
The world of Poetry!

Poetry lovers!! This is for you. This book consists of poems spread across a variety of genres and types. So dive in, to experience the beauty of sonnets, free verse and much more!

harshiniiyer25 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Aesop's fables retold: a) The grasshopper and the ants

🥰 Once upon a time, on a day sunny

A group of ants stood gathering honey

A grasshopper there felt the ants were funny

Since he had food plenty

🥰 Everyday, the ants toiled

And to make fun they foiled.

Their hardwork made them soiled

And the grasshopper's mocking made them -roiled.

🥰 The grasshopper kept on singing

And in the ants' ears this kept on ringing.

So, they decided to sing

and joy to their hearts- they decided to bring.

🥰 The ants and the grasshopper enjoyed

In the ants this removed the joy's void.

In their hearts, hardwork and happiness alloyed

to produce the effects desired.

🥰 The days went on

And the summer became monsoon

Soon, the cruelty of drought dawned

And with hunger, the grasshopper was torn

🥰 Famished, on the ground he lay

To stay alive he did pray

The ants rescued him& made his pain lessen

And both of them learnt a valuable lesson

" Work while you work

And play while you play!"