
The Witch and the Liar

Have you ever wondered, if your God is real? Are you faithful? Are you an atheist? Do you believe in saints? No. Don't believe in saints. She is a fake. She's the Devil. She's evil. Don't listen to whatever she says to you. Don't believe her. Oh, aren't you a liar too? Then that makes you two. "Aren't I right, Lucraise?"

Tableux · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

CHAPTER 1; PART 1: She Looks Like Art, Gore

Too clean. Too perfect. Too elegant. Too serious.

Does this priest even smile? Did he lose all his happy pills and decide to be a priest for the sake of being in complete solace?

He fixed his collar as he groomed himself in front of the large mirror in his room. Combing his neat jet-black hair and fixing his square glasses. Oh, how attractive. His serious expression doesn't match his looks, honestly.

He has very light skin, probably from the cold weather he was born and the fact that he doesn't like going outside. Or he's just lacking vitamin D. Yes, that's it.

"Father Lucraise? The mass is about to start!" he heard someone knocking. Immediately he grabbed his outer robe and opened the door.

He doesn't recognize the nun who called for him but he doesn't care anyway. It's not like he would initiate a conversation with her too.

He coughed to gain the attendees' attention. "For all of us, the children of God had gathered today, let us all rise to start this day with a prayer."

Above the chapel, she there sat. "Oho? Father Lucraise?" she grinned as she rested her head on the rail.

"Saintess, here's the logbook you're asking for."

She fixed her position and grabbed the book without glancing at the servant.

"You can leave," she muttered.

Here in Schenaeya, people believe in prophecies and are strong believers in God. These common religious people attend church every Sunday and pray their guts out. Praying for forgiveness, but in the end, they still can't resist the call of the flesh. They thought that if they prayed again and again as they commit these sins, they would be forgiven again and again.

Religiously stupid she might say.

How ironic for a literal saint to think this way.

"Oh, how fortunate." She fixed her gold dangling earrings and tried to listen attentively to the mass. Well if it's Father Lucraise, the whole mass wouldn't be as boring as ever.

After the mass, many people gathered around her when she took a step down to the chapel.

"It is indeed a nice day to praise God, here..." she smiled as she went thru an awful conversation with a child's mother asking for a blessing.

It was a small child around five years old, adorable but somehow dumb.

Well, it's a child.

She leaned and whispered to him in a position where it looks like she was praying sweet godly words to him. "You know, I don't believe in God."

The kid looked at her, confused.

She patted his head and smiled, "God bless you, son of God." She almost whispered that curse.

The boy was startled and started bawling his eyes out and rushed to his mother.

"Oh, why did he suddenly act like that?" Asked in a fake tone. The kid ran to her mother and cling to her tight. Eris rolled her eyes but made sure no one saw it. She looked amused as she watched the kid bawl his eyes out. Then as if someone was watching her, she felt the uncomfortable feeling of someone's gaze.

She had to excuse herself from the woman and her child to see who kept staring at her. She looked up, and to 'not' her surprise- It was Father Lucraise. When they met each other's gaze, he immediately looked away- looking flustered.

Finally, night has come. Where she doesn't need to socialize and act fake with other people, she pulled a towel out of her drawer and vigorously rubbed it on her damp hair—wearing her white nightgown. She went to her desk next, loads of papers and letters of prayers pilled up above it.

"Seriously. Am I a saint, or an officer?" She frowned as she tried her best to tidy all the papers up, but failed. Inks spilled everywhere and crumbled documents on the floor, overflowing from the bin.

She felt the most human feeling in the world.


"Ugh... Now how do I clean all of these up?" She thought she would be enjoying her evening with her long gown and freshly brewed tea as she watched the night sky. Guess that won't be happening today, huh?

She was about to try and pile the papers up again when she heard a soft knock on the door. Who in the world would knock on her door at this time? She dragged herself to open the door for whoever the visitor was.

"Who?" She glared at the person who disturbed her night, she softened immediately when she saw who it was.

"I wonder what the priest has to say to me in the middle of the night?"

It was Father Lucraise, only wearing a loose white robe covering his body, not to mention that his upper chest is visible because of his thin robe. If she didn't know this person she would've mistaken him for a male prostitute. He was holding a lamp in his left hand, how adorable. Unlike what people usually see during masses, he had loose and messy hair, he was probably sleeping just now and woke up to knock on her door randomly, his under eyebags were also dark, it's as if he was never given the chance to sleep even for a second. He's pale as a ghost, He also looks thin and fragile, as if he was an onion skin paper, you should handle him with care or he would be ripped apart.

He wasn't wearing his tacky square glasses so she could see his face clearly.

What an attractive man, if only he doesn't have that dead expression on his face.

"Saintess..." His voice was groggy and sounds like he has some fishbone stuck in his throat.

"You look rather pale, father Lucraise. Are you sure you're okay?' she leaned on her door, staring at him intimidatingly.

He tried to look decent in front of her for a second before he spoke again, "Sister Yolly..."

Sister Yolly? Oh? That strict nun who roams around at night trying to find fault in her? She wondered what was so interesting about this woman that Lucraise have to go and see her for some chit-chat. Well, it looks like he didn't just come all the way here to chat with her, did something happen?

"I don't have any interest with that nun or whatsoever-"

"She was found in the well behind the chapel. Naked, and unrecognizable."


Now, this is getting interesting.

"Take me where they found her."