
confusion 2

It was a bit disappointing that his innate only paused midway to level two, sigh. 

"Eldest brother, my foundation is stuck in the process of level two. How can I-"

"The flame's innate power is a power that is hard to raise. You had also wasted more than half of your innate power when you released that ball of flame. If I had not sealed it off cause it to implode the entire cave would have collapsed on the both of you! You need to be a bit more rational Hatchling Hyuen! "

Hyuen flinched at the words spoken by the massive serpentine dragon that appeared. The scent he detected seemed to be that similar to his mother. 

Feeling somewhat excited, he ignored the previous scolding and simple rushed towards the serpentine dragon. 

"Mother! Tell me what-" there was a growl followed by a roar, everything was so fast that he could not even keep up.