
The Wolf Goddess

All her life, Willow had only known her grandparents. She was told that her mother died shortly after she was born and her father left before she was even born. One day, some strangers showed up at her house. Her grandparents are murdered, and she is told that she has half werewolf blood in her body. Willow must escape as she is forced to become the mate of a werewolf who wants to be alpha. Aided by Luke, a mysterious werewolf, Willow faces a chase and a race against time to find her father she's never seen. Her father wasn't as good as she thought. He made the werewolves believe that Willow was the incarnation of Dacia, the wolf goddess, so her father can rule the human world. Willow resisted. Now she must stand as her father's enemy. She is forced to form her own pack and become the alpha female. Since then she manage to defeat her father's pack and avoid the punishment of the Elders of the Holy Temple.

EloiseReed · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

They Can't Run Away

It was the first time Willow had slept well since being forced to leave home. She felt warm and safe lying with her head and arms resting on Luke's chest. It was also the first time since leaving home that she wasn't haunted by nightmares, especially about Lowell. Luke's presence seemed to keep the nightmares away. The werewolf protected her both while awake and asleep. But even though her sleep was so peaceful, she was still awakened by the sound of movement outside the tent. She sat up, all senses alert, and listened for the sound again.

He didn't have to wait long. Leaves crunching and twigs snapping, something was prowling just outside the tent. The rational part of her brain told her that it was probably just a raccoon or some other animal coming to look for any crumbs that might have been left over from their dinner, but the less rational part worried that it could be something she was afraid of.

Still, Willow felt too comfortable and safe to get up and check. She snuggled up to Luke again and closed her eyes, wanting to go back to sleep peacefully.

The noise did stop, making her feel good about her decision to ignore it. She was almost back to sleep when a new, much more frightening sound was heard.

Something rubbing against the tent.

Demi sat up, heart pounding in her chest. "Luke," she shook him. "Wake up."

He squirmed. But didn't open his eyes. "What?"

"There's something outside..."

Too late. The tent zipper was ripped open and a pair of claw-like hands reached inside. Her legs were gripped by sharp nails that pierced the flesh. Willow was dragged out of the tent, screaming and writhing. Then she was thrown so that her back fell hard into the mud.

She was surrounded by unfamiliar faces. Dark, shaggy hair, worn and tattered clothes, and piercing yellow eyes were the features the four men shared. They were werewolves. And they were all looking at her as if she was prey to satisfy their hunger.

"She's prettier than I thought," growled one of them.

"A bit thin for my taste," said another.

"She can always be fattened up," said the first speaker. "I'm sure she'll look better then."

"I wonder what a half-breed tastes like," the third chimed in.

"Only one way to find out," the second said as she leaned closer to Willow, licking her lips.

Willow flinched and raised her hands to cover her face as one werewolf was about to advance, but suddenly a brown furred wolf she recognized as Luke knocked the werewolf to the ground. The others took wolf form and then moved to help their companion.

Willow scrambled to her feet, but she didn't stand for more than a second before she heard Boris' voice that she had been dreading.

"Well, well. Where are you going, Mixed Child?" The giant werewolf wrapped one of his massive arms around her neck and held her tightly against his body, turning her around so that she was forced to watch Luke's battle with the rest of the pack. "Just stay here, okay. I think you should see this. The fight will be exciting."

"No! Let go of me!" Willow struggled and that only tightened Boris' grip.

"You always can't keep still," Boris grumbled. "I could have knocked you unconscious. Well, is that your choice?"

Willow didn't want to be knocked out. She had to stay conscious so she could prevent them from killing Luke. But how?

Ahead of her she saw Luke surrounded by other werewolves, all of whom now resembled him by taking the form of wolves. All four were gray or gray-brown in color and none were as strong as he was. But being outnumbered and injured didn't work in his favor.

"Luke," Willow struggled and called out to her protector. "Don't mind me, get out of here! They'll kill you."

But her protector was determined to fight it out. He kept his guard up and faced the wolves as they attacked, dodging their jaws as best he could and retaliating when the opportunity arose. If it had been a fair fight, or even just two against one, Willow was sure Luke would have won. But ganged up on like this, he would eventually be overwhelmed.

