
The World As We Knew It

Sample: Something in my chest tightens from seeing my fathers old work building half in shambles, and for the first time in two years, I feel a tear roll down my cheek. I wipe it away angrily and focus back on the screen. Right now she’s warning everyone to stay indoors. “I’m standing just outside of Biotech Breakthroughs Inc., where an explosion happened moments ago. There’s toxins in the air. We don’t know what else may have escaped.” They don’t know what else escaped? What does she mean by that? Whatever’s going on, she looks scared. Her blonde hair is in a messy bun like she hadn’t expected to be called onto the scene, and her black skirt holds wrinkles like she forgot to iron her business suit. I don’t blame her. If someone unexpectedly called me to a scene where a dangerous explosion happened, leaking unknown chemicals, I wouldn’t want to be there either. Streaks of orange and red flare up in the sky. There’s something behind her in the distance. I don’t think she notices it. “What the hell is that.” A student says while biting on their nails. “No cursing!” Ms. Darcy snaps her finger in the air, but her eyes are glued on the T.V. I lean forward and push myself into a stand, moving closer to get a better view. The clouds pull back, it’s a-. “It’s a plane!” Rose gasps, taking the words right from my thoughts. It is a plane. It’s coming down fast and heading straight for the reporter. “Oh my god.” Ms. Darcy barely whimpers out. The nosey people gathered around the explosion site, starts screaming and running away. I see the reporter turn to look up. But it’s too late. A bright light fills the screen with flares of red, black and grey, then the signal goes dead. ————————————————————- Seventeen year old Ian has always felt like an outsider, ever since his mother lost her mind and his father disappeared two years ago while working at a mysterious corporation that conducts experiments for the future of the world. He lives with his little brother and their adoptive father, who doesn't understand Ian and often argues with him. One day, after a heated confrontation, Ian is dropped off at school, where he faces his bully who taunts him about his mentally ill mother. Ian loses his temper and starts a fight, but their brawl is interrupted by a loud explosion outside. The teacher turns on the TV and they see that there is an outbreak of some unknown virus. Ian realizes that this might have something to do with his father's disappearance and the corporation he worked for.

TheLastRemnants · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

11.| Sinners & Saints

Before The Fall


I watch as Zeke and Jake face each other on the snowy rooftop, surrounded by the rest of us in a large circle. 

It's different from when we were back in Room 901 and they were eager to see us fight. This time some of them are scared, realizing there are no adults to stop things from going too far. 

Jake throws his fists and arms up in the air, trying to rile up the crowd. But he doesn't know he made a mistake. He shouldn't have challenged Zeke for the five remaining bags of chips. He's going to lose, and lose badly.

Zeke doesn't look afraid. He doesn't look anything at all. His face is blank, striking blue eyes as cold as the winter around us, and his body is tense. He's waiting for the right moment to strike, to catch Jake off guard. He's always been like that. He's always been worse than me, worse than any of us.

Zeke's ruthless, cunning, and if it wasn't for his concern for those who deserved kindness and are weak, he probably could be a cold blooded killer. Even I know not to get on his bad side.

Although I hadn't spoken to Zeke in two years until five days ago, it didn't mean I hadn't seen him around. One day six students trapped me and Ivan in an alleyway on our way home. It was a shortcut we often took.

They were leaning against the bricked wall at the end of the path, laughing and holding weapons. One of them, the ring leader, had a bat with the words Killer Handler on it. 

"Look who it is," The ring leader said, pointing at me.

The others joined in his laughter and moved toward us from around the rusty dumpster, hiding their faces under their hoods. I wasn't a good fighter then, but I had to protect Ivan, who stood by my side. 

"Let's just turn around." Ivan whispered to me in a small and fearful voice. There was no point though. They'd catch up with us and hurt us more if we ran.

I dropped my backpack onto the wet ground. "Stay be behind me." I told him. 

Then they attacked. I didn't know who hit me first. All I knew was that I was on the ground, being kicked and punched all over. I tasted blood in my mouth, I heard Ivan scream for them to stop. Pleading and bargaining to save my life.

