
012- Your the Best Grandma I Could Ever Ask For!

"WHO THE HELL DID THIS!" As Seiya was getting ready to leave he heard a womanly voice shouting at him.

'Wha!' Seiya spun around looking for the voice.

"WHAT DID YOU KILL ME FOR YOU STUPID SLIME!!" He heard the scream again, the voice somehow sounded like it had a hint of wisdom in it.

'Where the heck?' Seiya was extremely confused, where was this voice coming from?


'WHAT!!' Seiya heard the voice again and immediately checked his storage.

'What the heck!'

In his storage he saw the body of the young girl and her head floating, seemingly attached by blue strings. Next to the body he saw and light blue outline of a beautiful woman. It was the most beautiful body he had ever seen, the curves were so smooth, her legs were longer than trees, Her body was amazing!

He turned his vision to look up at her face and... It was gone!

"Down here you stupid ball of goop!" The voice sounded even angrier than before, and this time Seiya noticed the voice wasn't coming from where a head normally would. Seiya looked down at the hands of the woman and saw a head being palmed like a basketball!

The woman held up the head and the glowing blue face barely allowed Seiya to see the her features, but the barely noticeable features was still the most beautiful thing he had seen.

"Why did you go and kill that vessel of mine!! I worked so hard to escape to that body just to get it destroyed almost as soon as I possessed it! Do you know how hard it is to possess a mortal body! If that girl wouldn't of had two different souls already occupying the body I wouldn't have been able to absorb them! Your lucky my daddy is busy right now!!!"

'WHAT THE HELL!' Seiya was absolutely shocked! Who was this beautiful woman in his storage!


[Entity has different system attached to its soul. Translating into that systems respective stats]

[Name: Sarah Carter | Wang Bi Seol | Goddess of Knowledge & Wisdom, Maria]

[Race: Titanus Ancient]

[Class: God (Can only be obtained when gifted by the Creator)| Titanus Mother]

Titles: [Daughter of the Creator] [Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom] [Mother of the World Serpent] [Mother of The Divine Slime] [Mother of the Titans]

(Titles are earned through extensive efforts to acquire things that normal people couldn't. They give different bonus like more Mana, extra skills and so on. Can Also be obtained through a God.)

Bloodline: Child of the Creator

Rank: Deity (Level: 20,000+)

Hp: (Soul Form)

Mp: 1.2 Trillion

Endurance: (Soul Form) (Hp/Stamina)

Defense: (Soul Form) (How much Hp can be taken before health starts depleting)

Strength: (Soul Form)

Agility: (Soul Form)

Intelligence: 128,345,012,931

[Skills] (Arts)

[Unable to Translate further. Please Upgrade the System]


'WHAAAAAA!!!' Anyone would faint out of fright from what she just said and what Seiya had seen.

"STOP SCREAMING YOU SLIME!" It was quite Ironic seeing how she responded to Seiyas screams.

'I'm sorry for killing the vessel of the o'great Goddess of Knowledge & Wisdom!!'

Seiya Immediately apologized to this Goddess when he saw her status.

'But what did it mean different System? There are different ones?'

"Hoh? You have a personal system as well? Those can only be gifted by the gods, where did you get one. Most planets have systems but almost no people have their own."

'What how did you know?'

"Do you really think that I, a God, wouldn't have a simple [Appraisal] Skill? Lets see what planet you come from."

Seiya was confused, other people have systems? He thought he was special, but clearly not.

"No way! You're one of my grand children!! One of that slimy bastard even!"

'Yeah it did say something about her being the mother of the divine slime, Is that Jormenheim?'

"Good observation, I let you Inspect me but I didn't think that would grant anything besides you bowing to me."

Seiya was temporarily stunned. Did that mean that this lady who just shouts about her getting her dad on people was his grandma? He shuddered at the thought.

'How spoiled.'

"Hoh? Who are we talking about because you better hope its not me."

