
The Witch and the Liar

Have you ever wondered, if your God is real? Are you faithful? Are you an atheist? Do you believe in saints? No. Don't believe in saints. She is a fake. She's the Devil. She's evil. Don't listen to whatever she says to you. Don't believe her. Oh, aren't you a liar too? Then that makes you two. "Aren't I right, Lucraise?"

Tableux · Fantasia
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3 Chs


The church was in an eerie silence when Sister Yolly entered. She's the head nun and was assigned to patrol the church at this hour. With only an oil lamp on her and her rosary in her pocket, she calmly walked around the chapel.

But then, she stopped when she got near the altar.

Ah, there she is.

There knelt a glowing individual. Her white and gold silky clothes shine as it reflects the moonlight. Her long and straight black hair dangles on her shoulders, and her smooth brown skin was satisfying to look at, it was glimmering from the moon.

Her hands, clasp to each other in a praying manner. With closed eyes, she murmured sweet words that sister Yolly assumed to be prayers.

"Sister Yolly, what's the matter?" She didn't even turn around to knot that it was the head nun.

She slowly reached for her rosary, and a small vial containing a small amount of holy water.

"Hm? Sister, why aren't you answering me?" Still, in a praying position, a smile crept onto her lips.

"You vile devil! You deserve to rot in hell!—"



Yolly's eyes widened when the woman in front of her suddenly disappeared into thin air.

She froze as she heard her heels echo thru the hall.

Yolly wanted to move badly, but something was stopping her.

It was sticky and has a rotten smell. She was shaking when she tried looking down and screamed with no voice coming out of her mouth.

The one stopping her from moving was a pool of sticky, and dark blood. Not only blood! But hands! Wounded arms wrapping around her legs, multiple of them!

She tried screaming and started moving around. She dropped her oil lamp.

It dropped on her feet. The oil spilled and slowly, the light from the lamp caused a small fire.

She was sweating, teary, and shaking in fear.

"Aren't you supposed to be praying now? Oh, so you're not that faithful after all..." She felt a warm breath on her right ear, making her shiver even more.

"H-Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death—Argh!"

"Indeed, this is the hour of your death. Goodbye sister Yolly, say hi to the devil for me." Her eyes glimmered in crimson red. Her visible mocking smirk returned to its gentle smile.

So innocent, yet so evil.

"Now burn, like how I did."

The head nun was burnt alive, right there on the spot. Oh if you would only see how she scream in pain and agony as her limbs broke apart and her hair on fire, her eyeballs popped out, and blood spurted everywhere.

"Oh, that hurts...? I got it worst."

Her heels echoed as she walked away, walking away elegantly with her silky nightgown slightly swaying as she walks.

What a nice saint she is.

Based on true events.