
what to do ?

(background song plays)

mom, can you please off that

(song stops)

what are we going to do honey

honey, do you even know where is amazon and that EL DORADO

you challenged him without thinking of anything

guys,guys,guys stop it ,I know I'm wrong but I don't know any other options trust me . I will do something

(after sometime)

!!!!!guys I got an idea, mom can you please call uncle grey

who is he honey

he is an archaelogist and a treasure hunter ,he can difinetly help us

that's sounds good 👍

hello, uncle grey

honey ,my girl how are you dear

I'm fine uncle grey , but I want a favour

what is the matter?

(explains everything)

ohh is that , how can I help you

can you come with me to this trip

let's see in the south america


pack the things we have to go south america

yesssssssss let's go

(after they reached)

hello, uncle grey how are you

I'm fine honey

and I'm too!!!!!!!!!!!! my cousin

daby!!!!!! I miss you so much

I miss you more than that

don't worry I will be with you throughout this month

we are going to have a very great time

honey, can you please introduce us

yeah, guys sorry I forgot about it . guys this is my cousin daby , daby they are my friends . she is Catherine, she is Alan, and she is sandy.



honey , come let's goo

(meanwhile in school)

good morning Mr. adithya

good morning students .... where are them, why didn't they came

sir , that four idiots have gone to South america, to find another monkey 🐒

(whole class laughs)

students ,silent...

(In South america)

I like this jeep ride honey, its soo good


honey , just see these monkeys they are looking alike us

yes, may be

honey , what are you even reading 📚

guys just come here , this is a book about ELDORADO I have collected some informations about this in the 15th century starting gold is considered as an strength of a country. so, many countries did mining and also thefting . like that many spainers had gone in search of gold .And one man had came to amazon in search of gold his name was ARAN CORTES he was the first person who know about ELDORADO.

honey, then our journey is going to be much easy. let's ask him about it

Alan, are you mad or something , I said he was in the 15th century .


uncle grey, what are we going to do ?

we are going for ELDORADO.