
The Wolf's Den

[WARNING! MATURE CONTENT] A story about Katalina, a very ambitious woman who rose up the ladder in her company, Wolf Enterprise. She now finds herself secretly married to an executive in the company. Soon after her honeymoon things turn sour for her happily ever after. Now with the sudden input of her notice to leave the company, her company's CEO finally comes back from overseas wanting to discuss her sudden career change. But why does the CEO, Jiovanni Wolf, look like the one night stand she had 2 years ago?

Deja_Andio · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs


Kat stirred awake. She opened one eye lid, and then pried open the other.

Where am I? She thought as she stared up at a very unfamiliar ceiling. She turned her head slightly to the left and the right. She was in a bedroom that was painted light blue with gray accents.

The cover that was drawn over her, was also a light gray bed cover. She knew she was not at her home, so where was she?

She could tell immediately that this was a man's bedroom. She could tell by the subtle decorations and lifelessness of the room. Most likely a single man she thought.

Why was she thinking about this right now? She didn't care About the man's relationship status rather she should be worrying about how she got here and why she was here.

"Well, good afternoon, Miss Hunter."

A voice came from the bedroom door that she had noticed had opened while she was studying the room.

Focusing her gaze towards the voice, she blank a few times to try to clear her vision. She immediately recognize the young woman as she had seen her many times via video calls.

It was the CEOs secretary, Lyma Paulson.

"How did I get here?" Kat asked the secretary as she headed over to the bed to help her set up against the headboard.

"And Good afternoon to you as well …. Afternoon? Afternoon?!"

"Yes, Miss Hunter it's 5 o'clock in the afternoon. We found you passed out outside of the CEOs office this morning around 10 AM."

Lyma poured her a glass of water from the picture that was located on the side of the bed. After taking a deep drink, Kat started searching for her phone.

It was almost as though the secretary could read her mind, and slowly handed Kat's phone to her from her jacket pocket.

Kat held the phone up to her face to unlock it and scrolled through the missed call log. She took a look at a few of the messages that were missed. Several of them came from her mom, but she looked the only read one. It was the message from Richard.

'You dumb bitch! You dare tell the CEO about me leaving you there this morning? That's fine I'll make sure that you're not able to tell another soul again when I see you.'

Chills shot through her head. She knew exactly what that meant. She wouldn't dare go back home tonight. Though she wasn't sure what he was talking about when he said that she had told the CEO. Told him what? She hadn't even met the CEO.

"Who brought me here?"

"It was Mr. Wolf. You are currently at his residence closest to the company. Please don't feel too bad. He rarely uses this place only when he works late nights. He has only used it one time in the last three years because he had been abroad."

Kat slowly nodded her head as she looked up at the secretary. Kat wasn't sure if she should ask the question that came to mind so she just stared at the secretary in silence.

"You can stay here as long as you like, Miss Hunter," the secretary said, after a long moment of silence.

Kat never had to say a word, but the secretary knew. She lowered her self-back into a flat position and they chatted for a while. Kat didn't remember too much after that, because she slowly drifted back off into sleep.

Kat finally awoke the next morning. She must've been so tired. She couldn't believe that she had spent the night in an unfamiliar place.

But then, again, the place that she called home didn't feel as good as last night's sleep was.

Work! She hadn't realized what time it was, and she still had to make the journey back to her house to get dressed.

Kat lifted herself out of bed in scrambled to grab her things. In the midst of her rushing, she happened to spill over the glass of water that was sitting on the nightstand.

Using tissue paper from a box that sat next to it, she dapped at the table. There was a note on top that had been drenched, but she could still read it.

'I hope that the clothes that I got you will fit you. I also have some women's utilities in the bathroom. I will see you at the office later -Lyma.'

Kat looked at the chair that was next to the bed and there laid a woman's skirt suit across the back of it. She picked it up and held it in front of her and nodded her head. The style suited her well. Well at least it suited the old version of her well.

Taking it under her arm, figuring that it would do for now, she rushed to the bathroom to get dressed.

As she entered the bathroom, she smelt a very nice cologne, lingering in the air. The scent was very manly as it tickled her nose. it was a nice fragrance with a hint of teakwood.

Shaking her head out of it, she hopped in the shower when she began washing up. Meanwhile, she took a quick sniff of the man's body wash that happened to be in the shower next to her own.

She finished showering and brushing her teeth. Of course, she did her bun in the usual fashion as she called for an Uber. She then stopped as she realized that she didn't have any money on her and instead thought of the young driver, Christian.

The young man seemed quite nice, however, she opted to not reach out to him. She didn't quite feel comfortable being alone with a man. Any man for that matter.

With all of this ordeal with Richard, Kat had a newfound fear of men with their pretentious smiles. Although, she knew that all men were not as wicked as Richard, she still didn't want to be around them for a while. Richard was enough.

Running out of the building in a rush Kat noticed that it was a pretty secured facility. As she walked through the main door. The guards at the gate greeted her as Miss Hunter, and willingly let her through. Hmmm, funny? She thought.

She realized that the office was only a few blocks and instead decided to hoof it.

Once at the office, she made her way to her nearby desk in the strategy team. Her desk was in a corner of the office far away from any of the more important leaders' desks. Before she could even log onto her computer one of the nearby ladies stopped by her desk to inform her that the CEO would like for her to come to his office.

She got up from the chair, straightened her suit jacket, and obediently followed the young woman to the elevator. In front of the elevator, Lyma was waiting there for her with a bright smile on her face. Why was she smiling so brightly as though they were friends? Attempting to reciprocate, Kat placed on a very slight but awkward smile, and followed her into the elevator.

They didn't say any words as the elevator reached the top floor. There was also nothing that was said, as she exited the elevator, and walk towards the CEO's room. Lyma held open the grand double door for her and let her to step through but did not follow her inside. She then closed the door behind her.

Taking a few moments to look around the nicely decorated office, she didn't quite notice the man that was staring at her near large windows. This was her first time in three years every setting foot in this office. Hell, it was her first time in three years ever going past the 16th floor. Except for yesterday.

She kept studying the office's chic decorations. It was very modern decorated in tan wood and black. But when her eyes finally trailed towards the young man, she stumbled back instantly as she looked upon a stunningly handsome face.

She could never forget that face......

She could never forget what she had done two years ago.........

Hell, she couldn't forget it............ because she was still living with consequences from that summer.

Kat's eyes widened open in pure shock. And fear.

Why do you think Katalina was afraid when she noticed who she was looking at? Let me hear what you think!?

Deja_Andiocreators' thoughts