
The Witch Memoria

Remil Azrael was born as the very first witch into the world. Someone who can live for eternity, an immortal. Whether she live a life of loneliness or a life filled with excitement is up to her own decisions.

Fritz_Sanchez · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs


When our breakfast is done, I parted ways with Amelia and Flourel.

Sevir is with them acting as their escort and guard while Ravir who's busy with the documents also disappeared before me.

Looking at the Stone tablet I already know where the Commander's room is so without hesitation I went there.

I knocked on the door and I heard the voice that told me to go in.

The commnader was surprised when he saw that it's me, but instead of pushing me away he let me sit down instead.

"What brought you here, young lady?" the commander asked and looked at me with a calm expression.

"I want to participate in the battle against the monsters, sir" I said and went straight to the point without bothering to sit down.

Hearing what I said the commander shut his mouth for a while and sighed heavily.

"Young lady, do you know how much the West border owes the Azraels?" the commander started so I remained silent.

"This place has been the gathering of commoners since it was made. Those who wanted to help the Kingdom with whatever they can are able to come here no matter their background is. Barely any nobles sent their help to this place since there's less profit to gain with so many monsters being seen here everyday..." he added and sighed again.

"Only the Azraels sent money and supplies without any delay for many years and he did not even want his name to be known by anybody here. Things has change now that the Labyrinth is near here, but the West Border owes him a lot that we promised to keep you and your sister safe after you both insisted on staying here" he said and looked at me.

"Your father said not to let anyone know about him helping us since it's something that the Azraels owed to the West Border in the past... But a promise is a promise, and I will keep you and your sister safe while you're both here. Do you understand me, young lady?" he said and stared at me intently.

"What you're requesting from me, I will try to forget it" he said and turned back his attention to the papers that he's working on.

I didn't know about anything what father does since I never read his story from the very start.

I felt it's too personal to know how he met mother and such so I did not bother.

I can back out if he said that much but I don't want to waste all the spells that I already created for a whole month.

"If I can give you something great, will you let me join the battle?" I said as I took out the Stone tablet.

The commander knitted his brows at my stubborness but he still looked interested to what I'm holding.

After using the stone tablet, I realized that it's not something important to me that I have to keep it to myself.

Of course I might need a map once in a while, but I'm someone who doesn't really do much so I don't think I really need it that much.

Besides I already created the spell Domain which is a wind magic that lets me feel everything around me. It's like a search magic that will help me navigate the place that I'm in.

I created it to help this place anyway so I don't mind giving it away no matter how much I'll regret about it in the future.

The commander still have some doubts so I simply gave the Stone Tablet to him and watch him react about it.

The Stone Tablet is something that consume the mana in its surroundings so even if you're manaless you can use it.

I watched the commander try to understand what the Stone tablet does, and when he finally realized what it is he froze in place while I smiled secretly behind the mask.

He looked at me in disbelief and tried to understand more by widening the range of the Stone Tablet and even seeing the map of the whole Rimeheldra kingdom.

He tried to move his finger on the Stone Tablet to see more and saw even the map of the neighboring Kingdom which is the Adelaide Kingdom.

"Young lady, this is..." he mumbled while still intensely looking at the Stone Tablet.

"It's a magical map that I created" I said.

Although I could not explain how I made it in detail it's still not a lie that I made it.

"It's the only one in existence and I'm giving it to you so you will let me join the battle" I said.

The commander looked at me as if he's struggling to make a decision. He sighed many times while massaging his head.

But in the end he approved my participation.


For a week the West Border was really peaceful. Only one or two monsters are coming here.

Amelia seemed to be back at looking at me with a threathening smile so I guessed that she might have heard something from the commander.

I haven't looked at the Book of Life yet because I feel like I've been prying with others lives too much.

I could only guess that Amelia was the cause why barely any monsters are seen compared to before and it might have something to do with me saying that I'll participate in the war.

It almost feels like there's no war that will come to us any sooner.

Things will change onece the Crown Prince is here.

With his power of being able to feel the energy of the monsters, he can easily find the entrance to the Labyrinth.

Even with the help of the Stone Tablet it's actually really hard to locate because of a strong magic surrounding it.

I even used the tracking magic I created but to no avail it did not work as well.

It is said that monsters came out from the Labyrinth, but because we can't locate the entrance to it, it feels like the monsters simply appeared out of thin air.

I looked boredly at the Book of Spells while I waited for ten minutes to pass.

Currently I'm staying in Sevir's office and helping Ravir with the papers.

All I did was to make a copy of the papers with my Page Stamp spell and it's the waiting time in between the spell that's making me bored.

Page Stamp is the second spell I created and it copies the writings on a page and transfer it into another page. It's one of the magic I used to duplicate the books of Harodin's story.

Right about the books I created while inside the Year suspension spell, Memo had already sent it in the library.

I created up to the 26th book so I don't really need to worry about having to write one for a while.

Actually there's 622 chapters for Harodin's story novel story so I only need to make 5 more books to finish it and possibly start a new story.

If I remember correctly, I already planned to start Duke Remil's novel story... Ah wait is it actually Estella's story?

While I was pondering for a while I suddenly felt that someone patted my head which stopped me from thinking.

"Here's a few snacks, Lady. We should rest for a while" Ravir said and placed a plate of food in front of me.

I nodded my head and changed my full mask into a half one and ate the food.

Ravir smiled at me and ate his own share too.

"Brother has been complaining lately that there's no monsters to kill. He felt on edge whenever he's idling. Although he was curious where monsters go if not here, he wasn't really able to move on his own to investigate it" he started talking.

"Of course he has to protect the two Saintesses so he's not free at all" I added.

Ravir laughed lightly while his eyes looked very proud of his brother.

We both munched on the food and drank the beverage on the table.

Ravir looked at me in silence so I looked back at him wondering if he's trying to say something.

"The Crown Prince will arrive here in a tomorrow" he said with a serious face.

"I know" I simply said and shrugged.

"Are you actually planning to go inside the Labyrinth?" he asked with a worried face.

"Yes, I need to protect my sister since she's also going there. Besides I'm curious what's actually inside there" I said as I held my thumping heart.

I don't know why but ever since I learned about the Labyrinth's existence, I've been really eager to go there.

One of the Progenitors might be in there, that's for sure.

"I heard the Labyrinth does not look like the underworld but in fact, another world. Even though it's located underground there are chances when you see rivers, lakes and a clear sky" I said while belatedly noticing the excitement coming out from my voice.

Ravir looked at me for a long time then sighed.

"Let's do more of these" Ravir said while pointing at the papers.

I nodded my head and we both spent another day doing nothing but deal with Sevir's work.