
Scene-1 The Apocalypse Begins

Several years before the apocalypse began people were going about their normal lives but, deep in the middle of a town there lives four young girls who live with their families and everything that was told in the world of the apocalypse, is a lie because on the other side of a apocalyptic barrier there are creatures that eats anything from brains til the whole thing.

"Olivia! Come back here!" Woman said.

Then the girl runs to the gate and one of the apocalyptic officials, see her looking at the gate and went over to her.

"It's horrible isn't it? All of those people, turned into creatures that only eat brains til the whole thing." Apocalyptic official asked and said.

"Have you seen my older brother?" Olivia asked.

The apocalyptic official kneeled down and held her hands then sighed deeply.

"I am not going to lie to you." As the apocalyptic official raised his head.

Then young Olivia looked down and began to cry.

"I am so sorry." The apocalyptic official said.

Then young Olivia ran away toward the house away from the gate.

But, at the gate the other apocalyptic official went over to him.

"Are you trying to scare her?" As the other apocalyptic official asked he is, hearing and seeing the direction of the wind then the apocalyptic bell silently went off and the people retreat into their homes while the apocalyptic officials are, getting in position then the light from the candles went out.

🧟‍♂️10 Years Later 🧟‍♂️

People are walking and greeting each other then one of the teenage girls came over and greeted, one of the apocalyptic officials that just had a meeting with the head apocalyptic official.

"Greetings, apocalyptic official." Teenage girl greeted.

"Greetings, miss. Where are you heading this hour?" The apocalyptic official asked.

"To visit my mother. She has been very distant, to my other relatives lately." The teenage girl replied.

" You be careful. Even be on guard, those creatures can be anywhere since the last apocalyptic bell happened." The apocalyptic official said.

"I will. Good day." The teenage girl said then she curtsied and headed to, her mother's house.

But, before she could approach the house she looked up at the sky and see birds flying and then the apocalyptic bell didn't go off in silence, and the people are running and then she got knocked over and then apocalyptic official picked her up and run straight to the evacuation gate then the apocalyptic officials put the four teenage girls into a car and then the apocalyptic official gave the order.

"Go! Get them out of here!"

Then the car left the town and then the creatures attacked the town then the teenage girls, looked away.

"Are they...? Are they...?" Then one of the teenage girls asked, and then the driver looked at the road and the surrounding area to make sure that, every surrounding areas are clear.

"We should we do now? Those creatures attacked our home." Then the teenage girl in funeral dress, asked.

"The 'creatures' that you are referring to are called zombies. There are different, kinds of zombies." The driver said.

Then the teenage girl with blonde hair next to the teenage girl in a blue gathering dress, looked up and see them and then the driver pulled the car into the forest, and turned off the car.

"Why are we..?" Just before the teenage girl in white dress could finish the question, Olivia quickly covered her mouth and they see them walking passed.

🧟‍♂️ Hours Later 🧟‍♂️

The car arrived at unknown gate with a symbol that has a symbol, of hunter.

"We're here. Open the gate." The driver said.

Then the gate opened then the car drove through the invisible, barrier and then the gate closed behind them.

But, on the other side of barrier the teenage girls see people training and then see someone standing at the entrance.

"Where are we?" The second teenage girl asked.

But, the driver didn't answer the question then the car pulled up and the door opened then the teenage girls got out of the car and the door closed then the car left, and the person came down.

"Greetings and welcome to, Zomhunt." The person said.

"Excuse me, but what is 'Zomhunt'?" The first teenage girl asked.

Then they hear someone's voice approaching then the person, saluted the person in higher jacket.

"Zomhunt. Is short for 'Zombie hunter' here we train for, an apocalypse." The person replied.

"I am, Jack. The second head Zomhunt. You will meet your, teacher in the morning. Oh, be prepared." He said and left then they entered the compound, then they enter their rooms.

🧟‍♀️New Zomhunt recruits' chambers 🧟‍♀️

The teenage girls are looking around and then they went to the lounges to discuss who gets what room.

