
The World Flipped

This is a story about Reinard, a boy who was a game freak as a result of things that had happened to him. One night the world suddenly flipped and Reinard saw this as another chance to rewrite himself. But fate takes him on a journey without his consent and Reinard slowly realizes there may be more to the flipping of his world and to everything that exist. Follow Reinard and many other characters as they impact this Abeir Toril,( a beautiful world adored by many but untouchable)in different ways MC is not perfect and overpowered from the beginning and world building takes some chapters but later focuses on MC alone.

CephasWRITES · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
303 Chs


The whole world, every single being on earth felt the world flip, for a moment, they thought it must have been delusional perhaps it was just their mind, it happened too fast for anyone to take note of.

Everyone regardless of where on earth the person was located was now seeing the same view, the well built sturdy wooden houses they were surrounded with and the long tower that stood in the middle of where everyone stood, high at the end a golden large bell could be seen from where everyone stood, people began to murmur but their voices scattered around because everyone gathered here did not speak the same language, approximately 13.56 billion humans were gathered in the same spot. 

Not all could quickly realize this from just the little they saw from hearing different languages and seeing different races of humans on the same spot indeed Lewis was a genius amidst his generation even though he was young, 

"How the hell did this happen?" 

he spoke to himself, "if the earth has ended then has God gathered every human here to decide if we would go to heaven or hell, shit I didn't even get to be an astronomer why does this have to happen... No no think Lewis think, I'm not the type to quickly give up like this what can I do?, what can I make of this situation?"

Perhaps one of the things that slowly killed little Lewis was that he thought too much before he acts. However for Lewis to think like this everyone had a common understanding that it looks like the world has ended. Everyone except a few...

"..... .... Did the world just flipped" 

with a surprised look on his face Arthur looked around he ran around squeezing himself to pass through people that are already beginning to form clusters, people that understood each other's language, he finally reach one building and touched it,

"this feels realistic enough I don't think this is a holographic work, then did the world just flip but it makes no sense... if so then we get teleported to the same starting point because the world is about to start again...I don't think it's that simple though" Arthur paced around as he thought aloud with his clean white tender fingers gently placed under his jaw.

It was amazing how humans can quickly take actions amidst emergencies like this, people that spoke the same language had already started to form clusters and discuss what was happening... However... 

"It still hurts, why does it have to hurt if the world ended shouldn't we be healed of all pained and await whatever is going to happen..." Rein spoke aloud, he suddenly felt like a large burden was taken off his chest, he looked to his left Kain who was still startled at what was happening couldn't even fathom that the one person he has always beaten the crap out of was looking at his sorry state with pity just because he couldn't believe what he was seeing... It was all too unrealistic to process.

"Tsk he's out of it" Reinard spoke in his head.

"You bastard are you just mocking boss right now?" Kritt gnarled at him with his words.

"Ahh I know that voice, I can't miss that voice, so he's here too, Kritt!", Rein look in the direction of where the voice was coming from and grinned, as hard as he could as if telling Kritt it is my time now.

Kritt staggered back at that face he saw just that moment the bell rang and everyone's gaze was fixed on the tower. Then a blue transparent tab appeared

[the tutorial will now begin in 5... 4...3...2...1]

[tutorial has started]

[the tutorial includes two parts the first part will focus on making you realize what true freedom is, however, anyone that dies in the first part of the tutorial will be resurrected in the abyss they won't be able to take part in the second tutorial but will be given access to enter the real world later on]

[now the tutorial objective is to do the one thing you have always wanted to do, however, you must be truthful to yourself for there will be reward according to how truthful you are to yourself]

[now you'll be given one hour to do the one thing you have always wanted to do]


As soon as the tabs that consecutively appeared had disappeared the whole place turned into a rampage, humans' true nature was revealed. Of course, some could still keep it cool and carefully thought of what they wanted to do, some knew what they wanted to do but currently, they couldn't do it so they just did whatever they really could do at the moment with what was available.

