
The Witch Memoria

Remil Azrael was born as the very first witch into the world. Someone who can live for eternity, an immortal. Whether she live a life of loneliness or a life filled with excitement is up to her own decisions.

Fritz_Sanchez · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs


After the party was finished I continued what I've been doing as usual and sketched the scenes for my book.

Throughout the whole week that I worked on my book after the party, I came to realize how hard it is to duplicate the books with determination alone.

And so I made three whole new spells to help me when it comes to the production of the books.

The first new spell I created was called Page stamp. It is a spell that copies the writings on a page and to transfer the second copy to another empty page. Because it is a simple spell it only needed 10 minutes of waiting time until I'm able to use it again.

The creation of the new spells made me realized that the quality of magic can affect the waiting time of the spell.

When I created the Duplication spell I only had the book to be duplicated in my mind but as the creation of it progresses it turns into a spell that can duplicate all kinds of things.

Even the most important treasure in a kingdom can be easily replicated because of it.

Thus I created the third spell which is the same as the duplication spell but with the restriction of a specific object and it is called Book duplication.

With this spell I can easily duplicate a book that I held and it only has two months time of waiting time.

The fourth spell is what I called the Servant pen. With this magic I can summon a pen and order it to copy a whole book's content into another book and the pen will do it.

This spell is a little special since its waiting time can vary different;y depending on how long it took for the pen to copy a book, and books can be very different when it comes to its number of pages and even the contents can have artworks on them that the book will have a hard time copying.

Over all I have four spells at hand: Duplication spell, Page stamp, Book duplication, and Servant pen. I'm pretty much satisfied with the usefulness of the spells and what's more the names sounds very cool.

I smirked as I dropped the pen as the sign to end my personal project for today. I then stretched my body and summoned my book of life.

There's actually a person that caught my eye in the book of life. Her name felt familiar when I come across it. Ariste Deril, she's the seventh saintess who came to this world 800 years ago.

Her name was recorded in one of the history books that I'm studying so that's why it felt familiar and because my sister is the Saintess I feel like it's not a bad idea to know more about how the past Saintesses lived.

The whole time before dinner I read Ariste's story with seriousness in my eyes and her story really shocked me.

Her story is normal, she was born into a wealthy merchant family so although she's not a noble she lives in luxury.

Although it's unique that after her birth her parents hid her existence to the rest of the world, the reason why I'm perpexled while reading her story was because of her personality.


I could only mumble my sister's name out of my mouth.

Ariste acts like the Amelia I know throughout the entire story of her life.

Although their name, face, and skills are different because of different life experiences. I can't deny that she still have an identical personality with Amelia.

It made me wonder is all the Saintesses are born with the same personality, or if the Saintesses born from different generations are the same person.

Isn't there a theory for this?

The people call it reincarnation, where people are reborn in a different body after death.

With this theory in mind also came a conclusion that perhaps the people in this world is also undergoing the process of death and rebirth.

It could be possible, after all one of the definition of a progenitor was an immortal that lives in this world until its destruction and perhaps it also applies to the people.

Actually a thought has been bothering me since I was a baby. I wondered what would I feel when my biological parents will disappear because of death.

I tried my best not to get close to them because I knew we're entirely different. They're mortals while I'm immortal and for sure I'll be left alone without them.

I kept thinking that I'm not attached to them that much so I probably won't care...

Even if they die my tears won't probably come out just for them.

Although I keep saying that, the thought still bothered me to no end that I ended up distancing myself to them.

The thought of what if it'll broke my heart in the end? What will I do then?

It's not like I see them as family... I won't get hurt even if they leave me...

Well anyways, if what I thought was real it will be possible to meet them again even after their death.

I wonder if my parents will still find each other even after death?

I grinned at the thought and opened my book of spells.

It might be better to create a new spell to confirm this theory.

*knock* *knock*

I looked at the door and realized it's already dinner time. I guess I'll do this tomorrow then, I should meet mother and father first!

I don't really want to see them or eat dinner with them but since it is customary to bond with your family, I will do it.


I munched the meat in front of me and savoured the tastes. I looked at the meal intensely with questions in my head.

Is it just me or the meal for today is very tasty? I never thought I would feel satisfied to eat a meal for once.

Since immortals doesn't need to eat I only thought of doing it to disguise myself as a normal human being.

I shrugged and continued what I'm doing and when I looked up I realized how my family and the few servants who are present in this place are staring at me.

They all have a face of bewilderment written on their faces.

I tilted my head in confusion and Amelia who broke the silence in the room giggled while covering her mouth with her hands bashfully.

"Did something good happen today Rem?" She asked with cheerfulness and kid like curiousity in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked back but Amelia only giggled and shook her head.

"Nothing, let's enjoy our meal shall we?" Amelia smiled as she continued munching on her food.

Then suddenly father who was near me suddenly placed a piece of his steak on my plate with a soft smile on his face.

"Eat well our baby, you need to grow up healthy so don't hold back and be skinny" he said as he pushed the other plate of foods near me.

"Fufu, is our dessert not ready yet? Maybe Remmy could try the new ones first"

"THat's a great idea mother" Amelia said back and laughed heartily.

With mother's and Amelia's exchange of words I looked at them alternately.

"New one?" I asked but they only smiled at me happily.

Soon the chef arrived with a new looking dessert to me and put it down beside me.

I never really sweets since I was a kid so I wonder why are they offering me this.

I stayed silent as I picked up the fork to have a bite and not disappoint them.

When I ate the new dessert I was surprise with the taste.

"Delicious" I mumbled softly.

I can't explain what this taste is like but it fits my taste somehow.

"It's called Limer truffle that a new hired chef created" Amelia shared so I nodded and finished eating it.

Everyone was looking at me with warm eyes and that's when I realize that they created the dessert specifically for me.

When that realization hits I looked at them with astonishment. I tried to compose myself and remain expressionless but in the end their thoughtfulness touched me so my mouth curled up into a smile.

And when I looked at everyone they all reacted the same to the very day that I first smiled on my fourth birthday.