
The Witch Memoria

Remil Azrael was born as the very first witch into the world. Someone who can live for eternity, an immortal. Whether she live a life of loneliness or a life filled with excitement is up to her own decisions.

Fritz_Sanchez · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs


Tomorrow comes and like what's planned I tried to create a new spell to prove that reincarnation is real for everyone.

It took me a long time to brainstorm some ideas but in the end I came up with using both the Book of Art and Book of Spells at my disposal instead.

The new spell that I created was called the Soul Read. It is a spell where I can take a glimpse at what each person's soul would look like.

The spell has a waiting time of one hour and can only be used one person at a time.

When I used the spell on everyone in the mansion I realized that everyone's soul looks very different in color, power, and shape.

Especially my sister, her soul looks very heavenly and the shape of it looked like a pair of wings that could cover the whole mansion.

It looks like I'll be blinded if I look at it directly but even though I did look directly the light never hurt me and even seemed like its healing my whole body.

I were refreshed after seeing her soul that everyone looked bland after her.

This spell could not prove my theory immediately and I need to wait for the people to die and reincarnate first before I confirm the truth.

There's also a chance that I'll forget what their souls looks like so to counter that problem I also created an artifact.

But before I can tell what the artifact looks like and the things it can do... I will have to explain my other abilities as a progenitor first.

A progenitor has the meaning of the beginning of a species.

With humans as their target, a progenitor can easily repopulate their species through having a child with a human or giving humans their blessings or a title of their species.

Which means I can create new witches if I bless a normal human being with the power of witches.

It is a blessigng and also a curse of a lifetime.

And if reincarnation is true then there is a chance that if I turn my parents into witches right now, they could probably be reborn as witches as well in their next life.

Well there's also a chance that they'll be born as normal humans but let's not think that positively for now.

I don't really know what happens next when I bless someone with a witch title.

I know that I'm capable of it but it actually depends on each individual if they actually become a true witch or not.

I do know that if you become a true witch your life span can extend for two hundred more years and your body can manifest any power that you desire the most.

Of course the power is driven by any desire you have,

Just like the Book of Spell any power you crave for will come true and the world will accept it as naturally part of the world after its manifestation.

Each withces can only have one power and if they want they can even manifest the power of cursing people.

But compared to me who has the Book of Spell and can use the spells without the need of mana, the witches I created will have to use their own mana to activate their power.

And of course the strength of the spell can be affected by a witch's quality of mana.

Now, what the artifact I created can do was to track all the witches that existed in the world.

It glows when in contact with a witch and it can even accumulate some mana inside it and use it to cast the strongest magic.

It is a dangerous necklace that can be used against me so I also came up with the condition that only the witches can wear and use it.

With this I can easily find my parents after I turn them into witch and a wizard.

Of course this artifact will only be useful if my parents will still be a witch and a wizard even in their next life.

With that in mind I wore the artifact that looks like an Amulet with a pallete color of silver and four shades of blue.

It looked so beautiful and expensive because of my art skills, that it can probably attract some thieves. That's why I made that condition in the first place.

I called back the Book of Art that lost one of its page because of the Witches' artifact and grinned.

I don't really plan to make my parents a witch and wizard yet.

I'm a bit hesitant if it's actually alright if I turn them into one without their permission.

Or should I tell them my real identity and let them decide if they want to become a witch like me.


Two weeks passed since Amelia's party and it seems like another party is being held again in our mansion.

This time it is not a ladies only party because all the children noblemen are also participating.

Even though no one can physically see it in my face, I'm actually furrowing my brows right now.

I stared at Amelia who looked to be on edge right now that she can't even drink a sip of her tea.

After a long silence between us I sighed and put down my cup of tea.

"I don't think it's necessary to ask for my opinion everytime" I said while looking at her eyes directly.

"But you're my baby--"

"We're 18 minutes apart" I cut her off.

"Okay...." She mumbled while looking down gloomily.

"Lia, just do whatever you want but this time I'm not participating like last time" I said and stood up.

"I'm busy so I'm going first" I said and left with my maids.

Like always we only have tea time for a minimum of an hour and we're finished.

I'm not that talkative compared to Amelia and our topic are mostly business like or what we deemed as important topics.

There's no time to talk about uneccesary things that will only waste our time.

As I walk back to my room I can clearly feel the gazes of everyone towards me.

They look like they're holding back their thoughts and was only waiting for my permission and they will immediately go off to do something extreme.

Well it can't be helped that they're looking like that after all we just heard of the on going rumours today.

Despite how the ladies acted with goodness and likable behaviour during the party, unbeknownst that kind people are the snakes that were hiding amongst them.

Eight out of the twenty ladies that were invited that time were talking behind my back about how ugly I was.

This talk spread althroughout the kingdom that now everyone thinks that it's the reason why I'm not participating in any parties.

This fact could even cover up the made up truth we painstakingly came up which is I'm sickly.

So all the talks that come out of the people's mouth nowadays was that I'm ugly and not sickly.

Well that is also not a bad thing because I thought for sure that everyone will leave me alone when thinking of that fact.

But I guess I was proved wrong, and the proof is the new party that Amelia was forced to held.

All those noble kids kept making their excuses that they want to have a tea party in the garden because they got a glance of how beautiful it was while hiding the fact that they knew my room was located near there.

The book of life told me that there's a rat amongst the servants who gave away such information about me.

Well that servant is none other than one of my servants and she actually did it so everyone will see what I really look like even if it's a planned incident.

Of course I knew what everyone's thoughts are like so I planned to move in another room while the party is being held that day.

I'm not even a criminal so why do I have to hide myself? Or should I just ask them to put a sickly make up on me during that day?

I think our lies backfired on us... and my head is throbbing from irritation because of it.


While the preparation for the party was on going... I continued my Harodin project and happily spent my days of not helping my family prepare for the party.

Mother is also busy because she is going to attend a wedding party that will be held in two months.

Apparently it is a remarriage wedding of one of her friends.