
The Wolf With Red Eyes

Just a normal kid in high school, middle of the pack in just about everything he does, but after an encounter in the woods with something he can’t explain, everything seems to start getting better for Jacob, until the night of the full moon, where he realizes how it may just be too good to be true, and realizing maybe being middle of the pack, might’ve been better then then the pack he will be thrust into.

KB_DMV · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


After the conversation with his friends about football tryouts Jacob was already dreading his decision to go too them today, "maybe I should just not go, I mean maybe if I do Archie will quit too, and then we won't have to play this stupid sport" he thought to himself as he walked into his third block class, which was surprisingly much smaller than the first two he had attended today, but then again, it's not like many people took a language anymore after their first two years because there wasn't much point as they had already gotten all the credits they would've needed, and furthermore the people who did still take a language most certainly would not have picked Greek as their first choice, but to Jacob it was better than the other choices, as well as being better than taking an elective he probably would've just slept through anyway.

Looking around his class, seeing that compared to the twenty-five to thirty students in the last two, this class had maybe seven kids, and naturally given Jacob's personality he took a seat in the back away from the rest of students as to not have too have a conversation with any of the people he didn't know, and it seemed to work in his favor cause as the bell rung nobody else had come in and he was still a good two seats away from the closest person which he was happy about.

Preparing for class the teacher made his way to the front and just as he was getting ready to begin his lesson another student had made his way in, obviously late which the teacher made sure to point out, "young man, care to explain why you were late to class?" the teacher asked, clearly sounding annoyed as this was the first day and he already had people who were showing up late, "sorry sir, I actually just transferred here and this is my first day, and since I just got here I was just trying to find the room." he replied quickly, and after a quick stare down between the two the teacher motioned for him to take a seat, which to Jacobs surprise he had come all the way too the back and taken a seat next to him rather than the rest of the class.

"So guessing you aren't much of a people person either" said the new kid which Jacob replied "something like that" and quickly went back to being the kid who wanted to be left alone, but it seemed like the new kid wasn't going to budge as he had put his hand out with a smile on his face, "well I'm Zach by the way" he said, and Jacob not wanting to be rude even if he may not have wanted to talk too him, reluctantly shook Zach's hand, "it's Jacob" he said back.

That was as far as their interaction had gone though because after that Jacob went back to being the kid who didn't want to talk too anyone and Zach went back to being the new kid who didn't know anybody, and it remained that way for the rest of the class as they did their best to keep up with the lesson, although for Jacob as he was fairly fluent it wasn't much of a challenge, but to his surprise it seemed as though the new kid seemed easily as knowledgeable in the subject as himself, if anything maybe even more, which came as somewhat of a surprise to him.

Although after awhile the bell finally rung letting the students know it was time to head too their last class, and Jacob was looking forward to this as it was just a study hall, which meant he was free to relax until… and that's when he remembered he still had tryouts, which he still hadn't fully decided if he wanted to go too yet, but he knew it might be in his best interest not too, but as he was getting ready to head towards his class he heard someone call out his name.

"Heyyy Jacob, you got a sec" and too his surprise it was Zach, "sorry, I actually was just hoping since I had just transferred here maybe you could help me find my next class, it's room 116 and I have no idea where that is, and as I'm sure you know I didn't exactly get a chance to talk too anyone else about it" he said laughing awkwardly hoping Jacob wouldn't walk away before then, but to Jacob's surprise he quickly realized they were heading to the same room, so he felt like he didn't have much of a choice cause saying no and him coming to the same room would've just gave off the impression he was a dick, and he didn't need that, "yeah sure, I'm actually heading to the same class" and the two began walking towards their last class of the day.

"But anyways what made you transfer out here to Livingston?" asked Jacob, as he was trying not too be completely silent on the walk over as to not seem too awkward.

"Well my dad is actually a teacher here, so since he got the job here we all just moved out here" he replied, seemingly more comfortable as he at this point would have considered the two of them at least not complete strangers at this point, even if the former may not have believed so.

Jacob was going to ask who his dad was, to see if maybe he had him as a teacher but that's when he realized they were at the room they had been making their way towards so he just dropped it, but the two of them walked in and made themselves comfortable as this was their last class of the day, and luckily for Jacob he was happy to see his friend Archie has just arrived too, "just one more class and then we get to go through hell" he thought to himself, realizing Archie had all his football stuff hanging out his bag, and knowing there was no way out of this one.