
The Witch Memoria

Remil Azrael was born as the very first witch into the world. Someone who can live for eternity, an immortal. Whether she live a life of loneliness or a life filled with excitement is up to her own decisions.

Fritz_Sanchez · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Start of the March

On the 8th day of the 1st Month of year 2210, is when the plan to subjugate the monsters in the Western Border will begin.

Along with the subjutation groups was the Saintess Flourel who will join the hunt alongside them because she has the power to heal.

Currently the Royal knights are gathering near the castle to get ready for their departure and not far away from them are a small group of soldiers who clearly looked like they never belong to the Knights.

These twelve men are dresssed in a rag looking clothes and a black hood covering them from head to toe.

These men are the soldiers who came from the West Border and have been hunting the monsters there since they were 10-12 years old.

They lived in the West the most in all their lives so they're only here because of the task given to them by their superior.

The task is for them to escort the Saintess Flourel and also guide the Royal Knights to reach the West Border.

Currently they were standing by the gate to wait for the Saintess Flourel to come so that they can inform her about the activities that they will do during the travel.

"*Yawn* Captain... So when will the Saintess come?" one of the soldiers asked while looking at his Captain but not receiving an answer instead.

They only know that she will arrive in the morning but there was never a specific time told to them of when she'll arrive exactly.

There's also a fact that the carriage carrying her will face a few circumstances along the way which then adds to the delay of her arrival as well.

"Ah right, don't you guys think it's funny? Out of the two Saintesses that was picked to participate, it just has to be the Saintess from a humble background" one of the soldiers snorted as he said that with a bitter tone clearly coming out of his tongue.

"Keep your opinion to yourself, Ale" another soldier shut him.

The twelve of them all came from a very humble background. Most of them are orphans and some are the children of farmers that's why they knew how much they were treated differently compared to a child of an aristocrat.

In their eyes, the aristocrats has everything at their disposal and they can get anything they want without even lifting a finger... That's how priviledge the aristocrats were in their eyes.

While them who has to struggle everyday just to survive will continuously lose everything despite how much they try so hard.

If only you have power to slain a dragon on your own is when you can have the highest chance of being recognize and respected by an aristocrat but if you're not then you will easily be used and discraded on the road by them.

Soon after the long wait in front of the castle, a carriage can then be seen from a far.

Everyone of the twelve soldiers looked at the approaching carriage expecting that it was the Saintess Flourel.

But they were disappoined to realize that the carriage has a different symbol written on the carriage door as it got closer.

"Who's that?"

All of them looked confused as they stared at the unwanted guest that suddenly appeared.

Even the knights guarding the castle also seemed to be unaware about the guest so they were immediately on their guard as they watches the carriage.

Soon the carriage stopped in front of the gate but the door never opened.

Realizing the pattern of the house that the carriage came from, the guards then let their weapons down and approached the carriage.

"State your business here" the guard's voice can be heard from afar, but the answer that came back was not.

The twelve soldiers looked curiously at the sight of the carriage.

They then saw that the guard that approched the carriage was nodding his head as if giving his own permission to let the person in the carriage to do their own thing.

"Do you know where that carriage belong to, Captain?" one of the soldiers asked.

"I don't" the captain answered back so the soldier sighed as he looked at the carriage while frowning.

"It seems like they're not really here to cause problems" another soldier mumbled.

After a long wait this time another carriage arrived and finally it was the expected carriage that they were told to wait for.

"She's here" one of the soldiers mumbled as they watched the carriage came into a halt.

The carriage door then opened and the Beautiful Saintess appeared before them. Her golden hair and eyes so divine that they can't help but look at her in awe.

This is the first time that they met the Saintess so they were all suprised to see how much beautiful the Saintess is, that unconsciously also held their breathe while staring at her.

Aafter the long silence the only one to broke the silence and speak was the Captain. He kneeled down in front of the Saintess with a calm expression and give his respect to her.

"I greet the Saintess" the Captain said.

Hearing his voice the rest of the soldiers also kneeled before Flourel to greet her as well.

