
The Wolf's Den

[WARNING! MATURE CONTENT] A story about Katalina, a very ambitious woman who rose up the ladder in her company, Wolf Enterprise. She now finds herself secretly married to an executive in the company. Soon after her honeymoon things turn sour for her happily ever after. Now with the sudden input of her notice to leave the company, her company's CEO finally comes back from overseas wanting to discuss her sudden career change. But why does the CEO, Jiovanni Wolf, look like the one night stand she had 2 years ago?

Deja_Andio · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

The Only Good Thing


That stupid bitch, Richard thought. He sat on his living room couch and waited for her arrival. He knew that Kat was turning in her resignation letter today and she had better come back with good news. Or else.

Richard had taken great pride and joy in the last few months of his 'chase'. He felt as though he were hunting his prey down and now he had finally killed it. He was now in the process of skinning it alive to eat for dinner later.

She had everything that would look good as a wife by his side, however, he did not desire her. His only goal was to conquer her and make her less of what she thought she was.

How dare some stupid whore of a woman try to reach the sky? He was more than sure that she had fucked her way up to the top. Just like every other cunt in the building.

Richard couldn't stand seeing Kat prance around the office as though she were some hot shot. As though she were untouchable. Women should be put in in their place, and their place is not in the workplace. He always disliked the women leaders of the building, throwing around their authority meanwhile their skirts were throwing more than what was needed to be seen.

The only place for those shirt skirted whores were on the desk. Not behind the desk.

Laughing aloud, he plopped down on the sofa and lined up the beer cans in front of him. He popped open the top and took a long swig out of it. How many had he already had? He couldn't remember. Maybe it was his third? Who cares.

He had notice Kat for several weeks before he decided to approach her. He had made it his endgame to ensure that she would start respecting men and bowing down to them.

She was a prideful woman, and never trembled at the rise of a man's voice. Instead, she was a combative little whore, and refused to lower herself when she was within a man's presence, often speaking out of turn.

Richard knew that in the end he would win. He just didn't expect it to be that soon. After only a few months, she was already a changed woman. He knew she understood that men were the dominant beings and that she was to respect him. He made sure of that.

Tossing the empty beer can out of his hand onto the coffee table in front of him. He leaned back into the sofa. He was waiting for his guest to arrive who would make sure the rest of his night was not spoiled by that stupid cunt.

After a few moments the door opened. By the sound of the heels on the marble floor, he knew exactly who it was coming from. It was from his secretary, Elise.

Great now it was just time to start the fun for tonight.

Katalina sat in her car, staring at the front door to her house. It was a three-story mansion in a rich gated neighborhood. Although it was without the white picket fence, it was the dream for every girl growing up. Well for most girls.

She had just witnessed Elise, Richard's secretary, walking into the house, dressed in a long coat with heels. It must be something in regards to the company, she thought. Good, she could spend a little bit more time in her car before she walked into the devil's fire. Hell itself.

Placing her hands on the steering wheel, she rested her head against them. She was so exhausted. not just her body but also her mind she didn't know how she was going to get out of the situation that she was in, however, she know she needed to. It didn't make matters better that she had just placed her two weeks' notice as well. Soon, she would be without income.

All of the money that she had saved up over the years were illegally seized by her powerful father-in-law and evil husband. Well, he wasn't really her husband. That was the only good thing out of this entire ordeal.

Gathering her thoughts, she reached over into her glove compartment and pulled out a yellow envelope, placing it onto her lap. With her hands shaking, from bad nerves, she withdrew the document from the envelope.

It was it was a filled-out registration document for marriage. Richard had told Kat months ago to make sure that she turned it into the courthouse to finalize this deal. The way he explained their marriage was that it was a contract of slavery. Being him the master and Kat the slave.

Kat had yet to file the paperwork and she was more than happy that she didn't. Because at the time, while she thought Richard only changed due to the pressure at the company, he was not yet violent. She thought that it would pass soon, and he would go back to the lovely man she had met. Aoon after he thought the marriage was finalized was when he became a monster.

Lifting her unpolished hands, she ran her nails over the words written on the document. Well, she didn't have his nails anymore because she had forgotten about keeping herself up for months now. Often chewing at her nails down to the beds until they bled. This helped numb her mind from the other pain, she supposed. Her mind was only on survival mode. Nothing else mattered. Not the fancy business suits she had adorned. Not her hair that she had always kept up. Hell, Kat hadn't even put on makeup in months.

The last time she put on makeup was the wedding.

With every month that went by, it became worse and worse. She was gradually losing herself, and her looks showed it.

Men who had once asked for her number laughed at her. Women, who always wanted advice about what lipstick she was wearing, now snickered and gossiped behind her back.

'That strategic bitch wanted a rich man so bad and finally got one. So now that he's hooked, I guess she doesn't have to try.' They would say. Obvious slanders to make them feel better about themselves.

Even her dress shirts that would often show a tiny bit of cleavage became higher and higher as she tried to hide wounds. In the middle of summer, she wore a long sleeve shirts. To hide the bruises.

She had that plenty of times to escape and had actually attempted them. But when she realized that Richard would always find her, she found that it was far worse than if she just stayed. She needed help to get out but dared not ask a soul. She had lost trust in the human race.