
The Wizard and the Hydryx

It was after the war of the Dark Forest when the three warring clans ceased their fight. 100 millennia of fighting stopped because of a beast of formidable power. Summoned by the wizard Astyx the Great. Astyx had lived for six generations perfecting his power. Before the warring clans the world was a place of chaos, but when Astyx rose to greatness the world had calmed and creatures of all sizes and shapes had heeded his call.

So, when the fighting of the clans disrupted that power that he had he wanted to create a beast of immense magnitude to cease the warring indefinitely, thus he created Hydryx.

Hydryx had killed thousands of men that day but to Astyx it was for the greater good of humanity. He and his dragon had laid waste to the clans and dared them to oppose his power. None dared to step forward. The clans cowered in fear at Astyx's power. With claim to the land Astyx had lived harmoniously with the clans for generations to come. He calmed the raging seas, the blustery winds and the raging animals. That is until he stood in front of this girl that was prophesied to bring war unto these lands. She without knowing had challenged his power over Safylind. How could a child hold so much power yet not know the difference between a goat and a lamb?

That is the problem with mystic children, bred for power, and raised to defy their opposers. Astyx had no problem with killing them, yet she was born from prophecy. Fate had her.

Astyx had stumbled upon this girl when going out to roam the northern woods where his beast was kept, hidden away from prying eyes.

"How did you come across this dragon youngling?" Astyx asked bitterly, on the inside he was seething with rage.

"You didn't hide him very well." The girl stated rather matter-of-factly while looking at him through innocent eyes. She was too young to comprehend his ability, yet something was holding Astyx back from just simply turning the little girl into a tree.

"I hid him very well, I hid him here, in the Northern Forest beneath the tombs of dead mystics and sealed it with the death spell," his hair on the back of his neck was rising. How strong was this girl? Astyx thought. He didn't falter from his stallion. The girl however wandered around him, exploring the forest. His home only a short way away.

"I guess it wasn't that well, I could find him, he called out to me." She said again, the little girl held a purple flower in her hand looking at it.

"You stupid, conniving little girl how dare you defy my powers" Astyx grunted, his breath shallow. "Hydryx is a dragon who is commanded by me, I created him!" his eyes wild with anger, the girl however did not mind his anger. She had known others throughout her years who harbored anger as second nature, to her he was no different.

"Then he doesn't follow your orders very well," she said, dropping the flower, "maybe the dragon is right, you're just a bitter old man." She said, this time her eyes looked directly in Astyx's. They held power equal to his own, he could feel it. The energy emitting from the child was soul shaking, it scared him only the slightest.

The girl was only a child, her power not fully complete. Astyx had to do something but he didn't know what.

If the girl is this powerful at such a young age, then what would happen in 7 years from now? How strong would she become?

The stakes of not killing her now were too high yet, his obligation to do so was feeble. If fate didn't hold this child, I would have ease in killing this youngling he thought. So, what was the right choice?

The silence between the two grew longer as he mulled over the various outcomes of his actions, yet they all led to the same outcome. He would fail.

So Astyx did the only thing that would provide longevity in his life.

"No, I'm a wizard." He said to the girl, his voice eerily calm suddenly. "The Great Wizard of Safylind!" he declared, his voice becoming louder at his grandee title. "I've never heard of a Wizard before" the girl exclaimed, curiosity blooming in her green eyes.

"What is your name?" Astyx demanded, glaring at the child.

"I have no name, nor a home." The girl replied, swishing her foot back and forth along the blades of grass.

Astyx smiled and kneeled to the little girl's level. His plan developing as he kneeled.

"Become my apprentice, and I will show you how you can become a Wizard yourself" he gleamed, his plan in full fruition as the silver haired girl bounced in front of him. "you can hold all the power in the world, and I will give you my precious Hydryx. He will be yours." Astyx eyes swirled with malicious intent, and the girls with ambition. The girl will be his to control.

The feeling of power that left his body when he first saw the girl now returned. For the next 7 years he would train this girl to his will and teach her all of his morals thus changing the fate of Safylind forever.

"Now, girl, you can't be my apprentice without a name." he said, he looked at the girl who squealed at finally being able to hold a name of her own.

"Oh really." she said, her eyes ablaze with passion as she happily pranced around Astyx like a deer.

"Of course!" he feigned joy. The girl coming down from her joy thought for a moment, she thought long and hard for she didn't want to mess up her one and only name.

"Sasheanna!" she declared joyfully "Sasheanna the Wizard of Safylind" she yelled; she scared the stallion as she confirmed her name to Astyx. She was overcome with delight. She now had a name of her own, even better she was going to become a Wizard! Laughing she ran to Astyx and gave him the biggest bear hug she could muster given her size.

Taken aback by her outburst Astyx didn't know how to accept this gratitude and opted for just patting her on the head. Insufferable child he thought grimly.

"You're training starts tomorrow, you will live with me and you will train hard every day!" he demanded. Sasheanna nodded vigorously. While walking back Astyx revelled in his miraculous plan. He would win this time, all he had to do was cut some of Fate's strings and re-tie them to his will.

You will be mine he thought as he guided the girl back to his home where he fed and cleaned her. Throughout Safylind he had an image to upkeep after all and he wasn't going to let some mangy girl ruin it for him.

Thank you for reading!

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