
Let's survive


Its the last order i received from my captain. I still remember how calm but serious he look when said it to me. "Why me though? Cap..."i looked up to this wide blue spring sky seeing a lot of things flying that I've never seen in earth. Large dinosaurs flying with riders on it, islands floating, large insects, boats and i even see people soaring the sky the other day. "Sigh... I'll survive Cap... I'll survive..". 'Chsssshhh' smoke rises as i flipped the boar meat in front of my grill. "Hey mister is it done yet?"asks the kid in front of me. "Not yet kid wait a little bit more." i said. Few minutes passed by and the meat is ready. "Here you go kid. Thats 2 silver for u." "Yes mister. here you go" and as he reach his payment to me with closed fist, i instantly grabbed his arm twists it so i can see what his so called payment is. "C'mon Arthur how many times you'll do this. Last time its 2 bronze, now its 2 stones! Are kidding me? I'll get bakrupt soon you know!?" 'Ahhh this kid...seriously'. "Ouch that hurts mister!" he screams. "You know what? this will hurt more..hehehe" with evil grin on my face. "NOooo!!" he screamed again.'Haaahhh' i let a breathe to my fist with my eyes closed. "Damn..this is becoming our routine...sorry Arthur, you're a good kid but you need to be disciplined ." And when i opened my eyes i almost burst out laughing because of this poor kids face, twin towers falling from his nose. "Taste this!" I punched him on top on his head and he started screaming again. "Ouuuchoooooawawoooo!" He yells. "Hey you're over reacting, its not that bad." i said, then I switched my sight to the middle aged man having a cofee in front of my stall and asks "Right Uncle Merlin?" He casually drinks coffee and answered "You're right Sir Leon, Arthur deserves it. I suggest you hit him again once..ah!no twice!" We looked together at Arthur grinning while we enjoy the fear in Arthur's face when he heard it. "By the way Sir Leon, your business is doing no good at all. Its already been two weeks and we two are your only costumers, except the first day, luckily when some members of the Pride clan had a quest here in the outskirts and then after that is nothing. Your grilled meat is delicious though and the coffee too. I think you should relocate your stall." Merlin changed the mood. From grinning to frowning i answered "i know man..'sighs'.. I wonder if there is an easy way to get into the city?". Contrary to me, Arthur from crying to smiling who listened to our conversation delightfully suggested "Mister!Mister Leon! That's why I keep telling you to just be an adventurer! Me? I'll be an adventurer and be the best adventurer someday!"he proudly declared. "Yeah i know." 'I got the feeling you'll achieve it , and i wonder if its just coincidence that their names are Merlin and Arthur like the famous lore on earth it keeps bothering me since the first time I've met them. What kind of world is this?I wonder if I'll meet Gandalf too?' I Silently thought this to my self and a little bit startled when i got a glimpse of Merlin starin at me curiously. 'Ehhum' clearing my throat then i said to Arthur "No kid...too dangerous for me, and unlike you guys i have no superpowers. Ahhhh so lucky, wish i have one too I'm jelous " I stared at the sky again. 'Mayans' is what the native people here are called. They possess supernatural abilities such as super strength, super speed, flight, they can shoot elements like fire and ice, laser beams etc. Merlin here is a warrior, but he doesn't fit the image of warriors in my head. I thought warriors supposed to have bulky muscles, fierce eyes wanting to fight somebody at any time but Merlin is calm, has an upright posture like a butler, he is fit but not large,you can tell at a glance he trained a lot, you can see some scars too from his arms but his face is clean, with a properly trimmed dark green hair and a tailed mustache. He has blue eyes like a calm ocean yet he wields a 135cm broadsword three fourths of his body size. I asked him before if he uses strengthening magic to wield it but he says 'No Sir Leon, we warriors use the force of nature while mages uses the mana of the world.' According to him, those two are the main sources of power in this world. Force and Mana, red and blue aura, physical and mental boost , these two has the same function to make you overpowered but its impossible for one to have both, you'll never have the