
The Witch Memoria

Remil Azrael was born as the very first witch into the world. Someone who can live for eternity, an immortal. Whether she live a life of loneliness or a life filled with excitement is up to her own decisions.

Fritz_Sanchez · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

A Party

I stayed silent as I stared intensely at Amelia who's smiling awkwardly in front of me.

"...." She smiled forcefully while cold sweat slowly appears on her forehead.

"I'm not joining you hear me? I'll stay in my room so make sure no one will be able come in without permission"

I said as I furrowed my brows while staring at her.

My sister who just met with me today, has suddenly announced that she's going to host a party for everyone and it will be held in our mansion in a month.

She's been to many houses for two years now so it has been decided that she will be the one to invite the others this time. Apparently she's been postponing in doing it in consideration of me, and everyone that she knows accepted her decision because she told them that I'm sick.

She told them that she didn't want to make me feel sad for not being able to join them because of my weak body or even worsen my condition by stressing me out by any slightest uncomfortableness and apparently everyone seems to buy that excuse and even felt sorry for me.

What kind of Saint lies to people? Anyways she's currently asking for permission from me that she'll be hosting a party this time and that I should play along with her lies by acting like I'm sick.

I agreed to her words since I don't want to meet anyone anyways and I expected that I'm probably just going to hide in my room during their party, but in contrast to what I thought she suddenly said that everyone wants to meet me and I just need to show myself to them for a brief moment and act like I'm sick so I will be excused immediately.

Of course I refused to do it. I don't really think that I can meet any strangers now that I'm used to living with my family and only be surrounded by the people I already know.

"Rem..." Amelia mumbled with troubled look on her face,

I looked at Amelia who's pleading me with her eyes to agree with her for once and after an hour of stare off with no one backing down between us, I was finally forced to say yes.

"Rem!! Oh my, Thank goodness!!!" Amelia jumped in glee and immediately hug me.

I sighed in defeat while patting her back lightly. I guess people would definitely be curious with what I look like... and it is much better to deal with this problem now than postpone it until it turns into something more troublesome in the future.

I looked at the maids around us who has teared up and looked proud as if they're glad I'm finally growing up.

Ever since that time, the mansion has been the busiest it has ever been for once. I was forced to participate in the preparation for the party by our lovely mother. She said that if I managed to contribute greatly with the preparation she would even play her part by acting out with me.

For a month I've been helping in writing the letters of invitation for each ladies that are invited. I was also forced to try on new dresses for the party, pick the foods that will be serve to the people and prepare the gifts that will be given to each lady.

Since I won't be participating in the party, they told me to at least give an apology gift for each ladies and make sure that no one will think badly of me even after they leave.

I grumbled as I wasn't able to have time to make a storyboard for Harodin's book...

Since we're committing to the lie that I'm sick I also proposed the idea that I will be getting a make up look that made me seem like I'm really sick just to make it believable. For the entire month that we have I also also taking some lessons from the maids on how to act like a sickly person...

It's becoming more and more ridiculous as time went on and everyone in the mansion seems to be on board with this pretend play that we thought of and I can't help but feel sorry for the guests who will be deceived by everyone.


The party is finally today and the maids are happily doing their best to dress me up with a beautiful light blue dress and accesories. I was even given a candy where it's hard on the outside but has red liquid syrup in the inside.

It is hidden behind by tooth to which I can easily bite off whenever I want to and make it seem like I'm coughing up some blood.

Of course it's just for emergency measures and I'm not really required to do them.

One by one I can see the carriages of every ladies that are invited for today to arrive. Since I'm supposed to be sick my presence will only be needed when all invitees are already present.

The party for today is only held for noble ladies that are 10-13 years of age and most of them were Amelia's friends that she already knew since they were 9, so the only adults that will be present today would be the servants of every ladies, servants of our mansion, and our parents.

I looked at the mirror one last time to see what I looked like. Sunken eyes as if I wasn't able to sleep, pale lips as if blood was drained from my body, and a malnourish looking cheeks.

All this change was all thanks to our gifted maid when it comes to make up art. I smiled bitterly like a sick person and coughed realistically looking like I'm in pain and having a hard time to breathe after two steps of walking.

All thanks to my acting training, just a glance at me and you can already feel how gloomy I am compared to everybody.