"So, anyone who wants the first room? It has to have, two people out of us." Olivia said and asked.

Then they chose their rooms and started to unpack their clothes into their draws and closest, then they got changed into their new clothing and when finished there is a knock at the door then they hid and stayed quiet and then the door opened, and the instructor entered the room and doesn't see them but he went over to the lounge and sat down waiting for them to stop hiding then he realised the training of, staying quiet and then he stood up and looked around and try to spot them but he couldn't.

"Recruits, I will leave the chamber if you don't show yourselves." The instructor said.

But, without him knowing and as he walked out the instructor ended upside down then the teenage girls appeared.

"Very clever. But, you can let me down now." The instructor said.

But, the teenage girls didn't move and the instructor sighed then the instructor see the head Zomhunt, looking at the trap he is in and shook his head as he approached.

"You have learnt about this kind of trap, in your days of Zomhunt recruit. And yet you still can not find your way out of that." The head Zomhunt said then he took out his knife and cut the invisible rope, and the instructor fell on to the floor and the girls are standing there not saying a word.

"You may head to the beginning Zomhunt recruit grounds, girls." The second Zomhunt said then the teenage girls headed to, the grounds of where the new Zomhunt recruits are trained.

The instructor got up and walked to the grounds and the head Zomhunt and second Zomhunt looked at him, and knew that the teenage girls are the daughters of the legendary zomhunts "zombie hunters" and they went to the grounds of the 2nd year Zomhunt recruits.

🧟‍♀️ Zomhunt recruits' training grounds 🧟‍♂️

The teenage girls are standing there and see their other Zomhunt instructor trying not to laugh, at the first instructor due to what happened then the training session begins.

"From this moment on, you will forget of what you were taught when you were in the town that was attacked, because you are survivors and we are going to teach you girls how to survive, hunt and kill zombies. From now on, we are your family. When you are ready, you will be called to the head Zomhunt's office and no-one will know what is going to happen but only you and the head Zomhunt. But, you leave and return to the town that was once your home that has, been destroyed by zombies. You, will only have one home, and this compound is the home of the apocalyptic survivors from 15 years ago. Let's get to training." The instructor said.

As the years go by the girls are becoming stronger and smarter and the instructors are, very impressed by their progress over the years and the head Zomhunt is watching the training from afar then they flipped the instructors, and the instructors are joining them in Zomhunt training and then the training session ended and the girls headed to their chambers while the other zomhunts, see them walking to the compound.

🧟‍♂️High ranking Zomhunt chambers 🧟‍♀️

The girls entered the chamber and see guys sitting there.

"Who are you?" The 3rd high ranking Zomhunt asked.

Then the one of the Zomhunt officials stood up and the 4th high ranking Zomhunt see him, and she tries to hold back her blushing.

"You, must be the 4 high ranking Zomhunt? That hunted and killed over 1.2million zombies within 24 hours?" the Zomhunt official asked.

"Who is asking these sick and revolting questions?!" the 1st high ranking Zomhunt asked very grumpily.

The Zomhunt officials stood up and bowed to the high ranking Zomhunts.

"We apologise for the unannounced entering. We are the 5th year, Zomhunt also known as..." before he could finish the sentence.

"... officials. We know." the 1st and 2nd high ranking Zomhunt said.

"H-How did you k..." the 4th Zomhunt official hesitates.

"Know?" the 3rd high ranking Zomhunt asked.

Then they sit down and talked about stuff.

"So, how zombies did you guys hunt down and kill?" the 4th high ranking Zomhunt asked.

They chuckled a little.

"We hunted down and killed over 2million zombies...?" as he asked the guys they shrugged their shoulders because, it's been sometime since the announcement for the Zomhunt officials hunts and kills of zombies was announced by the head Zomhunt.

"It's been a while since then, we can not really remember how many. Because once you get a report and mission to eliminate the list of zombies, you don't really keep count." the 1st Zomhunt official said.

🧟‍♀️ Continues in the next chapter and scene.🧟‍♂️