

This is not fair guys .

I never expect this from honey .

she is not like this before.

(suddenly honey came)

hey guys.

what do want now ?

I want tell you guys about our next destination.

we don't want to hear.

go and tell that to your cousin daby.

she is a big genius right ? go and tell her.

guys don't take me wrong .

we didn't expect this from you.

guys let me explain.

we don't want to hear anything just leave .

but I...

(honey leaves the room)

"when we were there we saw something that couldn't been found in this whole world . is this true are we are just dreaming , I don't understand "

( honey reading the book of ELDORADO )

honey, can I come in ?

come in uncle grey ...

what are you doing dear ?

nothing uncle, I'm just reading this book 📖

what it says 🤔

just leave it uncle . tell me why are here.

I want to show you this river map .

give me uncle.

(when she saw the amazon river map )

uncle I think this is going to be a challenge .

yes , it is dear.

uncle what is the meaning of these symbols 🐍🌨🐼🦁🌾👨‍🌾

I don't know honey. I think this is for marketing.

ohh are you sure uncle .

definitely honey.

ok, let's go forward .


Who is shouting there uncle ?

I don't know honey come let's see


Alan, why are you shouting ?

honey , help me take away this from me . aahhh I'm scared.

what are you saying about ?

(suddenly a monkey 🐒 jump from Alan to honey's shoulder )

ohh he is sooo cute 😍.

awww!! it's disgusting.

yes honey just throw him away .

No , sandy he is so cute. Catherine what did you say ?

I don't have an idea , I think this was from squirrel monkey family..

Catherine I'm not asking you about his family , I'm asking you about him.

Squirrel monkeys are omnivorous and mainly eat fruits and insects. They also eat nuts, seeds, leaves, flowers, buds, eggs, and sometimes small bats and birds...

ohh is that ? can we have him ?

honey , I don't like monkey soups

( monkey shouts with a loud noise )

Alan, I'm not saying have him as food. I'm thinking to have him as a pet..

what pet?

I don't like this monkey . it is disgusting , just throw this shit away.

don't call him like that . we should name him,

( honey is thinking about a good name )

yes , I got it. his name is SIMAN 🐒

hey , it's my brother's name.

so what , there is no difference between them , am I right sandy ?

yes , you are honey . he is looking alike SAIMAN , it was a very good name Alan

I don't like this name ?

but I like it. do like it too Catherine ?

it's better to call SIMAN than calling squirrel monkey. I think this name is quite good 👍

do whatever you want . but I don't like this monkey, so don't let him come near me I'm going to my room.

just leave her SIMAN she doesn't know value . you are not looking alike her brother SIMAN , but you are looking alike my teacher MR . ADITHYA . I miss his advice , scolding and madness so much . so , I want you to be here .

( meanwhile in school staff room )

( ADITHYA is calling honey's mom )

hello, who is this ?

hello mam I'm adithya your daughter's teacher .

ohh is that ? tell me sir. how can I help you ?

yeah, honey doesn't came school for 3 days where is she? is she OK?

yes, sir she is fine , but she is not here .

then , where is she?

she is in her uncle's home at south america. she will be home soon

ohh is that.

yes sir...

can I get the address .

yes, you can sir , but for what reason ?

nothing I just want to make sure ..... that she is safe.

ok , I will send you the address.

thank you so much , bye

bye .

hey adhi , with whom did you speaker?

I just spoke with honey's mother Joy.

but , for what ?

I'm just guilty .

why ?

before 3 days on the school reopening day , I scold her as idiot infront of everyone , I have insulted her so much


she didn't came to school still now , I think she was embrassed .

you are teacher and you advised and scold her . this is your duty adhi

I just want to meet her and tell that I'm sorry to scold her .

do anything you want adhi . I'm going I have class to take .

( in amazon )

SIMAN , do you think we can reach our destination of ELDORADO ?we have to because this is not my dream my grandpa's dream , I have to make him happy.

do you think I can do that

🐒🤗 ...

Let's go for ELDORADO let's see him again ....