
The World Beyond The Lens

Who would have ever thought that Angga, a corporate content creator, found another world filled with more intelligent species besides humans. The world was totally different from what he knew about the fantasy world, referred to popular fiction movies he was familiar with since no one can kill each other and compete in video making instead. Since it’s his expertise back in his world, Angga ventures to another world while exploiting his skills well with Clara, a fierce lioness warrior, by his side, and Tafnekha, a bewitching sorcerer, vying for his affection. He will use this chance to gather as many materials as possible to make amazing content back in his world. If you have access to another world, what kind of content are you going to make? A dragon race? A magical battle? Or just a plain relaxing adventuring video? The possibilities are endless. It's also featured in Royal Road and Scribble Hub. [cover by: @TheProjectAR on Twitter, you can check all his other works there.] =0= Any donation will be much appreciated on this link: https://ko-fi.com/lumi0283

lazylumi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Chapter 4 - After the War II

No one remembers how exactly it began. They said demons were aggressive in the first place and started to invade the realms aside from plundering resources. It noted that demons' land hadn't been sustainable for life from the beginning of time, so they started attacking anyone when most of their resources were depleted.

Union Kingdom, just like the name stated, was the last bastion of every living being that seeks peace. They tried everything to live alongside the demons, such as negotiation and collaboration between the species to achieve peace together.

Yet those times never came. Demons constantly attacked anyone even though other races trusted and were willing to work together with them. The war was inevitable as both sides suffered significant losses. Countless corpses and burned environments were common until something came above the bloody battlefield of swords and magic.

The hatred from both sides runs deep within their psyche. Fear, anger, and resentment because of the endless cycle of killing, be it from the demon side or the Union side. Both were aiming for each other throats with immense hostility.

Everyone unleashed their war cry and attacked with their might, using swords, magic, claws, or anything that could hurt someone. Their intentions slowly distorted now–from the Union Kingdom that they had to repel demons to survive became a bloodthirst that obsessed with killing any demons that they encountered. Similar to the Demon Kingdom, due to their aggression because of their resource problem, now their only goal is the extinction of other races.

"Be careful! The enemy called upon something huge!"

"Fall back! Fall back!"

Everything went on to hurt each other until both sides expected the worst thing–a powerful magic that had been summoned above their heads to damage the other side significantly. Yet, it was nowhere near their prejudice.

When something came from the sky and made its grand entrance, everyone looked up and instantly felt its divinity pressure.

"W-What is that?"

"I never seen something like that."

It was an alien concept for the demons and the other species that had gathered on the battlefield to repel their common enemy. It descended at its own pace and blinded anyone who raised their heads to the vast sky.

It was bright yellow—a ray of hope that gave warmth to anyone without discrimination.

"Do not be afraid."

A metallic voice with a mixture of woman, man, alive, and undead tone echoed throughout each mind of individuals. Because of those words alone, all of the activities were stopped. No one is killing or surviving. Everyone looked up to witness the foreign object floating in the sky. It was hexagonally shaped with many layers on its surface, each rotated in a different direction rhythmically, indeed something out of this world.

"I am the Overseer. I've been watching over this planet for a long and pitied this godless realm. Henceforth, I'll step into the vacuum position to banish this endless bloodshed and hatred. There will be no more."

A massive magic circle came from the hexagonal floating shape, slowly encircling the planet from one end to another. The circle automatically shrinks by the end of the planet to close the seal. Nothing really happened for everyone on the battlefield as they glanced at each other to reconfirm their condition.

One thing they noticed was that everyone got an orb floating around them, along with sudden pop-out sounds around them as if something was loading and completing its process. Of course, the war participants have zero idea about what happened to their situation.

Since then, the laws of this planet have changed forever. No one can kill another regardless of their race and intention. That means that even though there was an accident because someone was not supposed to kill anyone, that cause will also vanish like a cloud of dust.

The age of peace has come. 

The Overseer also understood why the war happened in the first place–it was due to a lack of resources for demons and others altogether. Due to limited resources and unlimited needs and wishes of any living being to live and reproduce, it's given that one's resources will be depleted, and people will be unable to have what they usually get.

That's why the Recording Orb was introduced along with the system that followed it.

"The system?" Angga reconfirm.

Aleid nodded. "Yep. This will be our important clue to regain more resources outside the regular method of our common practices."

The Overseer explained further that now they can record anything that happened in one's life, be it instant broadcast or saved inside the orb, and can be accessed later, called a video.

What about the resource solution that the Overseer promised? Sometimes, a faint window opened in the sky, and the shades of a humanoid figure could be seen. Depending on the records people took, it can be a lot or just a few.

Those are called the Watchers, and they're the ones who will give the videos a Support. Just as the name implies, it's an unknown energy that was given to the maker of the said video that instantly converted into needed resources.

Food, raw ingredients, weapons, and rare materials originally dropped from strong monsters came from the Support of the Watchers. Hence, gathering Support as much as possible is one option to survive.

War was futile now because no one could kill anyone without exception. Both demons and non-demon people left the battlefield and returned to their place, focusing on gathering resources on their own or making amusing videos for the Watchers so they'll give their Support.

"Basically, that's our situation now," Aleid put the end of his explanation while Angga listened earnestly to his story. "No more war, only focusing on our own matters to nurture our nature and harvest the resources we need or become a video maker with the same goal."

