
The Witch Memoria

Remil Azrael was born as the very first witch into the world. Someone who can live for eternity, an immortal. Whether she live a life of loneliness or a life filled with excitement is up to her own decisions.

Fritz_Sanchez · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs


As soon as father left I stayed the whole time in my room and made my first familiar.

It is a cat like familiar who has black color with two tails that has black fire on the tip of it. It has the eye color of golden eyes and a sharp and long ears.

I didn't decide any color for it, it just happens that all my familiars are going to have a black fur from now on.

The cat has the power to store items in it's shadow just like the Spatial Ring. Only the Witches/Wizards and its contractor can understand and talk to it.

Of course a contract for such a creature is not limited to witches and wizards.

With this beast's creation in the Book of Art, from now on Twin Tailed Cats will slowly be born in this world as a new species of magical beast.

The condition for their birth is the birth of a witch and wizard. And the condition for their death is the death of their contractor.

They're a species that will not die and can only live in the shadows durnig the daytime but can freely move around when it's nigh time. Meaning they're nocturnal.

Since they can't die they don't really need any physical food to live, but they do feed on objects that has mana on it or even the mana of their contractor.

[Master!] the cat shouted after its creation and its voice rang inside my head loudly.

"You're Memo from now on" I said and ignored the fact that I got shocked by its voice.

This cat's species has no gender so they don't really repopulate normally. The only condition for their birth is the birth of witches and wizards.

Even if those witches and wizards die, the cats won't really die alongside them even if they're the cause of the cat's birth.

As long as the cats do not form a contract with a person that will die then they will be an immortal being just like me.

"Memo, its still morning so you can just stay in my shadow in the meantime. I'll tell you what you'll do later when the night comes" I said.

Memo who heard me happily followed what I said and disappeared in the shadows.

Since I'm staying here for awhile I might as well ask Memo to fetch my books so I can start writing the next book of Harodin.

Will I have time to write them while in here though?

Right... didn't Harodin made a spell which I called Five minute area? It is a spell that covers a certain area into a place that slowed down time.

If you're in that area even if five minutes passed it will only be a second on the outside.

Although it is considered as a complete spell it can be said to be incomplete in terms of performance since what Harodin was aiming was an area magic that can cause a day to pass in just a second.

He's not really greedy enough to cause imbalance to the nature by making it a year or more.

I don't know what will happen to me if I stayed in such an area though since what Harodin have was only up to five minutes.

I wonder if I make a spell that is up to one year will I grow older physically while I'm inside of it? Or is it actually stopping the time when you're inside of it?

Wait there's no need to think about Harodin's spell at all. I just need to make my own and make sure that even if a year of progress happens I will remain young.

I called out the book if spells and started writing things down.

OF course there's a lot that the book wanted as a condition if such a magic is going to exist.

I call this Year Suspension spell...

Nevermind the name, this spell is actually a spell that has a condition of whatever number of times you want to spend inside the spell then you will also have to wait for the same number of times to use it again.

Meaning if I spent a year in the place that the spell was covered in then after the spell is lifted I will have to wait another year to use the spell again.

Well with this condition at least I won't age even if a lot of time has passed inside the place that has the Year Suspension spell on it.

Of course the aging won't except the things around me since it only applies to living beings.

That way I can actually progress easily to Harodin's story. and I'm palnning to do it to an empty place with not much things around them.

The time I spent inside the place no matter how long it is will always be equivalent to one second which is great.

After I'm done I called back the Book of Spells and went out of my room.

I knocked on the door where Ravir is but he did not answer.

I'm not sure if he's asleep again or if he's actually not inside the room right now.

I turned the knob and went inside and as expected he is not inside.

There's a chance that he's looking for his brother so I won't bother him for now.

I decided to tour the place on my so I started walking here and there while ignoring the gaze of others.

I might be unwelcome here but there's nothing they can do when I'm not really a bother to them so I guess for now I'll make sure to not do anything that will irritate them.

After a long time of looking around and writing down the lay out of the place on the book I then saw Flourel, Amelia, Sevir, and Ravir having tea time together.

It seems like Ravir already found his brother and is now catching up to him by having tea and snacks.

Sevir looked stressed out so just like father, Sevir probably wanted Ravir to leave the place since it's dangerous but he's probably stopped by Flourel or Amelia so now they're forced to talk to each other right now.

Amelia then noticed me from a far and smiled. Although her smile looked really dark and threatening... I tried to act like I didn't see them and headed back to my room.

I might be able to greet Flourel after Amelia has let go of her disagreement towards me being here.