
The Witch of Prophecy

Your wish is my command... Lots of people think that with these words, their life would change forever. Though, their not entirely wrong. Just be cautious, for when the wrong wishes are granted, there is only one path left for you to take: Doom. Olivia Lilan Wind; the crown princess of the Kingdom of Air. As the sole heir to one of the most powerful element and being mated to the next Lycan king, she's got a lot on her back. But what if she were to go to another dimension. Learn to coexist with the beings that live in that world. What if, she were to learn to love someone without being binded to mateship? Which path will she choose? For her Kingdom? Or for herself?

Angella_ · Fantasia
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32 Chs

Chapter 19

He kissed me passionately but also gently, so full of love. He was so careful as if I was some priceless treasure that he has been wanting so badly and finally got.

Xander lifted me onto the countertop in his kitchen without breaking contact on our lips. He was carefully exploring and ravaging every corner of my mouth. When he broke our contact I instantly flung open my eyes out of disappointment then that strange sound came out of my mouth again when he bit my earlobe.

His lips slowly went down to my neck and then to my collarbone, never forgetting to leave a mark. When he reached my collarbone, he made a sound similar to mine, but deeper and much more full of lust. I guess I now finally know his favorite part of my body. My collarbone.

He suddenly carried me so I shrieked out of surprise and wrapped my already weak legs around his waist. He was carrying me up the stairs without breaking contact with my body. When we finally reached his room he slammed and rammed me like a hungry beast on the back of the door.


Last night was full of bliss. A night full of passion, lust, and romance. I have finally given up my virginity, my maidenhood to the person I love, Xander. Last night was so wonderful that I remember him making me come on every inch of his room in various positions. Never letting me go. It even came to that even when I bathed this morning we still had sex in the shower.

But what I found fascinating was that even when he was ramming me like a beast, when he wanted to do something different, he would still ask me for permission every time.

Now because of him, I was almost late for classes at least he had the conscience to drive me to school. And for the goddess' sake, it was so hard to walk straight I was just so sore all over. And thankfully I already had my catch of the day yesterday.


Like as if nothing happened, I still went on with my day, while also enduring the pain from my soreness just to not let anyone notice it. I went to the Uni, then straight to the police station. But what's different today was the constant stealing of glances between me and Xander.

"Ugh. Come on you guys, if you two are just going to constantly steal glances for the whole fucking day, just go out and date each other! Can't just let a single person go on her day without getting jealous of couples!" Lizzie complained which was followed by more groans of agreement.

"I-- um, We are," I cleared my throat before continuing because it suddenly dried up out of nervousness for the confession I was about to make to them. "We are already dating," I said as fast as I could but, of course, my words didn't go unnoticed and were, apparently, completely understood by everyone based on their reactions. I just ducked my head out of sheer embarrassment that I just disclosed to the people I was closest with that I was finally off of the dating market.

Then and there, I heard a loud crash from behind me. When I looked back I saw pieces of shattered plates on the floor and a face so full of shock, I don't even know if anyone will ever surpass such an extreme emotional reaction. Clarise was just standing right in the middle of all the broken shards and glass pieces. "Oh my god! Clarise are you okay?!" I shrieked. Thank goddess, there wasn't anyone there except for us.

"Yes, yes. I'm okay. wait, no-- I don't think I'm okay. You, Lilan. Sit back there." She said pointing at the chair I was sitting on earlier. Looking like she were an inch left from breaking down in front of all of us. "O--Okay."

"Can you, Can you repeat what you just said?" She said trying to calm down. "That I'm dating Xander?" I said confused. "You're saying that you and Officer Evans are dating?! At this very moment?! Dating?!" She said sounding hysteric at the sudden revelations. "Yes, is there a problem with that, Lieutenant Santiago?" Xander said butting in with the whole riot that's happening.

"Yes, yes! Of course, there is! My baby, my youngest, she's still eighteen! And she's already dating? She hasn't even graduated yet!" She said already in hysteria. I don't know anything about it, but the panic she's going through right now out of worry, for me even, made me happy. It just seems like she really cares about me like a real mother, all along I thought it was simply an act of goodwill. It just feels so reassuring.

But behind all that I'm also really worried. She only knows that we're dating and acts like she's ready to end Xander's life. What more when she finds out what happened between us last night? I think by then she won't just kill Xander in her head or by her looks, but she'll actually torment and kill him, and maybe she might even enjoy the process of it. Killing the person that took her child's, though adopted, maidenhood. I even shudder already simply by thinking about it. Poor Xander, I hope he knows how much I pity him at this moment and if that moment will ever come.