It's a sight no one would ever want to see, all sought of crime being performed openly, some men that had probably worked as law enforcers that were truthful to their job stepped in, some could successfully stop the crime while some were beaten for butting in, amidst these crimes the one that was being done a lot, was rape and gangbanging, of course, they were people that agreed and went into the wooden houses, but those that did not were recklessly raped openly. The whole ground was in chaos.

"Wheew...." Rein let out a brief sigh after beating the crap out of Kritt, he beat him so much that Kritt face was distorted with punches, blood covered his face and made it had to tell he was the one, 'I knew from the beginning that this guy wasn't much, somewhere on this ground he's father would've been searching for him'

Rein thought this and decided not to kill him, but there was this one person he wanted to kill, his face became scary the moment the thought of killing his uncle ran through his mind. 'I know what that geezer would be doing now.' He grinned and started moving but was brought to halt by a voice from behind. 

"You, didn't you despise me? I gave you hell all your life, if you wanted to do anything wouldn't it be killing me?"

 Kain had regained himself and had helplessly watch Kritt being ravaged to the ground.

"That's funny did you think you gave me hell, no... All your anger I knew the reason so I just didn't feel like retaliating, plus I had promised both my parent I would never fight because I don't want to become a thug like them, I was studying hard and aiming to become a lawyer so I can make lots of money and live well. So no you didn't give me hell, the one person who was nearest to giving me hell is who I need to hurry now so I can kill him".

Kain chuckled, "bastard so it never left you, you're the son of a thug after all". 

Rein pointed out his hand to Kain,"I have not forgiven for destroying my console but right now I don't have the time to deal with you so go and do whatsoever you want to do, as you can see my father is dead so you killing me won't thrill you anymore, survive and let's settle our scores. The next time we meet one of us will die". He ran off immediately to look for the one person he has always despised the most.

 Kain grabbed his hair and fell to the floor in agony, he was surprised, he didn't know all this while Rein knew the reason why he was being hard and bullied him, "so he knew after all. That bastard I'm sure I must've been a crybaby to him".

From within the crowd, Ajett grumbled, "What the hell, I thought those two was gonna have a go at it but they just talked and settled it, and what reason was that timid Rein talking about?, what was the reason Kain bullied him all day?, damnit thinking like this won't help, I'll find out later... Anyway forget about that... Look at this" Ajett who had hidden amidst people and was waiting for Kain and Rein to have a real fight was disappointed they didn't, but soon got rid of the thought, perhaps he just decided to worry later.

He spread his arms in the air and began to roll in circles as one that was enjoying Mozart playing his piano. 

"Look at that, look there, over here so much despair, so many cries, so many sufferings, I love it, I love it, I love it so much, I looooovvveeee it!!!"


Lewis murmured as he passed by Ajett who was already lost in his self found joy. 

Moments later just has Rein had predicted he had found his uncle of course he was in one of the buildings having s#x with a lady, he was too weak and old to rape, but you would fuck a granny so far she agrees.

He had picked a very large wood that seems to have been well packed as leftover materials after the houses were completed. 

Lost in pleasure the old man did not even know what awaited him not until the lady that looked like she was in her late fifties screamed, he initially thought she was enjoying it too much, but he was truthful to himself and knew that he couldn't do it this well, it had never happened however before he decided to trace the ladies eyes and look back, Rein slammed the huge wood on him, he fell to the floor and began to bleed profusely. The lady screamed as she ran outside falling and immediately picking herself up so she won't get killed, at this point no one cared about their surroundings anymore. Whether or not they like it, what was happening was their reality now.

"This... I'm only doing this because I want to, however, if I see you in the real world, I'll give you the hell you deserve I'll make you rot while you walk just wait". 

He continues to slam the wood plank on his uncle's head until it felt like the wood plank was now hitting the wooden floor of the house.

His school uniform which he had not even had a chance to change because of the Kain and his friends that bullied him was covered in blood, his whole face was covered with blood, he sat on the floor and rested his back on the wall, tears began to roll down his cheeks as he murmured...

"Is my mother alive or dead?"