abilities of a Force user if your a mage and you cant shoot fireballs like mages if you're a Force user. It is random too, every new born emits aura , it depends on what color and they can determine where category you belong. This snotty blonde kid Arthur is a mage, i have never met any kid besides Arthur yet but Merlin says he's talented for a 10 year old. He says he can already cast fire, ice and buff magic where as average mages can only cast 2 spell at the age of 20. Yes i was shocked too, when i first heard it, my thoughts are 'damn...what will happen now to the excalibur now, when these guys switch roles'. Then something crossed my mind and asks Merlin "Uncle Merlin, Why did you move to the outskirts anyway? I thought being a successful adventurer brings fortune, Isn't it better living inside the city?". "It's true that there's more comfort, privilege, entertainment and safer inside but I'm looking for something valuable."as he stole a glance at Arthur. "Besides, this southern part of the outskirts are much safer now than before thanks to you Sir Leon" he added. This village we where we're at right now is called 'Dirty Village', my house is located not exactly in the village but a little further south nearest from the monster forest. "Haha, i didn't do it on purpose though, those monsters keep attaking my house so i laid alot of traps around it ,luckily they keep falling for it. Bet they got scared to wander here anymore bwhahaha!" I laughed derisively. 'I'm so happy i drove them out, no more sleepless nights for me huhu' shedding my tears inside.' "With your skills.. WHY ARE YOU INSISTING NOT TO BE AN ADVENTURER?!" Arthur shouted. "BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO!!YOU NOISY BRAT! 'tugshh' i punched him again on his head and left him crying. "Sir Leon if don't want to be an adventurer, perhaps may i suggest you something. Your barbecue stall won't survive here anyway." Uncle Merlin stated. "Lord Merlin! My savior!" I held unto his legs like a child with teary eyes but he just casually drinks his coffee. 'Uncle's right, i have no costumers here. I survived here in the outskirts by hunting monsters for food but it is exhausting for normal dude like me and its risky too.' "So whats your suggestion Uncle Merlin?" i stood up and asked. "Well i have a friend looking for a number of trustworthy people to guard his house or to be precise the people inside the house. Dont worry, he is a good man and pays well. I'll recommend you if you want to." He said. 'Hmmm...guarding people huh?' "Isn't that more dangerous than hunting monsters?" I looked at him with narrowed suspicious eyes. "I know what you mean sir Leon, but i guarantee that its much easier for you. Besides, you're not the only one guarding them. Best thing is you can get your pay per day and you can quit anytime you want." He said. 'Nice! If i can save enough, i can quit and continue my barbercue business inside the city.' "You've got some bigshot friends right there huh Uncle?" "Well yes, he is something like that." He smiled. "Wow its so rare to see you smile uncle." 'They must have been good friends.' "Okay, I've decided. I'll take the job Uncle." I said. 'I not gonna disappoint you uncle.' I secretly declared. "Good, then let's depart a week from now." Lord Merlin said. "So where's our destination?" I asked him. "To the inner cirle."as he casually drinks his botomless cup of coffee. "What?!" I was surprised. "WHAAAAT!!???" Arthur screamed in disbelief. We both questioning if we misheard it but Lord Merlin says it the second time. "To the inner circle of this' city.". Arthur and I looked each other astounded "EHhhhHHhhhH?!".

In a dim lightened room, a silhouette sitting on a throne like chair speaks in low voice. "Have you found him yet?". Ten paces from the chair another silhouette that seems to be kneeling immediately answered. "Yes and no your Highness. We are sure which world he is right now but the problem is we cannot proceed the mission from there." Annoyed, the silhouette on the chair asked. "Which world is it?" Again, the other silhouette immediately answered. "The world of Maya your Highness." The silence embraces the dark room like it is saying that this is what must supposed to be. Only the murmurs of struggling low voice trying to break it. "Which god is it? Which god supports you? Or is it just luck? Fate? Whatever the case, you should give it back what belongs to me.....Soldier...."