
The World Created by One Person

A man whose name and origin is unkown woke up in the City of Oblivius. He must find a way to survive the new world full of mysteries.

h_Hirto · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 1 A New World

On one special day one person woke up in a place he doesn't know of. This person look confused but luckily he was in the safe part of a unknown city that he never heard of.

He started to observe the surroundings while walking around. When he finaly found a person. The person ask if he had woken up in a place that he never been to.

He answered "Yes I woke up in this place. Do you have any idea where am I?"

"You woke at the central park of Oblivius City."

"Oblivius City?"

He was quite confused but he didn't loose his calm posture. He then ask "How did you know I woke up in a place that I never heard of?"

"Because that happens to be the way that every citizen of Oblivius City came to be."

"Came to be?"

"Yes, every citizen here woke up in the Central park."

He quikly understood that every citizen that lives at Oblivius City was unfamiliar to the city until they probably adapted.

The person then ask "What's your name?".

He was confused why need to ask for the name when you can just create a nickname.

"My name is..."


Suddenly when the man was about to speak of his name small sparks appeared, and his unable to speak of his name. Why can't I say my name it doesn't make sense does it have something to do with this place?

"My name is Naiba"

"Oh I see, glad to meet you my name is Ritso"

Naiba ask if there is something that makes Oblivius City unescapable. Ritso was confused by how he knew but answered that yes there is a barrier within the city's border.

He was confused by the barrier part but he tried to ask more question but Ritso ask why he knew that they can't leave. He quikly answered that it doesn't make sense that there are people living in an unkown city.

He ask about what a barrier. Ritso answered by saying that its something that can only be found in this city. He ask what does that mean and Ritso answered that people are given an ability when they get transported to Oblivius City.

Naiba was still confused but he tried to make sence out of thing when suddenly a group of people started to appear in the Central Park.

"Hey you must be the one that woke up here."

"Yes so why ask?"

"Join our group you'll get lots of benefits."


"Yes groups Ritso probably didn't told you."

"Don't join them they are a bunch of bad people abusing their abilities."

Naiba was quite annoyed by hearing them talking about abilities when he doesn't even know what his is. He then ask how to figure out his ability.

"You still don't know your ability? Well Ritso is a tricky kid to handle but if you want to know join us."

"Why I can just ask someone else like Ritso who is right here?"

"He won't tell you because everyone here is in groups and are trying to recruit people by not letting them have the most important information."

"Oh I see."

"So join us."

Naiba easily answered "I will not join"

"Why he won't tell you and no one will?"

Naiba ignores him and walks around observing his surroundings while Ritso and the other guy is confused.

"Just answer me why?"

"Its because if you people can figure out something like how to look at your ability then that means I can."

"So your arogant because you think your smarter than us."

"I never said so but your free to think as you want."

Naiba then left both of them leaving the Central Park. He wonder around seing people with abilities using their ability.

He then thought that if everyone is living normaly then they might have access to the internet but they should be able to call for help so why not call for help. As time pass Naiba felt hunger it make sense since he haven't eaten anything and time should be somewhere at the afternoon.

He then started to look around it didn't take him long to find a convenience store. He then entered the store but the only other thing in the store other than him is a hologram looking human.

He naturaly ask the hologram to give explanation of how the store works he thought that the hologram might act like a human and explain details that other people won't tell him.

When the hologram's voice was heard it souded like a robotic mess put together.

[The convenience store act like a normal store with the exeption of a hologram working 24 - 7.]

"Oh I see... Does that mean I have to pay?"

[Yes customers must pay with a different currency from the human currency.]

"A different currency what currency?"

[It is points.]

"Points? How do I get points?"

[Subjects can get points by living a normal life using their given abilities. Subjects will be paid with points every night.]

Naiba quikly realised that he has to start living normaly to get points but he wondered how the points are given and why give points to someone just living a normal life with the abilities being a part of it.

"Then how can I figure out my ability?"

[Subject can say the word TB to open the task bar where the abilities can be found.]

Wait I can ask them about it that means that the recruitment only looks good if you think from the start that you can only get minimal information. After having that question answered another one appeared.

"Why do people recruit?"

