

uncle grey what are you even dreaming

I'm just thinking about the gold that we are going to get in ELDORADO we will be billioners , and I'm going to be the first person to found the ELDORADO.

that sounds good dad.

(honey 's mind voice: should I tell them the truth)

honey , what are you thinking

nothing ,Alan.

uncle where are we going now?

we are going to meet my old friend James

and for?

he will drop us in the amazon forest and then we can start our exploring..

that's sounds good 👍

hey James, how are you?

I'm good grey? what about you?

I'm good too. but , I'm here for a favour .

what is it?

can you drop us in th amazon forest in your boat...

yes, I can . but for what?

we are going for EL DO RADO.


I can't, I can't even if you give me 100 million $ I can't do this...

but, why James..

don't you know that, it was cursed

what?? do you even believe that..

yes, I do its not joke grey, I can't

uncle we shall look for others don't comple him.

honey, please wait dear i can talk to him

there is no use in it uncle he just afraid of it. we shall look for others

did you think this is a game little girl😠

really I don't take things simple and I'm not a little girl . mr James I'm not scared like you for the myth stories .

😁😁you just don't know the truths . our God is there 🙏

ohh really then I will meet him straight forward .

you will soon understand it🚶‍♂️. And I can't come with you forgive me.

that's ok mr James can I borrow your boat for a week..

yes, but don't forget that you are going for danger.

I know it very much James and thank you for your advice take these bucks .

but , for what ?

I don't get anything free from anyone and this is for your advice. I'm moving now guys load our bags in the boat.

wait dear..

what do you want now?

good luck.. we can have coffee if we met again..

definitely mr James we can have some cold coffee in star bucks..

( after they load their bags on boat)

what are you doing Alan?

sandy I have a doubt .

what is it...

how will this boat move.

its nothing Alan , we should pull this handle back then we have to press this button and then we should set the direction. that's it the boat will move now.

I'm not asking about that.


I'm asking is this boat is moving in petrol or diesel.

heyyy you, Alan now this boat will move under you..

guys, this boat is moving in diesel and if diesel is drained out , we can use motor and which was working by solar power...

👏👏👏 you're amazing Catherine, ok come let's skipper this boat...

guys can you please step away from here...

why we have to daby ?

because I am going to skipper this boat.

what.....? no you can't, we are here to sjipper the boat .

I don't think so ? do you guys even know how to start it...but I know skipper this boat. honey said me to do this work..

what ? did honey said that..

yes, she is, if you have any doubts go and ask her ...

I will, honey , honey , honey.....

why are you guys are shouting ?

honey do you know ? she is telling that you have told her to skipper the boat

yes, I did

what? but we are here to pilot the boat.

she knows much than you guys, so let her skipper the boat. you guys just come with me.

what ? are you we don't know anything ?

we can't do this ?

you are so mean ... honey

I don't mean it ...

we don't want to do anything..

you can have anything with your cousins...

we are moving...

guys.... just leave them you skipper the boat daby. let's find the ELDORADO as soon as possible .