Seiya saw a huge ball that looked like a Sp*rit Bomb was being charged up.

'NO, why would I call you, the great Goddess of Wisdom, spoiled.'

You could see slime sweat dripping down his tiny body.

"I can also see we're on the planet of my other child. I want you to go there right now!"

'O-okay, but first, would you mind not just reading my mind?'

"Hmm, are you trying to order me around?"

The air around Seiya became freezing, like he was in a tub of ice.

'S-sorry! Forget I said anything!'

"Jeez, relax. I wont read your mind, your really no fun you know that?"The air went back to what it was before and the woman became calm.

'I will start heading to the [World Serpent] now.' Seiya said with a look of horror on his face.

"En~" Is all that the woman, Maria, replied with. Seiya started crawling out of the house and was heading to the World Serpent when Maria yelled at him.

"You're to slow! Here, let me do it.



[Your body is being stolen by a higher power. Being is to Strong to resist.]

[Body taken over]

As all of this was being said Seiya could feel himself losing a grip over his body. His sight transformed and he was now inside of his Slime Storage. He could see himself next to Maria while it looked like she was controling him. When he saw Maria controlling him he calmed down a little bit because he knew she wouldn't do anything.



[Power has increased by an astronomical amount without evolving to suddenly! If the Power does not revert In approximately, 1 Hour the vessel will explode, releasing all of the power contained inside!]

"Jeez what a weak clone this is! Im going to connect with you main body, okay? Okay!"

Without even getting the chance to finish reading the screen in front of him he heard Maria talk. As soon as she finished he saw the space around his body distort.

[New Skill Created!]


[XX Rank] Teleport: Distorts the space around you and transfers you to anywhere you want within 5 km.


'Now shes giving me free skills! I love this woman!' If you hadn't noticed by now, Seiya was easy to change his opinions.

Seiya was ready to sit back and relax when he heard Maria talk again.

"Ughh, why did that slimy bastard make such a weak system! Here I'll do you this favor since im your Grandma." Right as Maria finished talking He saw his system window pop up.

[System Uprading]

[Mortal World System > Heavenly World System]

[Name: Seiya]

[Race: Titanus Guu]

[Class: God | Titanus Predator]

Titles: [Grandson of the Goddess of Knowledge & Wisdom] [Spawn of the Divine Slime] [Blessed by the Gods] [I'm a Menace to Society] [If Your Not Strong Enough Get Out of my Way ]

Bloodline: Divine Slime/Titanus Guu

Rank: D (Level: 211)

Hp: 32,000

Mp: 2,810( Entity in Control 1.2 Trillion)

Endurance: 320

Defense: 10


Agility: 288

Intelligence: 281( Entity in Control 128,345,012,931)

Stat Points: 266

[Advanced Skills]


-- Supreme Regeneration--

--Soul and Body Resurrection--

--Supreme Transformation--

--Just 2 Slivers?--



--Slime Storage--

--Supreme Heal--

--Pain Absorption--

--Guu Energy--

--Divine Absorption--[LOCKED]


--Greater Reinvigorate--

--Lightning Movement--

--Acid Blade--

--Wind Blade--



"No need to say thank you, your one of my grandchildren and a good grandma would give gifts! I even unleashed some of your race potential. You went from Devouring Slime to a Titanus Guu. Oh yeah by the way, the titans are the strongest races so your extra welcome!"

'Your the best Grandma I could ever ask for! Even thought you do talk a lot...' Seiya whispered the last part under his breath. Besides for his system getting upgraded even he got upgraded!

"Well your welcome. I just gave you the bare minimum to survive in normal heavenly worlds, this world is the bottom of the bottom. That's probably why Jormie likes to sleep here.

'Shes able to call the world serpent Jormie? Just what did I get myself into...'

In the forest that hosted the most powerful monsters in the forest there was a Slime Human blinking through the forest giving off an expression of happiness but leaving behind an aura of regret.