
When Did We Become Summoned Heroes?

[A/N: words in {} means they are speaking in thier minds, were as words in ' ' means a mental dialogue]

The trio were slowly led into a room that was already prepared for them, though Likyl and Thusixla would stay in a different room than Daimos. In the words of the old priestess.

"The summoning temple is a sacred place, even though you are heroes summoned to fight the Demono King, you still have to follow the rules of the temple and avoid defiling the holy temple."

Apparently, she feared that Likyl and Thusixla were his lovers and they might decide to have to have sex in their rooms, since it had happened before.

{How long do you think you can continue using your hive mind?} Daimos was afraid of something like this happening, were they might be seperated from each other so he had Thusixla feed Likyl a strand of her hair to link her to her hive mind.

{I can keep it active for as long as I want, but keeping it active for too long will cause my brain to shut down, meaning I might sleep for sometime, depending on the number of linked minds in my head, since you guys are the only ones, I would say approximately a month, if we don't communicate to often, two months, until I need another strands of your hair} Likyl replied as they she pretended to be surprised by the architecture of the temple.

{I don't trust them} Thusixla said, doing the same as Likyl, but her's was to look for escape routes and she was also leaving behind mental marks on the walls. Meaning she could find her way in this maze like corridor.

They did not know how it happened. They were waiting for the ten minute mark, then the book just left Likyl's hand and they appeared in the summoning hall surrounded by white clad men and women bowing to them. They were now heading towards their rooms to relax and change their clothes since they had to follow the rules of the temple.

"Hey, can you please tell us what is happening?" Likyl asked their Guides. One was a woman that was incharge of taking them to the rooms for the women and the man was for Daimos.

"Sorry powerful heroes, but we are not authorised to tell you anything for now..." The woman said.

"That is the job of the grand priestess" The man said, compeleting the womans sentence, it was like they were in sync.

'If only me and Daimos were like that... shit! am horny again... hope they have cold showers here' Thusixla thought.

The soon entered a hallway and the trio were shocked at what they saw, they did not know what kinid of expression they were ment to show. The hallway was filled with statues of what looked like demons being slayed by men and women in armors, some in cloaks and others looked to be wearing robes.

"Shocking is it not? This is the hallway of heroes" The woman began talking."All the heroes of old who gave their lives to fight the demons are immortalized in this hallway as heroes..." The man then continued.

"Every 100 years, the temple summons heroes to fight these demons and free our kingdom from their tyranny and oppression..." The woman also spoke.

"We are grateful for their sacrifice... but" Her expression turned sorrowful.

"These heroes were only able to kill the demon generals and their pillars..." The man spoke with the same sorrowful expression.

Thusixla felt like she was going to explode out of anger. 'What the hell is with this finishing each others statement?!... forget it, me and Daimos don't need to do this'.

The woman then finished the statement. "When this happens, the heroes then disappear in a flash of light and we have to wait another 100 years to summon another group of heroes."

"Wait, did you say group?" Daimos asked, finding her statement confusing. 'Are not the only ones?'

"Why yes, groups..." The man answered.

"Due to heroes leaving after killing the generals or the demon pillars, the temple decided to summon more than one hero to fight..." The woman said.

"We are here"

When they looked ahead, they saw that they had left the hallway of heroes and were now standing infront of a large door about 10 metres high.

"This is were we stop..." The woman said.

"You are to pick a weapon from this room, before we head to your respective rooms" The man stated.

The trio looked at each other and Daimos proceeded to open the door, only for it to open on it's own, almost making him fall, luckily he caught himself.

"Sorry for that, pardon us for not informing you on time..." The woman said, as she and the man both bowed to them. Thusixla could have sworn that she heard the woman laugh a little and it pissed her.

"I don't think we need your weapons" Likyl quickly spoke. "You see, we did not want to say it, but we are summoned heroes"

""Summoned heroes?"" The man and the woman both asked looking at each other confused.

"Yes, summoned heroes, you see, we go around helping kingdoms like yours vanquish evils." Likyl said looking proud. "Infact, the reason am like this is because of our recent battle against the dragon lord who was terrorizing a kingdom called doesnotexist".

""Doesnotexist?"" The man and the woman were now even more confused than before. "But you asked us a moment ago what was happening, if you really are these summoned heroes, you would be familiar with this sort of thing right?" The woman said looking at Likyl with her expression that was literally saying.'I know what you want to do and it won't work'.

Likyl just smiled and retorted."The reason why I asked was because even though we are summoned heroes, we don't work for free, I wanted to know the what kind of evil we were battling, we can actually return back to our place if we wanted." Likyl said shrugging her shoulders at the man and the woman who visibly started shaking. Likyl could then tell that the man and the woman either feared that old priestess lady, or they feared something else, she deduced that they didn't talk like that but they usually did things like this to vent some frustrations on the heroes and never thought of a hero being able to return to where they came from without killing a demon.

Another thing she realised was that if those heroes always disappeared after killing a demon general or pillar, then maybe those heroes were also fighting for these so called fragments of the ancient ones.

""Please forgive us, we didn't mean any harm... we usually do this to make the heroes feel at ease by playing some small pranks on them"" The man and the woman said bowing.

{It seems this is not the first time} Thusixla said through the connection. LIkyl also agreed, they were too in-sync for it to not have happened often. That means that woman had already called their bluff and her shaking was not fear but from trying to stifle her laughter.

Daimos did not linger around them and went straight inside, followed by Thusixla and Likyl who looked at the female guide from her wheelchair with a bit of curiosity.

As they enterd the so called weapons hall, the door behind them slowly closed and Daimos noticed the smile at the corner of the female guides face. 'It's a trap'. Was all he thought of, as the darkness of the room engulfed them.


"On it" Thusixla reached for her left wrist and could not help but curse. "Sh*t! The storage bracelet is gone!" Thusixla said with anger oozing out of her body.

Likyl was shocked hearing what Thusixla said and quickly looked for Daimos figure in the darkness, he was the only person in their group that could find out what was happening.

The darkness was so thick that she could not even see a meter ahead of her, if not for the light her wheelchair emitted, she was sure she would not be able to see her hand infront of her.

"It seems we were not welcome in the first place" Daimos calm voice was heard in the darkness. "From how those two kept messing with us by talking like they read each others minds and leading us through the hallway of heroes, they already had a plan."

Thusixla hearing this gnashed her teeth together, Likyl then also realised that the statues of the heroes in the hallway of heroes were all humans, she did not recall seeing any other race.

"But why?... I don't think they were hostile, I did not detect any hostitility from them" Thusixla said as she had her minds eye opened throughout the walk, so she could determine if someone was hostile towards her or they showed any form of hostility.

"We are not human remember" That one sentence made both Likyl and Thusixla showed a look of acknowledgement.

"That means we are likely to be demons in this world, or this place regarded other races aside humans were all demons." Daimos said, as he opened his minds eye and those reddish black tentacles made their appearance. "Likyl get ready, we are linking"

Likyl gave a sound as Daimos was able to locate her since she was literally the only light source in the darkness. The numbers of tentacles this were lesser than before and did not need to enter through the orfices on her head and just touched her forehaed, this time there was no blood or pain when it happened.

After the connection, Daimos shared his conciousness in two, one in his body and a little in Likyl, since they did it before, he did not need to fully transfer all his conciosness this time, but Likyl still passed out.

Daimos then spread his tentacles around them forming a kind of ring around them.

Instantly blue rings appeared on his tentacles and illuninated the dark room showing what they were not able to see and were shocked.

"I guess they really hated other races" Thusixla could not help but comment.