

Princess Philyra's POV:

Who was just in my brother's room? I think I saw someone but they suddenly went invisible! Wait, the spell on him has been broken. Was that person a spy, but who sent them after us? I need to find whoever that was regardless, the fact that we're here cannot get out!

We snuck out to participate in this competition, I can't ruin it now! My brother and I have always wanted to participate in a competition like this, but we're so held up in that stuffy palace we can't do anything! It's so boring, I can't let us get grounded and get out less!

Also, there is that one person who stabbed a contestant, I can't imagine how they'd react if they found out one of their possible targets is the royal family.

I managed to break that spell placed on me, but I didn't know my brother was suffering too, now look at the state he's in. Also, now his identity has been revealed, what are we going to do?

How would I know that so many things were going to happen in this competition in particular?!?


Jess' POV:

The Prince and Princess' name's are Princess Philyra and Prince Kronos. They are also two of the people who were on our team last round.

In all honesty I wasn't thinking when I teleported out of that room. Yeah, I know I'm the only one who can teleport without a machine, but hopefullly Princess Philyra will just think that I went invisible or something. The bending of space is visible, but it's quick and hard to notice if you aren't paying attention.

To the untrained eye, teleporting and going invisible look the same, just think about it. To the human eye there is no difference, in both circumstances the light reflecting off your body is no longer making to their eyes, so it looks the same.

It wouldn't be a stretch for her to think I just went invisible or something.

Back on track though, the next part of the competition is about to be anounced. This will be the last part, and decide who is going to win the competition. Of course only one team can win, so the other two teams will be eliminated.

"The final part of this year's competition hosted by Spectrum Univerity will be a simple vote! The competitiors will show in their own way's how they deserve to win, and the crowd will vote to see who wins!"

Sasha, of course, says, "Isn't that unfair, this whole thing could be rigged. People could be paid off to vote for a particular team!"

"Money and connections are a factor in everything in life, whether you like it or not. This final part of the competition is not only to test our skills, but connections too." That sounds cool coming out of my mouth but I totally stole that from an anime... whatever.

"I guess that's fair..."

"Well, neither of us have great connections, unless you're hiding something of course, so we need to do our best in earning the crowd's trust, okay?"

"Yeah..." She's still a little tired though huh? Well, at least she got a little rest inbetween rounds.

After everything that's happened, the end is near, and the person who stabbed me is no where to be seen. I don't even know if they're still in the competition.

"Excuse me, is a Jess Heart here?" Is that the police? Why are they asking for me? Actually, scratch that, I'm literally the victim of attempted murder and kidnapping in the same month. I guess that's a good reason...

My life after the Shift has been so chaotic... I hope it will chill out soon. Seriously, I need a breather from all this crazyness, I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but all this stuff happening recently has only strengthened my resolve. After this competition is over, I'm seriously going to try and stay out of trouble.

Well, I'm going to go with the police real quick... fun. Probably just going to be some questions about the whole incident, and why I'm here and not the hospital.

"Okay, we just have some questions for you to answer then you can go, we just want to know about what happened to you during the stabbing this morning, and why you are back here instead of being hospitalized."

Yep, I knew it. Well it was kinda obvious, but that's not the point. I need to get this over with so I tell him everything I know about the incident this morning. How I was stabbed never catching what the perpitrator looks like, and how I know it isn't the team who got first place the round before last round. I only give him a vauge reason though, can't tell him it's a team made up of royals, can I?

I try to leave out the part of me teleporting out of the hospital, but keeping that hidden is kinda difficult when the hospital staff in my room saw me disappear just for me to be reported in the stadium minutes later...

He found out obviously and asked me about it. I just tell him it's my own spell I invented and plan on keeping it hidden for the time being. New spells are invented all the time so it isn't anything new for people to hide stuff like this, so he just lets it go... for now.

I finally make it back and finish planning me and Sasha's plan for winning this final part of the competition. I highly doubt we can win with this round, we don't have any connections or anything, but you never know, and we have to give this our all.

Jokes on you, I'm keeping our plan a secret. From who? I don't know, I just talking to myself in my head at this point.

Should I do an information chapter? Like a list of characters and stuff. Maybe magic, countries, races and their appearances, etc.

Xubxcreators' thoughts