None of it worked though. They kept hitting me and Ivan's screams turned into sobs. 

Then the pain stopped, I was curled up with my arms over my head, feeling pain everywhere, when I heard them scream.

I thought that they had hurt Ivan, so I looked up and saw Zeke smashing a brick into the leader's head. It was a smart move on his part. You take out the leader and the rest of them run away confused like spineless cowards.

I never got to thank him. We just stared at each other for a moment, then he left. Ivan—bless his heart—called the ambulance. The boy ended up needing stitches, and to this day I think he's still on life support down at Mercy hospital. 

The wind picks up and I pull my jacket closer around me.

"One," Rose lifts her hand and lowers a finger. She's starting the countdown for the fight to begin. 

Snowflakes swirl around them as they circle each other, looking ready to fight.. 

The wind howls in my ears, but I can still hear the shouts and chants of the crowd. Some of them are rooting for Jake, fearing what will happen to them if they pick Zeke and he loses the battle.

None of them interfere though. They're starting to realize that without rules there's nothing separating us from the animals. 

Rose lowers another finger. "Two," She continues, but I don't care about her countdown. I don't care about anything right now, except for what's going to happen next.

It's going to be brutal, I know that. It's going to be something that will haunt me forever. But I can't look away. None of us can. 

Rose lowers her last finger. "Three!" She says, then steps back. 

The fight begins. 

Jake swings his fist at Zeke's face and hits him hard. I wince, feeling the pain in my own jaw.

Zeke staggers, but doesn't fall. He keeps his distance and waits. 

"Don't fight like a coward!" Jake mocks him, shadow boxing in the air and closing the gap between them. 

Zeke smirks. He has something up his sleeve. I can tell. "Says the one that went for the lanky one. Afraid Ian would whoop your ass twice?"

Jake tackles Zeke like he did with me in the classroom, lifting him up like a football player and slamming him onto the concrete. 

Thankfully the snow cushions their fall, but it still looks painful.

Jake starts punching, but Zeke blocks with his forearms, then pushes him back and hits him in the throat.

I wince as Jake gasps and clutches his neck, trying to breathe. Zeke takes the advantage of this and knees him in the face with a loud crunch.

Jake's head snaps back. Blood pours down his shirt and the crowd gasps in shock. 

"Stay down, it's over." Zeke warns.

Jake doesn't yield. He steadies himself, slipping on the bloody snow, and attacks Zeke again.

He has too much to lose if he doesn't win. Respect, fear, and power. All gone if he loses this fight. 

Zeke's dodges and weaves, creating as much space as he can in the small circle. Rose looks away, disgusted by the violence.

"I'm not done." Jake spits out blood on the snow. "I ain't stopping until you're old cold."

He's trying to scare everyone into following him. If you want to put fear into everyone so they'll treat you like a leader, you start by showing how ruthless you are. He's been doing it for years, but now he has no limits.

Zeke nods his head. "All bark but no bite. I'm not the one bleeding, dude." 

Jake scoops up snow, throwing it into Zeke's eyes, temporarily blinding him. Zeke stumbles, losing his balance and giving Jake enough time to kick him in the chest.

Zeke drops like a fly and Jake is on top of him, choking him with his hands.

I step forward and Zeke shakes his head. I want to help him but I  can't. We agreed not to interfere.. 

Come on, Zeke. You can do this. 

I feel doubt creeping in as Zeke turns blue in the face. 

"Alright, stop! You win!" Rose shouts but Jake doesn't let go. He keeps squeezing his neck until spit starts bubbling at the corner of Zeke's mouth.

Then he releases him, laughing.

"I keep the chips and I don't have to fucking go into that school until it's cleared out. You all hear me?" Jake yells and some of the students near me flinch.

Zeke coughs, his eyes fluttering.

Jake glares at all of us. 

"In fact, I'm running things here. I'm the leader now. If any of you go against me, you'll have it worse than this." He turns and stomps on Zeke's arm, breaking it with a loud snap.

Zeke's arm bends at a wrong angle, and he screams in agony.