
The Wolf's Den

[WARNING! MATURE CONTENT] A story about Katalina, a very ambitious woman who rose up the ladder in her company, Wolf Enterprise. She now finds herself secretly married to an executive in the company. Soon after her honeymoon things turn sour for her happily ever after. Now with the sudden input of her notice to leave the company, her company's CEO finally comes back from overseas wanting to discuss her sudden career change. But why does the CEO, Jiovanni Wolf, look like the one night stand she had 2 years ago?

Deja_Andio · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

The Wolf is Back

" Mr. Wolf. Mr. Wolf?….. we have landed, sir"

Wolf opened his groggy eyes, and fixed the laptop that threatened to fall from his lap. He was not sure how long he had been landed and how long it took for the stewardess to wake him, but he was sure of one thing. Her hand was on his thigh as she shook him awake.

Another attempt at a life of luxury, he thought.

Bringing his attention down to the gloved hand of the stewardess, his eyes glared back up at her face .

He placed on a pretentious smile as he looked up at her. She wasn't a great beauty, but she was sexy enough for the average man.

Wolf reached his long arm up to wrap his hand around the stewardesses neck bringing her closer to him.

He could see the excitement shoot across her face as she made her way closer and closer.

The store is closed, her eyes almost certain that he was going to kiss her. Just inches from her lips his hand tightened on the back of her neck, almost painfully.

"Don't fucking touch me", Wolf growled .

Surprise and shock echoed on her face. Jerking back her hand, as though she were about to be bitten by a snake, the stewardess slowly disappeared from his site towards the crew cabin.

Of course, Wolf had had a bit of fun with her while the plane was in route, but that still did not prompt for her setting initiative to touch him as if they were anything but.

His secretary, Lymarie suddenly appeared at his side.

Without an order, she was helping him to pack up his laptop and personal belongings into his suitcase.

That's why he chose her as a secretary because he didn't have to say much for her to understand what to do.

Wolf straightened his business suit and stood up to get ready to leave the plane.

Lyma followed in front of him with her suitcase and his also in tow.

Although Wolf was her boss and that this was regularly expected from other people,he did not like the the fact of a woman doing such things, especially when there was a man around to do it.

"Give those to me," he said, signaling for her to give his suitcase and hers to him.

Lyma didn't disobey him nor did she look shocked because she was used to it. However, she always attempted to help out with these matters.

Unlike other business CEOs, Wolf still liked to think that he was a gentleman. Although he was far from sexist, he still believed that there were things that women shouldn't have to do. And lifting heavy was one of them.

They made their way to the parked car on the runway, where his driver was rushing towards them to grab the luggage from him. He greeted his chauffeur with a hug, because he was glad to see him after so long.

Christian, his driver, had worked with him for quite a long time, and always maintained his secrets and confidentiality.

Wolf firmly believed in treating those with loyalty to him and his company with the utmost respect.

Rewards would be plentiful and punishment would be merciless.

As his driver packed the bags into the trunk, Wolf opened the door for Lyma. Using his left arm he hovered it above her head to ensure that she didn't bump it.

He then carried himself around to the other side and got into the car. his driver, was already in the driver seat as he awaited their destination.

"Where to, boss ?" He asked as he peered through the rear view mirror.

Christian was a young man a tad bit younger than Wolf at 29. Wolf had refused to let him open the door for him with the pretense of saying that it takes too long for him to get around to the driver seat when he was always in a rush.

But in fact, Wolf had deemed it entirely unnecessary for someone else to open his own door. He wasn't handicapped, he thought. And once again, if you were loyal, then you did not need to treat him like he was the master of the house.

"To the office," Lyma replied. She abruptly stopped as Wolf lifted his hand to stop her.

"I'll be going to my family home" he said . He had an excellent relationship with his mother and father and missed them dearly. Work could wait. Besides, it was nearly 5 o'clock in the afternoon and he wouldn't subject everyone to wait in the office with him.

Christian smiled and nodded his head as he made his way back to the family home. Wolf was glad to be back in the states to be with his family.

More so, he was glad to finally reunite with the woman who captured his attention for near two years.