"So everyone shifted their job to become a video maker?"

"Not really. Our society breaks down into two major paths. One is the conventional way, a farmer, fisher, raid party, or dungeon crawler. And one is the video maker."

"What about the demons? Since no one can't kill anymore, does that make them dormant or anything?"

Aleid shrugged and felt uncomfortable. "Dunno, and we don't really want to know what they're doing at this rate. You know, we've been fighting each other for so long until our hatred runs deep in our veins. They also got the Recording Orb just like us, so maybe they're focusing on making videos, too. Those demons must find a way to access the resources they need, right? That's their motive for the war, after all."

When Angga wanted to doubt what Aleid said, the Recording Orb floating around that sheep guy instantly blocked his suspicion. This world can't be compared to the common sense of Angga's world, so most likely, Aleid was honest with everything he said.

Also, the deep hostility against the demon that couldn't be removed will be noted. Angga should understand that fact and act accordingly. That also means he will never find demon-kind people in this kingdom since everyone would not welcome the demon.

Still, to think that this world works in a way unimaginable to Angga and to become a content creator to boot.

"That's why we, the Resources Guild, are trying our best to the society. Now the age of peace has come, we can focus on doing anything we need, and we like to." Clara said it clearly.

"Precisely. The building where you met me for the first time is our building. A guild needs a basecamp to do this kind of operation, you know.

A smug grin came from Clara and a warm smile from Aleid. It seems like they knew what to do in this era and were confident about it. To think that Angga could meet another content creator specializing in video-making raised his excitement.

"So, I guess this Resources Guild is the place where people with a common goal to make amazing videos gather?"

"Eh–hem!" Clara cleared her throat. "Now it's my turn to explain everything we do until now. Listen to me well, Angga. This is when the fun begins!"

Clara wore glasses that she somehow managed to find. Angga was confused since he didn't expect Clara to carry glasses around because no pocket was found on her outfit.

"Hey, Aleid. So Clara's eyesight is kinda bad?" Angga whispered.

"Nope. It's just her style to randomly find an eyeglass whenever she's going to explain something." Aleid answered straight. "I know you want to find out how she brought those glasses all along. But, some stuff better left unanswered."

Angga nodded. Aleid nodded. An agreement has been made.

Resources Guild, as the name stated, focused on finding resources so it could contribute to the post-war Union Kingdom's society. Due to demons' invasion in every part of the land, some areas were no longer usable for farming or fishing. So the consideration to amuse the Watchers and making videos is highly considered.

There's no restriction on the video made. As long as it's exciting and generates many Support, then it's great. Most of the videos that got a lot of views and Supports were always the ones that were pretty difficult to make.

"I've got this friend who is away to make a video or straight broadcasting what she's doing now. She is super strong, so she tends to make videos whose theme is close to fighting monsters. The view counts and Supports she gathered are huge since the Watchers liked to watch exciting things." Clara seemed proud when she talked about her friend.

"Yeah. Tafnekha is a prodigy on her own. She only taking advantage of what she can do well." Aleid agreed to the girl's statement.

"Yup. Her Support raised our guild's benchmark high. So we have to chase her standard. It's still quite tiring for us, hehe. Also, I think fighting monsters outside the town isn't that dangerous. You just need to know each monster's nature and refrain from meeting the deadly ones."

The human guy nodded as he processed the situation he was currently in. Far, far in another world, there was a kingdom that encouraged its citizens to make video content to gather resources to survive. And Angga's ability somehow matched this world's needs. So deep inside Angga's mind, perhaps he can utilize his skill well to solve any problems in this place and ultimately be able to go back home?

But when he rethought all of his day-one experience, a hunch feeling came into question.

"Is that why you were the first to approach me when I first arrived here?" Angga asked the lion girl.

"Spot on! It's because you used teleportation magic in front of us by appearing out of thin air just like that. But it's now that you've even come from another world that makes it even greater! Hehe, my gut feelings are reliable, indeed." She replied with a lot of vibrant energy.

"...and I bet you want to feature me in your video or something?"

"Yeeess! Now that you're coming from another world, then you must have something far greater. You can show me how you fight the monsters outside with your technique or something."

"Even though I can't even do the most basic light spell every baby could pull off?"

Clara faced another way while laughing awkwardly.

But does the system that forbids everyone here without exception to kill also apply to Angga?

"Hey, could you help me to test this system too, Clara? I want to see if my hands dissipate like dust, too, when I try to hurt you."

"No problem!" Clara readied herself to receive anything that came from Angga. "Come to me."

Angga dashed to Clara and tried to punch her with everything he had–even though Angga barely punched anyone in his life. Aleid was curious too, and examined the whole thing.

As Angga's fist reached Clara's hand that aimed to block, his fist dissipated into dust until Angga pulled back his arm.

So, the law of no killing also applied to Angga somehow, even though he came from another world.

What about magic power?

He took back a few steps after trying to hurt Clara, now Angga tried another movement he thought necessary to unleash some magic. He remembered films or relevant ads he had seen before and was going to replicate them. In front of Clara and Aleid, Angga seems to be trying to do a weird summoning ritual.

Nothing happened after a solid 15 minutes of weird body gestures. Angga wanted to be buried right away.

"So… as you can see yourself, I can't do anything to launch a magic or something like that," proved Angga after a few deep breaths.

Clara's shoulder dropped, and her smile frozen in place.