping for a good catch.

This evening was a little different. It was almost as if it was an intentional consequence that high numbers would not appear.

" This is unexpectedly bad..." , a bald man who was in his mid-forties remarked with a feeling of discontent on his face.

He raised the fishing nets on the deck and stared at them then dropped them down and shook his head, " how did we not catch even the guppies that always swim on the surface, they are worthless to us but they should be easy to catch," Victor, the bald man, spoke again.

He raised the ending of his blue shirt and wiped his face with it and kicked the inner lining of the boat with irritation. "Calm down father, the catch today has been shitty but that does not mean that it is always like this, let's say today was just one unlucky day for us", this time a young money is early twenties stated with a relaxed tone in his voice.

He wore an orange vest with black faded shorts that seemed like they had spent a good while in the water over the days.

" But Victor how is it that this son of yours is always this composed even in the unexpected of moments?" One of the two men that were in the boat together with Victor and his son asked with amusement in his voice.

Victor stared at his son and smiled slightly before answering. " My son Christopher is always having ways to make situations better even when there is no good that can be seen in it, he is my only child but it seems like he inherited the traits of his great grandfather who sailed these waters back in his days.

That man always lit the hearts of people and kept them together. I remember when I was just a little boy, he would tell me that I would see his very rebirth in one of my descendants someday. What I did not expect was that the rebirth that my grandfather always talked about would be my own son..."


Victor, his son Christopher, and the two other fishermen broke into a laugh as they kept teasing Christopher. Christopher could not help but look at his father with an amusing gaze.

"Chris my boy, you are a strange kind, even I your father cannot understand how you think sometimes.

Your mother must have made you believe those stories and legends she keeps telling you about. If not me being around the two of you, people might have already thought that you and your mother are into whitchcraft" Victor stared at Chris mockingly again as the group broke into another laugh once more.

The group continued sailing back to the shore but this time with a little bit of spirit in them. Their mood previously could not be said to be the same as now as there was a little tinge of change in it, a little bit difference though not as big, but somehow a slight change as compared to earlier.

The group continued getting closer to the shore and they could also see some other fishermen retreating back to the shore as well. The only difference was the mood of the other fishermen, they were so agitated but also wearing worried faces.

It seemed that they also had no luck with the catch at all as well. The worry on their faces were so contagious that if one did not have a solid reason to stay high spirited, they would definitely have the mood easily spread to them.

The fear and sadness of going back home emty handed could be seen on the faces of the fishermen but there was nothing that they could do about it anyway.

At this point they were considered very helpless because it was not like they could control the fish in the ocean to float and make an easy catch for them.Victor looked over at them for a while then diverted his gaze on the blue ocean.

He stared deep into it almost as if he was trying to find something. One could see a series of thoughts rush across his mind even without him speaking about it.

The entire group of course noticed this and all they could do as well was to get lost in their own thoughts too, the sudden shift of mood brought back the whole group to their worries and current situation.

Everybody now seemed to get lost in their own thoughts, there seemed to be no way that they could lift their moods right now again. The waves of the ocean flapped in a manner that seemed as if in worry of the fishermen's sorrows.

The waves from time to time could flap lazily on both corners and walls of the boats before settling then starting all over again. It was a if it was giving the fishermen a slight pat on their backs for trying their best.

Chris looked to the horizon and gave out a sigh. At this point even he could not find reasons to brighten up the mood. The night was kicking in quite fast and the fishermen were not used to going home this early especially with no catch at all.

Chris also stared at the other fishermen with remorse. Suddenly a sharp wind blew across the ocean and created a wave so huge, one could be fooled that a tsunami was about to occur. The wave was so intimidating that everyone sailing on the ocean all panicked.

They could see their lives flush through their own eyes, their very existence threatened by the absurd wave. Everyone was tensed up and the moment that the wave got closer, Chris closed his eyes and gave out a sigh as if he was waiting for his very death, while at the same time it also seemed as if he was searching for something in the darkness that laid beyond.

Chris focused for a while without opening his eyes. His father Victor of course noticed this. His sudden silence and change of movement were quite easy to point out. He looked at his son with worry and terror in his eyes and whispered in a low firm voice, "what are you doing son..." The other fishermen were focused on stabilizing the boat because it was getting closer to the shore.

Victor noticed and was relieved that the other two men had not noticed the sudden change on Chris. Victor did not stop at that but shifted his full attention to Chris, "son you need to stop right now!" Chris gasped as if he was breathing in air for the first time and opened his eyes at once and at the same time that he opened his eyes, the waves that were up so high settled immediately in an unnatural way.

Victor saw all these things that happened and how they occured simultaneously. He was so confused and decided not to think about it at that moment.

The waves settling made the fishermen realize that they were already at the shore and just needed to get off the boats. Chris seemed blank for a split second and almost seemed like he was trying to trace a blurred memory. He was then snapped back to reality by the voices of the people on the boat.

They were just getting off when Chris suddenly noticed something peculiar in the darkness some distance away on the shore just in front of a few rocks in that surrounding. He brushed it off blaming it on what just happened to him, thinking that perhaps he was just hallucinating.

When he was joining the rest on their way out, he had a strange feeling, almost like the energy that he felt before the wave. He then looked at the very direction his instincts led him to. And with no doubt he saw the same thing again, the figure was humanlike, or perhaps it was human, how absurd it was.

Chris was a very sensitive and compassionate person, so the moment he confirmed his thoughts, he said in an alarming tone, "...a person... there's a person there! Dad! There's someone there!"

He quickly rushed towards the direction of that figure and as he was getting closer, he could see the figure become more and more clear. And yes, it was a human. He stopped a few steps away from it and took a moment and stared.

It was dark but he could definitely see the figure clearly. It was a woman, a young lady, that is what it seemed like. He then sighed but stopped halfway the sigh and stared horridly.

"Dad! Dad...you need to see this quick," Chris stepped back and wiped his face with a frustrated look. "No way," he muttered again in a low voice.

His dad and then other two guys just got there and the moment they looked too, they had the same exact look of disbelief just like Chris.Then stepping foward slowly, Victor squinted his eyes as he stared at the lady lying on the sand with little waves pushing towards her feet.

The other two fishermen also looked with disbelief. Victor sighed and in a shaking voice uttered what seemed like something he was trying to hold back at all cost, "Lily...!??"

Hello guys, this is my first novel and I hope you enjoy this and have a fun time reading it. You can let me know of any thoughts or comments, thank you:)Like it ? Add to library!

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