The other werewolves surrounded Luke, darting back and forth to bite his sides. A cowardly tactic that still paid off. Luke slowed down. He was running out of energy for a fight like this. He couldn't keep up with the fast movements and random attacks of the healthier wolves. His body bleeding in places, Luke was clearly defeated, even if he refused to admit it.

"Stop," Willow pleaded to anyone who would listen to her. "Please stop. Don't kill him." But the wolves continued their mauling. No one was listening to her. "Please stop. Please. I beg you."

"That's enough." A new voice was heard. A female voice. Loud enough to be heard above the chaotic commotion. Everyone stopped moving.

A few seconds later, a beautiful young woman with wavy blonde hair emerged from behind the trees. Wearing a white dress that looked familiar to Willow. Which made her sure she had the same dress in her closet at home. Willow was almost relieved by the mysterious newcomer, until she saw her eyes. Amber eyes that suggested that this woman was one of them. Another werewolf.

The woman stopped right in front of Willow, smiling at her in a way that gave her goosebumps. "Hello, Willow," she greeted. "We didn't get to meet at your house."

Willow was stunned. She hadn't seen this woman at her house that day. However, if she said so, it meant that she had been there but had not shown herself to her. Willow now looked at the white dress again. That meant it was indeed her dress.

"Ah, you recognize this dress, huh?" That eerie smile gave her goosebumps even more. Vaguely, Willow smelled a strange, blood scent coming from the woman. "I borrowed it from your closet. You have so many nice dresses, eh? You won't mind if I wear this one."

Willow didn't know what to answer.

"What are you doing?" Now the blonde glared at all the wolves. "You stupid wolves! Don't you remember what Lowell said?" the blonde said to the four werewolves who had attacked Luke. "He wants them alive. Both of them."


Willow was led into the forest by Boris, strong hands grasping her wrists and dragging her along as if she were a disobedient child. Luke and the four werewolves who fought him were right behind. Two were holding him arms. Not caring about his comfort as they forced her to walk even though he was injured.

Every time Willow turned to him, she saw his pained expression and her stomach tightened with guilt. She desperately wished there was something she could do to help him. But she couldn't. She couldn't even defend herself.

Leading the group was a blonde woman in a white dress. Her long hair bounced on her back with each graceful step. She was very different from other werewolves.

She was like an ordinary human, except for her eyes. So graceful and beautiful. But despite all that, there was something about her that frightened Willow more than anything else. This woman was just as scary as Lowell.

Nearly an hour had passed when the woman finally stopped the procession. No words were needed. She simply stopped her steps and the others followed. Silence followed. No one moved.

What are we waiting for? Willow thought. She soon got her answer when someone emerged from the shadows of the trees like a prowling beast. His footsteps were silent as he glided across the forest floor. His amber eyes shone even in the darkness. Lowell.

Seeing him again brought Willow memories of her slaughtered family. Willow feared him, that was undeniable. She also hated him to the point of wanting to beat him to a pulp if she could.

"Look who's here." Lowell grinned cruelly. "You're a hard girl to track, Willow," Lowell said, stopping only a few feet away from her. "My friends and I were worried about you. What's more you're in the hands of a traitor like Luke, I hope he doesn't hurt you."

"Luke helped me. He saved me from you. He would never hurt me," Willow narrowed her eyes and gave him a disdainful look, "unlike you."

Lowell put a hand on his chest and gaped at her. Willow. "How can you say such a thing? I've told you before, your father is like a brother to me. It was me who helped you and saved you. Besides," he reached out his dirty, rough hand to stroke Willow's cheek, "How could I hurt my future mate? That's a very hurtful accusation, Willow. How very rude of you."

Willow slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me."

Out of the corner of her eye, Willow saw the blonde werewolf tense up. Anger flared in her eyes for a split second before being quickly extinguished by Lowell's gaze.

"It's okay. You can be angry now, because you don't understand what it means to be my mate. You will be honored by the pack and lead with me. You don't understand such things because you were raised in the human world," Lowell said calmly. "You will learn to respect me in time," Lowell told Willow nonchalantly. "But now you must come with us. We'll prepare all your needs as my future mate. Isn't that right, Fenella?" Lowell turned to the beautiful blonde werewolf standing behind Willow. "You promised to help me, Fenella."

"Of course, Lowell," Fenella said in a lazy tone. "I'll be the one to prepare this half-breed."
