
The Wish System Volume(1)

Just as he felt like he was about to die, a mysterious voice popped into Keith's head. He heard a beep in his mind, and then a voice said, Wish system successfully bonded. Uploading welcome gift for new host. The voice continued, Congratulations, host obtains three wishes. Keith was utterly bewildered, and his mind went blank. The only thought left in his head was that he didn't want to die. He heard the voice again. Ding! You have made your first wish. Host receives a skill, recovery from injury. Description, host will recover from any and every kind of injury within five seconds. As the voice faded, Keith felt a warm current flow through his entire body.

Daoistslothh · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter:-77 Beating the guest

You can go now. Don't embarrass yourself here any longer. Sam was furious.

He felt a surge of blood rushing to his head. He'd been humiliated with money. He

clenched his fists and almost ground his teeth to pieces.

But he knew he couldn't leave. If he left now, with Keith's temper, he would definitely

end up falling out with the Strauss family. The Strausses weren't people that Keith could

afford to offend.

Angie's face was pale and her eyes were filled with tears. The commotion had attracted

the attention of the rest of the room. And as the whispers circulated about what had

happened, the onlookers' expressions turned to looks of disdain.

It was a banquet for the upper classes. In their eyes, these two commoners weren't fit to

be there. Julian was there too, but as a staff member.

He was one of the few people who knew Keith's true identity and strength. But he didn't

speak up on behalf of Keith's parents. Instead, he recorded everything that had

happened and sent it to Keith.

When Sam and Angie didn't move, Clarice said with a cold smile, Clarice was a third

cousin of Mr. Strauss' wife and was pretty close to the Strauss family. Olivia and her son

Ashton were distant cousins who had known each other since childhood. On top of that,

Clarice's husband ran a successful real estate company.

Her family was worth billions of dollars and her opinion was valued by many people.

Someone immediately threw another bank card on the ground and sneered, there's

80,000 on that, take it and spend it. After that, other people began to toss their cards in

front of the Sanderburgs.

Whether it was through their words or their actions, they all mocked Sam and Angie.

Clarice watched it all with a cold smile and said, is that enough for you? One must know

one's limitations. Your son, Keith, is a street rat and he should stay in the gutter where

he belongs.

How dare he think he can taunt a noble swan like Olivia? It's an insult to the swan, do

you understand? Her voice became sharper, take the money and go. Sam drew his

shoulders back and shouted angrily, Keith isn't a street rat. But before he could say any

more, there was an explosion at the door.

The mansion's door flew off its hinges and smashed into the room, knocking over tables

and chairs. The crowd turned to the entrance and shocked, only to see an ordinary

looking man standing there. He had a cold, steely look in his eyes.

Keith, Sam gasped, the rest of the room gasped too. The mansion's reinforced door had

to weigh almost 150 pounds, but it had been sent flying by Keith's kick. How strong was

this guy? The entire hall fell silent as Keith's cold gaze swept across the room.

When he saw his shame-faced appearance with a pile of bank cards in front of them, the

anger in his heart reached its peak. He slowly walked in, radiating a cold fury. The crowd

cowered instinctively, and no one dared to stop him.

They could barely even look at him. Keith stopped at his parents' side. He looked coldly

at Clarice and suddenly reached out his hand.

He pressed Sam into the chair behind him and said, Sit down, Dad. I'll take care of this.

Sam's eyes grew a little moist.

His son had grown up, and he was willing to defend his parents in their most dire

moments. Sam nodded and slowly sat down. You've fulfilled your parents' wish.

Wish value, plus one. Current progress, eight of ten. Keith smiled at his parents, but

when his eyes swept across the crowd again, his expression darkened completely.

He said slowly, Who threw the cards? Come forward. The whole room was silent. Under

the pressure of Keith's imposing manner, none of these so-called superior people dared

to speak.

Clarice looked left and right. Keith's appearance was so shocking that it had actually

frightened everyone into silence. As the instigator of the whole affair, she knew that she couldn't show fear.

She took a deep breath and sneered. You're Keith? I asked them to throw down their

bank cards. What's wrong with that? There was the sound of glass breaking as Keith

slapped the champagne flute in her hand to the floor.

Clarice yelped as champagne splattered all over her face and dress, and she tottered

backward in her stilettos. How dare you, she said. But before she could finish her

sentence, Keith swiped his leg under her feet, and she clattered to the ground.

You shattered Clarice's wish to ridicule your parents. Attribute point, plus one. The sound

of loud gasps came from the crowd.

No one expected this young man to directly attack one of them. Some of the guests

grew angry. But when they remembered how Keith had kicked open the mansion door,

none of them dared say a word.

Keith scanned the crowd and said coldly, Who else? Show yourselves. Once again, the

crowd was silent. Under the pressure of Keith's terrifying strength, nearly every leg in

the room began to tremble.

The man who'd first thrown his bank card couldn't bear the pressure any longer and

began to shuffle towards the door. Running away, Keith scoffed and threw a champagne

bottle at the man's head. The man screamed and fell to the ground as the bottle

smashed to pieces around him.

You destroyed this man's wish to escape. Attribute, plus one. Keith's voice became

colder and colder.

Some of the security guards began to approach him, but Julian stopped them. He shook

his head and signaled for them to stay where they were. Seeing the silence, Keith said,

Didn't you just say that I'm a street rat? Why are you guys so silent now? Let me be


Everyone who threw their bank cards and everyone who mocked my parents can all

kneel down and apologize to them and don't even think about trying to leave. These

words were filled with a chilling sense of menace and the guests could feel their hearts

pounding. Keith's actions were overbearing, unreasonable even, but none of them dared

express their anger.

Angie said in a low voice, Keith, forget it. We didn't get hurt. Keith shook his head at his

mother and said, Mom, we don't cause trouble, but we aren't afraid of trouble either.

Whatever these people did to you just now, I want them to pay us back double. Angie

just nodded and didn't say anything else. Keith looked back to the room and said, frostily, Since you guys aren't willing to admit your mistakes, I guess I'll just have to

punish all of you.