I stood up and rang the bell to call the maids and just as planned they will act like they were used to treating an ill patient.

Walking closely and encircling around me as if they're ready to catch my body when I fall down. They're also wearing a maid dress with hidden pockets near the apron where my medicines are kept and can easily grabbed by them and last but not the least is a maid tailing behind us who is the fastest when it comes to running and grab a glass of water for me to drink my medicine with.

We can't even tell to everyone what my sickness are called, all that we came up as an excuse was that I was born with a weak body since birth and that no matter what we do I will never be cured.

"The lady Teresa Minerva has arrived!" one of the knights announced that everyone in the hall could hear his voice and most of the guests looked through the entrace way and smiled.

"Lady Teresa you're here!" The girls that are friends with Minerva gathered around her and immediately talked amongst each other.

Soon when the hall was filled with all the guests that were invited, the door where the host of the party will enter suddenly opened and Amelia walked out of it, tailing behind her were the Countess and Remil.

All of Amelia's friends smiled as they saw Amelia in her gorgeous white dress, but their curious eyes immediately darted on Remil's way as she slowly appeared before them.

Most of the ladies who saw Remil gasped at the sight of her, while some of them remained silent and covered their faces with their fans.

In their eyes Remil looked worst than they expected, she looks like she'll die from a simple touch of a child who's probably younger than her. All the guest's eyes are filled with confusion and pity.

"So that's the lady of the Azraels...." One of the girls mumbled.

"Well if she's that ill, it would be resonable to remain bedridden for the rest of her life so I don't think the word laziness suits her at all" one of the girls retorted.

"Did the Earl and Countess hid the fact that she's ill in hopes that she'll get better in the future?"

"She looks like she's only getting worst though"

A lot of murmurs escaped from the mouth of the girls continoued to fill the hall while the Azraels kept their smiles on their faces.

"Once again I thank everyone of you ladies for coming to my humble party and as promised I want to introduce my younger sister Remil Azrael" Amelia said as she smiled brightly while looking at Remil's way.

Hearing the call to her name, Remil stepped to the fornt slowly as cold sweat slowly appeared on her forehead as if mere walking is already too much for her body.

But despite the struggle and pain Remil's smile remained on her face as she gave her greetings to everyone.

"My name is Remil Azrael, it's a pleasure to meet everyone" she said while curtsing elegantly to everyone. Although her gesture and posture were perfect everyone can already see that her hands were slightly trembling.

In the ladies' eyes Remil Azrael is the most pitiful girl that they've ever met and they did not know how to act as they were speechless at the sight of her.

Amelia who sees how perfect Remil's acting was very pleased. She smiled with worry in her eyes as she watches Remil's act like she's ill, it really made her feel like the sickness was real and that ached her heart for a bit.

Without even a hint of acting in her voice Amelia stuttered as she called out to Remil and stayed closed beside her.

"D-Don't force yourself Remil... Now stand straight okay? Y-Your back, it must have hurt...."

Amelia panicked and teared up as she continiously felt worried for Remil. And Remil who heard her voice simply looked back at Amelia and faked a smiled.

Everyone in the hall even the servants looked very sad for Remil and the Azrael family. They wish that they could do something to help Remil but since they're not able to, they simply remained silent.

Seeing how perfect Amelia's act made Remil smirk inwardly while thinking "That's my twin" and to catch up with Amelia's acting Remil then coughed heavily and looked like she's about to faint any moment.

"Remil!" Soon the Countess who saw her child looked like she's in pain immediately ran to her side. At the Countess' distresseed voice the maids who are waiting from the side also panicked and carefully helped Remil to walk and escort her back to her room.

All of their expression did not seem like they're acting at all because it really feels like something bad is happening to Remil. Amelia and the servants were looking pale while staring at Remil who struggles to breathe.

It caused a bit of a commotion and Amelia was told by the Countess to not mind Remil and continue the party until it's over.

The hall where the party are held was in complete silence but Amelia who looked like she's pretending to smile made sure that the party will become a success.

She then handed out the gifts that Remil prepared as an apology for the guests which touched their hearts.

"PLease tell Lady Remil that I love the gift she gave me" one pf the ladies say.

"Tell her that we hope she'll get better"

Some words escaped from everyone's mouth which made Amelia tear up with happiness and relief.

She then continued the party and made sure that everyone will leave with smile on their faces.