
The Women who could call Fire

From the moment i could remember my life never completely made sense , I remember moments in my life where it all made sense, from love to hate.. family and friends..but those moments where nothing never makes sense is what scares me the most that's until i met them the others . The others who knew more about my life than i did That's when it all changed every single detail ..

Creativesoul98 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 1

"Veronica wake up it's time " i could hear the calls of the other servants bound here by whatever sins they were accused of. I didn't want to wake up not because of this endless hell but because

My body craved to stay asleep to pretend , to maybe just ignore the outside world, i use to hope for a savior someone to tell me that this is not my reality but i guess you could say I've learned to put away those childish thoughts of love , hope , dreams i was numb i could no longer feel what used to bind me to the everlasting hope that maybe I deserved to fight for a chance at survival. I was nothing

I blinked open my eyes repeatedly, instantly cringing from the sight of the madam of the house . She hated me from the moment i was born as my mother used to tell me , the madam couldn't bare kids due to a condition nobody dared to speak of.

My mother just so happened to be the one who was forced to be surrogate to madam by my father the head commander also the king of our kingdom , just thinking of him sent chills up my spine i was the forsaken.

I was the child he didn't want and because of that the moment they both found out i was a girl and could never be a heir to the throne, me and my mother were sentenced to be servants of the castle until death came upon us . The harsh reality of it didn't sit in until death finally found my mother, they said it was a illness but we all knew the truth my father grew tired of her . The thought of it angered me , i could feel this fire this raging anger deep inside me bursting to get out , snapping at me in rage for not allowing myself to do what nature intended.

I sat up quickly tearing off the already shredded blanket my mother had sewn for me on my 18th birthday , it use to be lovely until madam forced me to sleep in the barn for the rest of spring. One of the many punishments she had in for me ,

The barn was full already at high speed with horses in servants all around either setting up crops , keeping to the horses or trying to stay out of the way of the queen and king .

Today after all was the day of the awakening , the most special day to anyone in Arvaniah , servants have never been allowed to come the most we see are empty rooms to clean or the walls of where we sleep in that usually consisted of the servant hall .

Only the ranked families were allowed the knowledge of the awakening , From the moment i was born Arvaniah has been full of secrets , it was common for servants to just act oblivious to what was happening but for some reason something inside me just wouldn't let me just ignore the truth of the world we live in , No matter how much i was warned i knew that my life was not just inside these walls of Arvaniah.

I swept my hair into a quick ponytail, we didn't have much of a advantage here as servants so looking my best was never on my schedule, but studying myself this morning I couldn't help but notice how much similar i was starting to look to my mother.

From the caramel color of my skin to my dark hazel eyes but it was the warm but bright raspberry color of my hair that showed me our differences, to this day people still wonder how a child like me could be blessed with the same color hair as the forbidden moon goddess.

"VERONICA" madam yelled snapping me out of my daze , from the angered look on her face i could tell that I had already managed to piss her off .

" Yes madam " i said grabbing the edge of dress in offering a curtsy ,

" if i bothered to count how many times you woke up late I'd be dead by now " she scowled looking at me in the most distaste.

" I'm sorry madam I wasn't feeling well this morning it won't happen again " i whispered faking innocence if i showed her that i was no threat most times she just gave me my punishment in left it at that .

" No bother you won't be around for long " she said letting out the most highest giggle I've ever heard her make. I couldn't bother to focus on it because for the first time in my life the words that I've been waiting on her to let out has finally made it's way out . " wa what " I stuttered out , sloppily grabbing onto the barn door to keep me from falling,

" you heard me correct you won't be around for long" she smirked secretly, walking away from the barn. Jason the queens guard walked towards me handing me a sack ,

" one of the guards will be here soon to take you to North , it will be cold so the queen has gifted you with proper attire for the winter i would start packing now we don't have time to wait for you " the queens guard said before trailing behind her in a hurry.

It felt as if all the air had been knocked out of me the words i thought i wanted to hear made no sense, The north . Thats all i could think cause why would i a servant be sent to the north one of the darkest places in The kingdom of helia i was just a human. I couldn't fight, I couldn't shoot arrows and i damn as hell couldn't bare to live in the north.

I scurried inside the barn hurriedly putting the things i would need into another sack, the more I thought about my new life the more i began to accept the fact that i was finally leaving Arvaniah, in then suddenly I realized I wasn't scared because of the stories I've heard about the north , but i was scared because some part or me felt like maybe i belonged.

I reached for the locket my mother gave me and i silently sent a prayer to her, hoping that she could guide me when i finally made it to The north cause some part of me also felt like i would need it.


I will update as much as i can every day :) please leave feedback , this is my first officially book and i would love to know what you think so far.

The title of my book is the women who could call fire ( i am getting used to using this app still ) please leave feedback

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