He wondered if the hologram will answer.

[Groups can be formed to complete several task that are not connected to the act of a normal life. The groups can earn points and influence by recruitment and several completed task of said group.]

Naiba understood that the task must be pretty hard if a group is needed. He then look around the store. He thought of opening his TB but he wondered if people might be following him he scoffs at his idea that he called illogical.

"Task Bar"

[Task Bar downloading]

[Task Bar download complete]

[Task Bar]

Ability: Logical and Illogical

Information: Press to learn the basics of your ability.

Points: 0

Note for Subject: Abilities can be change and it can also be upgraded. Please make the best decision you can.

-Note is given by the Host

What is this its weird what kind of ability is Logical and Illogical? Well that aside I need to keep myself calm. Depending on how I use the abilities is how strong it could be. That aside I need to learn the basics though the host thing is concerning. Naiba pressed the learn the basics information. A new Task Bar appeared.

[Task Bar]

Logic: Is an ability that allows the user to change common sense for 3 seconds. Depending on the mastery of the ability the amout of time could change. Further information about the ability is unkown.

Illogical: Is an ability that allows the user to change 1 law of the world or universe for a 10 seconds. Depending on the mastery of the ability the amount of law and time that can be change can increase. Further information about the ability is unkown.

Naiba was quite shock by the possibilities of his abilities. He is possibly a given the ability that will never loose. Even by learning this he is not happy to know that his broke. He looked at his TB again to confirm whether or not he might have missed something. He saw the abilities can be change note and wondered what ability is so bad that you would change it but its pointless to him.

Then the TB appeared but with a task.

[Task Bar]

Task: Return to the Central Park

Time Limit: 1 hour

Reward: 100 Points

Failure: -1,000 Points

This TB is pretty annoying since I don't have a single point. Theres no reason to not go but its quite concerning for me.

If I go I might get the offer to join some groups but depending on what happens I might not. Well I guess I just have to see.

Naiba hurried and ran towards the Central Park luckily it only took him 40 minutes. When he got there he saw a buch of people talking about why they were here. After the remaining 20 minutes a holoram appeared taking the form of a highschool girl? Everyone was confused but the host brushed it of.

[Hello everyone Im your daily dose of entertainment in Oblivius City!]

Strangely enough the host said it in a very cheerful manner.

[Well before I start talking I must first give the reward!]

[Task completed]

Reward will be given

[100 Points have been added to your TB]

[Now that is over you all must be wondering why are we gathered here? And for that I say the first Main Event has started]

Quikly confusions arise. Everyone is wondering what a Main Event is and what triggered it.

[For those wondering a Main Event is where every subject has to complete the same task. The task that will be given will not affect your normal life. You can treat it as a side quest with bonus reward with specific outcomes.]

[And the trigger was Naiba]

Wait why is it me? Is it possible that there is a limit to the amout of people that can be in this city or the event starts when a specific amount of people is in the city. Either way no one knows who Naiba is.

A citizen ask "What is Naiba?"

[He is the newest citizen of Oblivuis City!]

Suddenly out of no where someone raised their hands.

"I know who that bastard is."

It was the guy that ask me to join their group but how did he know my name did he ask Ritso? The citizens ask him if he knows where is Naiba. He walked around then he point his finger to me.

"This is Naiba!"

The citizens gave of a stare at me as if implying that their mad at me. I ignored the citizens then ask the Host "What will be the Main Event?"

[The Main Event will be given now.]

[Task Bar]

Main Event: Elect a Leader.

Time Limit: 30 days

Reward: 10,000 Points

Failure: All subjects will be unable to use their ability for 30 days

Well this doesn't seem that bad but more Main Event might start during the 30 days. That is quite problematic. Either way getting a leader sounds easy but everyone will have a leader for their group. That just mean that everyone will want to get their group leader the leader of the city? Wait what does it mean by elect a leader? Does it mean that that leader will be the city's leader or does it just mean multiple people can be a leader. Well to put it simply maybe it means that for example their could be a leader then a vice leader so on and so fort. If that logic is right that means multiple people will have the title of leader. That is annoying I really wonder if someone might try to find a loophole. Well their is 30 days left.