
The world as I knew it

The world as I knew would never be the same after that day. The world goes on as normal when suddenly missiles are launched across the world and it's set in the apocalypse. Read to find out more. Author: This is my first ever work and I'm joking it goes well. I started with an idea and will continue to build off of it. I hope you like it and will try my hardest to create a great story. Hopefully I can try to get 2 chapters a week out if I get lots of support I will get more out. Thank you in advance for reading

Rogueist · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Where am I(10)

What happened?

I was at the top of the hole. Looking down into the darkness.

I got pushed in.

Who pushed me?

The thoughts running through my mind as I lay there. I couldn't see anything. I tried to open my eyes but it felt like I was blind. There was no light. Only strange noises came from all around me. I couldn't even stand up. I don't know how far I fell but I probably broke some bones. There was no way I could get out. I was trapped in here probably to be left to die. Where did everyone else go? Why didn't the rest of the team come and help me and Nora when we didn't come out? Did something happen to them too? I tried to hold back the tears welling in my eyes.

I was lost in a house of mental torture.

Had my team abandoned me? Why would they do that?

A loud mechanical noise accompanied by beeping broke me out of thought. Something under me was coming apart. The floor beneath me was opening up and a bright light started shining from it. I fell into this new hole. Dirt and little brown creatures fell down as well. The little creatures hid under the dirt.

I looked around in shock. What I had fallen into was a long corridor. Metal walls and bright lights shine from the ceiling. There was a giant metal door at the end of the corridor. I wanted to get up and look around but I couldn't.

"Hello there"

Someone had talked but I couldn't move to see them. I had not heard their footsteps.

"Do you need help?"

My mouth wouldn't open to say anything.

"Let's get a doctor here, this kid needs help" The voice yelled loudly. It echoed throughout the corridor. I heard footsteps running toward me and rushed voices talking.

"Get him on the stretcher"

Multiple hands were grabbing at me. They placed me on what I thought was a stretcher. I stared up at the metal ceiling.

Where am I right now?

I was just in the building than in the hole and now hear. What's happening?

I couldn't wrap my head around the situation. Everything was so confusing. I thought that all the electricity and power in the whole world had shut off but they have lights on here. It didn't make any sense. I'll just go along with it and see where they take me.

They kept carrying me for a while. I stared up at the ceiling. It was all the same white lights every few feet.

Eventually, they stopped moving and set me down in a room. There were medical supplies everywhere.

"Can you speak?"

I blinked twice at him.

"I'm going to take that as a no"

"Can you move?"

I couldn't. I tried but every muscle in my body wasn't working.

"I'm going to take that as a no as well"

"Let's get a check-up on you and see what the matter"

As he was saying that he was interrupted by a man shouting "Doctor he's here"

"Oh yes, you have a visitor who wants to see you"

He stood up and backed a few feet away. I heard footsteps and A man in a very nice suit and tie walked up to me.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked me that very calmly like I was supposed to know who he was.

"President sir, the kid can't talk or move"

"Is that so, how very unfortunate"

President? What did that guy mean? President of the U.S.A.? if so why would he be talking to me?

"Kid there's a lot of stuff we need to discuss but I'll wait until your healed up" he walked out right after saying that.

The doctors put something in my mouth and my eyes started to close.