
The Wolf's Den

[WARNING! MATURE CONTENT] A story about Katalina, a very ambitious woman who rose up the ladder in her company, Wolf Enterprise. She now finds herself secretly married to an executive in the company. Soon after her honeymoon things turn sour for her happily ever after. Now with the sudden input of her notice to leave the company, her company's CEO finally comes back from overseas wanting to discuss her sudden career change. But why does the CEO, Jiovanni Wolf, look like the one night stand she had 2 years ago?

Deja_Andio · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Live With Him?

Kat busied herself for the next few hours, trying to memorize the CEOs daily routine, likes, and dislikes. After Lyma finished, explaining his eating and exercise habits she then began with his schedule. Although the secretary was in charge of making sure the CEO was where he needed to be, his personal assistant also needed to be in attendance.

Lyma had made a suggestion that she get a second planner strictly for his schedule. When she wakes up. Those two planners should be the first thing she checked.

"I'm to live with him?" Kat couldn't seem to get over the fact that she would be staying in the CEOs house.

"You're not living with him… just consider yourself something like a maid, and you will feel better."

After a moment of confusion on Kat's face and an even longer moment of silence, Lyma continued.

"I consider myself his right arm, because he's right-handed. I like to imagine that he can't do anything with his left arm and therefore needs me. It makes me feel better."

"How do you deal with all of this?"

Kat felt a bit disappointed in herself, because up to a few months ago she would have thought herself more than capable of handling all of the needs of the CEO. She had always been smart and organized and hoped to move up quickly within the company. This position would have been a great chance for her to show how capable she is. Not anymore, she thought. She was not the same Katalina as before.

"It takes time. That's why I need your help during these next two weeks, so I can't remember what it feels like to have a life."

Was that a joke? Up until now, Kat had never heard Lyma tell a joke nor laugh. She had only given smiles that she had to paste on.

Kat stared off at her computer screen as she thought of ways she could explain this to Richard.

No.....she COULDN'T explain this to him!

If she would even attempt to explain her sudden situation to that monster then she was sure he would unleash his wrath. He would start off by calling her a gold-digging whore was just trying to seduce her way into the CEO's bed. Been there, done that, she thought. Not like he needed to know that thought.

Shaking her head to get rid of the intrusive thoughts that started to play at the mention of the CEO and bed, she focused back to the present. She found it best not to tell him.

Richard had always wanted her to just quit the company and not even bother to put in a two weeks' notice, but if she did that then she knew what the consequences would be. She would be blacklisted in the corporate world as someone unreliable. Hence, she would not have any opportunities in the future if she wanted to come back. With her newfound courage to break free from the monster and her current living situation, she thought it best to survive her two weeks her. She will be free very soon.

This might just be the opportunity that she needs, she thought. Although it is only two weeks, it is two weeks with a man that is more powerful than Richard. She would be under his protection to where Richard couldn't even show up if he wanted to. It was a perfect plan to run while she could. After the two weeks she would simply move to somewhere she couldn't be found. Leave and start anew to where him and his family didn't have connections.

Ideas flew into her head. Kat's mind raced all at once at the thought of finally being able to restart her life over. She was petrified, but she had to take the chance. Hell, maybe she could utilize help from the CEO to gain a recommendation to wherever she moved. No, no, no. She thought against it.

"Ms. Hunter." A male voice called to her from the side of her desk. Kat jumped up from being startled and her head crashed into a rock-solid chest. Two strong hands landed on her shoulders to help steady her.

It was that cologne again. That very masculine scent that she had drowned herself in that morning. That scent that seemed to brainwash her, making her stomach giddy. It was the CEO.

He was looking a little annoyed at her headbutting him in the chest, however his hands didn't release her shoulders. Instead, the tightened a bit. This instantly put Kat on tense mode. Was he upset? Why wasn't he letting her go?

"Mr. Wolf?" Her soft voice seemed to make his jaw clench a bit. Without saying another word, he deeply sighed as though trying to gather his sense about him. He turned on his heels and leisurely strolled towards the elevator.

"What is wrong with you?" Lyma whispered as she grabbed Kat to follow them.

"He was talking to you, and you didn't hear a word he was saying!" Lyma tugged Kat alongside her as they waited behind the CEO for the elevator to meet them at their floor. Once in the elevator, Lyma pressed for the basement floor and immediately texted their driver to ensure he was there waiting at the bottom for them. Both of them stepped back so they were behind Wolf.

Kat raised an eyebrow at Lyma to see if she could get a hint as to where they were going, but Lyma only shook her head signaling that she would explain later.

With his arms crossed over his chest, Wolf turned to stare directly at Kat as though she were completely ridiculous. Without ever saying a word, he shook his head in disbelief and turned back to the elevator doors.

She recognized that look. It was the look of a man who was completely annoyed with the situation he was in.