
Part One

The wolf was raised to be a fighter

To never let anything get in his way

To keep his territory to himself and don't trust anyone else to keep it safe..

While, not so far away there lived a witch

The witch did not trust many people like the Wolf.

But she feeds off of others.

While off on a walk one day, he ran into the witch

The Witch had long wavy hair and was in a garden picking flowers.

The Wolf was so  blown away by her beauty that he could not help but stare

He has seen many witches before but for some reason, this one was different

Not wanting to get caught, he hid himself away

But he was not able to stay hidden for long,

What he didnt realise that every witch has her guard dog.

The dog started to snarl at him

His job was to protect his witch.

The witch turned, and saw her dog growling at a patch of tall grass

She stood and turned

"Who is there?" She screamed toward the werewolf

The wolf stood but he was not in his wolf form.

He was in the form of a man.

Once again, the wolf was amazed by the witch

"What are you doing here?"

The wolf looked the witch in the eyes.

Her eyes seemed to have two different colors

The inner part of her eye was a dark brown then the outer part of her eye was a lime green

He has not seen anyone else like that

"I am just passing through, but I couldn't help but notice that you are picking flowers. Why are you doing that? "

She looked at him and smiled a little

"This is a medicine rose,  they can heal wolves like yourself. Come, let me show you."

The witch walked over to where the wolf stood and reached to grab his hand

But her dog started to growl.

She smiled and turned toward her pup

With the hand that she was going to grab the Wolf's

She looked at her dog and pointed towards the ground

With that her dog stopped growling and laid on the ground

She turned around and grabbed his hand then led him to the roses

The witch kneeled down back down next to the flowers and started to pick them again.

He watched her as she picked them

She moved with grace and picked each one with care.

Once again, he looked into her eyes.

Her eyes reminded him of a emerald

The way that the two colors mix together in her eyes.

It was nothing like he had ever seen before.

Suddenly, she winced and dropped a rose that she was holding in her hands

The witch started to clutch her hand to her chest.

"What happened?' He asked her with a look of concern.

The wolf grabbed her hand and saw a little blood run down her finger

" Dont worry about it," she said trying to change his point of attention.

But he didn't listen.

He held onto her hand, and with the other reached for a the cloth that she kept in her basket.

The wolf gently started to clean the blood off her finger

After he finished, he brought her hand to his lips and gently kissed the top of her hand.

She blushed

The Wolf started to fidget with his hands

" You don't happen to belong to anyone do you?"

The witch started to twist her hair around her index finger and look at him with curiosity.

"Do you belong to a pack?"

She looked back at him with a smile on her face.

"No,  I do not," She stood and faced him once again.

"And me and my guard dog would be glad to join you."

A few months later, the wolf and the witch have been living together and things have been working out for them.

He finds food, while she made sure he was taken care of.

During the time that they have been living together, their relationship changed.

He started to grow to love her

And she started to grow to love him.

Before they knew it their relationship changed from partners to lovers.

"Love," He said to her as he was cleaning up, "can you come here for a second?"

He waited a few minutes and there was no sign of her.


He started to walk around their house, but there was still no sign of her.

The wolf looked all over the house but not yet in their room

Once in their room, he skimmed the room but didn't see her,

Until he looked at the bed

It looked like her side of the bed was occupied

The blanket was pulled up all the way.

He went to move the blanket but he felt someone wrap their arms around his waist

He smiled and wrapped his arms around her.

Then he gently started kissing down her neck.

The witch then grabbed his shirt and slowly started to remove it.

Undoing his shirt button by button.

She did this slowly knowing that it would tease him.

It did tease him but it caused a little bit of his wolf to come out.

He picked her up by her upper thighs and carried her to the bed while gently kissing her.

After placing her on the bed, he slowly started to kiss down her body..

The witch loved every second of it, and at that moment she realised just how much she loved her wolf and how much the wolf loved her.

After her shirt was removed, He started to kiss every square inch of her stomach and breasts.

He started to gently gowl, knowing that he was close to her and able to touch every inch of her.

"Don't move" he growled at her

The wolf stood up and started to undo the button on his pants.

The Witch smiled to herself, enjoying the moment.

The wolf immediately got back to what he was doing, not missing a inch of her soft skin.

He worked his way down to the top of her jeans,  He looked back up at her to seek her approval.

She nodded her head.

After it was removed he continued to kiss every inch.

That was until he was ready to start what he has been longing for this whole time..

He removed his boxers and gently started to remove her panties.

"You ready?" he asked her gently.

Once again, she nodded her head.

With that, the things that he longed for suddenly became a reality..

The next morning, The wolf woke up to her sleeping soundly in his arms.

He could not ask for anything more.

Trying not to wake her,the wolf gently laid her down on her side of the bed.

After making sure that she was still asleep, He got up to go make breakfast when he heard a knocking at the door.

Unsure of how would knocking at their door this early in the morning, The wolf took his time answering the door.

When he opened the door, there was a tall man in a dark uniform.

The man had an object under his arm.

"I heard a complaint that there was a wolf and a witch in the same house.. I hope that you know that a relationship between the two is forbidden. I will need to speak with the occupants of this house."

The Wolf knew that he did not care if anyone knew that he was with a witch.

He loved her and wanted to protect her that is all that he knew.

"Yes, I am a wolf and yes there is a witch in this home. I am not afraid to speak out to anyone that I love her and that I always will.. She is my love and I won't let anyone take her from me."

The words just slipped out of his mouth like water falls off a waterfall.

But he could not take it back, hsi goal is to protect his witch and that is just what he is going to do.

The man looked at the wolf with a stern look.

" You will be hearing back from us."

The man turned and started to walk back the way that he came.

The wolf watched him as he left.

Hoping that nothing bad will happen to his queen.

Over the next few days, The witch had started to be a little distant.

Whenever the Wolf tried to comfort her and ask her what is wrong she just pushed him away.

She wouldn't even let him into a certain

He was starting to worry about her

She has never done this before

She even told him to go out and get some food for them and of course,

He did what he was told.

When he returned with food, to the house things seemed different.

He walked inside with a hint of curiosity, "What could be going on with my love?"

He thought to himself as he walked into the back bedroom.

Their bed was made and there was a tiny little box sitting on the bed.

The wolf gently picked up the tiny rectangular box and slowly started to open it.

Once the bos was opened, he saw a note.

He unfolded it and this is what he read:

My love,

I'm sorry that I have been distant recently. I have had things going on that I was not ready to tell you.. But now, I am ready to tell you. Do you remember the room that I didn't want you to go into? I am giving you permission to now. I will be waiting for you in the room.

"What is going on with her?" he thought to himself before standing and started walking towards the room.

What has been keeping her busy?

Is it something that will hurt us?

Once he got to the door, he slowly pushed the door open.

Once inside the room, the wolf noticed that there was a huge difference to the room.

The rooms color was different

The room was a bright red with little animals painted on the walls.

There was things that were different but, there was one thing that stood out the most.

There was a baby crib in the corner of the room.

After finishing looking around the room, he sees his witch standing on the other side of the room.

She slowly walked to him

She walked closer to him and hugged him.

"Baby, are you?....."

She pulled back and looked at him in the face.

She smiled and kissed him.

Tears started to stream down his face

From this point on

Things will be different

For the both of them

End of Part One