Flourel who was not used to seeing people kneel before her was slightly flustered. She panicked a little and could not think of what to do next so she unconsciously held the Captain's hand.

"T-Thank you for welcoming me" Flourel stuttered as she said that while blushing slightly.

Everyone who saw this was mesmerised by it that they all shyly blushed as well.

They all could only glance at the back of their Captain who was also staring at her silently.

But their trance was interupted when the carriage door from before has been opened.

The two people who walked out of it made their eyes wander to it with a shock looked on their faces.

"Why is she here?" One of the soldiers murmured.

Coming closer to them was a woman who can be on par with Saintess Flourel's beauty. Her golden hair swaying as she walked very gracefully while her eyes contained kindness and warmth in them.

"Lia!" Saintess Flourel beamed as she shouted.

Everyone can see how much Flourel looked like an excited kid as she ran to Saintess Amelia's side.

"We're here to see you off, Lourel" Amelia said as she held both of Flourel's hands with her own.

At Amelia's words everyone's eyes then turned at the mysterious lady who's standing behind her.

The woman behind the Saintess Amelia has become an overwhelming presence to them as she wore a full mask that covers her entire face.

The mask is colored white and was expensive looking because of the golden engravings and diamonds carved on it.

And it's not just the mask, her clothes even her hair are colored is black as if the woman was the embodiment of death herself.

Compared to the two Saintesses who seemed to be the embodiment of light, the woman in the mask is the very contrast to that which then made her appearance more noticeable than before.

Out of the three ladies in front of them, she's probably the one who made the most lasting impression.

"Flourel" the woman in the mask called as she walked towards Flourel.

Everyone's eyes followed her as she handed a book to Flourel.

"Is this...." Flourel then mumbled in surprised as she looked at Remil and the Book alternately.

"I just finished making that one. You can read that during your ride" The woman in the mask said and although she's wearing a mask, everyone can tell that she's smiling after saying that.

"Remmy..." Flourel then mumbled as tears started to build up in her eyes.

The soldiers are surprised to see her cry, no it's more like it's been a while since they witnessed a woman cry.

With tears still pouring out of her eyes, Flourel hugged the woman in the mask and cried silently. Her shoulders can be seen going up and down because of it.

Amelia who saw Flourel cry also started to tear up.

"Should I go with you after all?" the wrods that she tried to kept inside finally overflowed.

"After all that place is too dangerous for you... Should I force the King to not let you go?" the woman in the mask said as well.

Just based on the interactions between the three of them everyone can tell that they were very close with each other.

At the words of the two Saintess Flourel giggled and shook her head.

"I'm fine really, so don't worry about me"


"It's my duty as the Saintess so I have to go" Flourel cut of Amelia's words.

"I'm also---" Amelia tried to retort but Flourel only loooked at her with glint in her eyes.

Amelia cowered at the piercing glare of the Saintess Flourel as if scolding her for saying anything more.

"You have to write a letter to me every single day then we'll be even. And Remmy I will surely read all the books you make so make sure to write more okay?" Flourel said so the two women sighed as they nodded their head in agreement.

The three girls then hugged each other tightly as if they do not want to be apart from each other.

"Don't forget to eat your meals okay?" said Amelia as she reminded Flourel.

Amelia's eyes then caught the sight of the Captain so he held his hand.

"Fllourel is like a sister to me, please keep her safe. She's very thin and easy to get cold so make sure her place are kept warm even at knight, and also please prepare a descent meal for her. Don't you dare starve her---"

"Lia!" Flourel shouted in embarassment as she heard Amelia's burst of nonsensical words that's coming out of her mouth.

"Sister please refrain doind such uncouth behaviour" the woman in the mask then scolded her.

The woman in the mask then pulled Amelia aside as she bowed her head slightly to the Captain and apologize.

Sooner the farewell between the three women ended as the carriage ride to head to the West are now ready to depart.

Flourel continued to look out of the window as she waved her goodbyes to the two sisters while Amelia who continued to cry as she watches the carriage leave are silently being comforted by Remil.