
The Battle

David destroyed nearly 122 ( approximate ) Argonauts alone which was a great achievement for David as well as EDF but the war wasn't over so they were told to keep their guards up and fight including David. After a few hours when the Argonauts retreated the EDF felt relaxed and lowered their weapons as they knew if they followed the EDF only would face losses, not the Argonauts. After the incident, an astounding report came for EDF that first time in human history more than 200 Argonauts were killed immediately he David was promoted from pilot to group commander. As the name suggested of the post, he was allotted a specific group of his own to be commanded by him.


The EDF generals didn't expect much from his group mates but expected great things from David which frustrated his teammates as they were not getting the least attention.

The next day David and his teammates had an introduction briefing which was quite normal until suddenly.......