
The Wish System Volume(1)

Just as he felt like he was about to die, a mysterious voice popped into Keith's head. He heard a beep in his mind, and then a voice said, Wish system successfully bonded. Uploading welcome gift for new host. The voice continued, Congratulations, host obtains three wishes. Keith was utterly bewildered, and his mind went blank. The only thought left in his head was that he didn't want to die. He heard the voice again. Ding! You have made your first wish. Host receives a skill, recovery from injury. Description, host will recover from any and every kind of injury within five seconds. As the voice faded, Keith felt a warm current flow through his entire body.

Daoistslothh · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter:-69 You want to take the whole of Olive Industries by stealth? You're too greedy. Isn't that right, Calvin?

If you say no, not only will you die, but your mother will also be electrocuted. You don't

want to see that happen, right? Olivia's face turned pale. She gritted her teeth, but she

looked at her grandfather and Keith beside her.

Then she looked at her mother, whose face was full of tears. Wait a minute! Before Olivia

could say anything, a voice echoed through the room. The one who spoke was Keith.

He took a step forward and put Olivia behind him. He said lightly, You mean that if Miss

Strauss doesn't agree, you don't even want money? You might like Miss Strauss, but

your friends here like money more. After he finished speaking, the other robbers all

turned to the Monkey Mask man.

One of them said, Dude, the stock is more important. Monkey Mask looked at his friends.

After a moment of silence, he looked at Keith and said coldly, Very well.

After signing the contract, I'll deal with you personally. He waved his hand and said,

Bring it up. You've shattered the leader's wish to coerce Olivia.

Attribute point plus one. Keith smiled. The situation was extremely dangerous.

He added the points to his power score, which was now at 16 points. A moment later, in

front of a square table, Olivia looked at the contract in her hand. The hand holding the

pen was trembling slightly.

The 100,000 shares were worth close to 300 million. Money was a secondary concern,

but she was afraid of the guy in the Monkey Mask who was sitting opposite her. His eyes

were filled with greed as he looked at her.

She was really afraid that after she signed her name, this man would kill someone else

and then torture her. What? Miss Strauss, if you don't sign, how are you going to save

your mother? Olivia tried her best to calm down. She looked at her grandfather beside

her, seemingly looking for reassurance.

Old Mr. Strauss sighed and nodded slightly. Seeing this, Olivia took a deep breath and

went to sign her name. Everyone's eyes were focused on the tip of her pen, and the eyes

behind the Monkey Mask shone with incomparable greed.

But at that moment, a hand reached over and grabbed Olivia's wrist. The others were

stunned. Keith picked up the contract and suddenly tore the paper to shreds.

The contract! Olivia exclaimed. Keith looked at Monkey Mask and said with a faint smile.

This document has been compressed using money printing technology.

You want to take the whole of Olive Industries by stealth? You're too greedy. Isn't that

right, Calvin? Olivia and the others all gasped. When Monkey Mask heard this, he was so

shocked that he took three steps back and looked at Keith in disbelief.

You've shattered the bandit leader's wish to deceive Olivia. Attribute point plus one.

Keith said lightly, I started to suspect when you didn't want to get in the van.

After that, you disappeared from our sight. You took a side road and then a helicopter,

right? The man heard him and shouted, bullshit, I'll shoot you. And you won't shoot me if

I don't say it? Keith said lightly.

You tampered with our van because you wanted us to die in a traffic accident. If you kill

Olivia's mother, the whole of Olive Industries will be leaderless and at your mercy. This

contract is just your backup plan, right? Actually, the moment we arrived, you made up

your mind to kill us, didn't you? Monkey Mask had already calmed down.

He said coldly, how can you be so sure that I'm Calvin? How can I be sure? Keith smiled.

Calvin, you changed your shirt, pants and shoes. You also wore a mask, but you didn't

change your socks.

Unfortunately, I never forget what I see. The others were stunned. They looked down and

saw that the mask man was wearing checkered socks.

They were limited edition from a luxury brand. There wouldn't be another pair in

Summerfield. When the man heard this, he tore off his mask and revealed his face.

You broke Calvin's wish to be disguised as the kidnapper's leader. Attribute point plus

one. Keith had gained two attribute points, which he added to his power.

Now his power had hit a terrifying eighteen points. Calvin's disguise was torn apart. He

looked at Olivia and shouted crazily.

Why did you never look at me? Why did I ever do wrong? Why did you marry Keith? Why

can't you accept me? Olivia calmed down. She looked at Calvin and sneered. You

secretly tried to take over the company and had dozens of girlfriends.

Do you think I don't know? You know? Calvin laughed and said, So what if you know? Is

there a problem with a successful man having a harem? A successful man? Olivia

seemed to know that her death was certain at this moment. She sneered and said, You

call yourself successful? You're not fit to be a janitor. Don't you know how you got this

position? Calvin was hit mercilessly and his face turned ferocious.

He grinned hideously and said, Later on in bed, I'll show you what I'm fit for. He suddenly

looked at old Mr. Strauss and shouted angrily. My family's done everything for you.

My dad died blocking bullets for you. What did you ever give me? Calvin took a ragged breath and went on. You know, I like Olivia.

So why do you want her to marry someone else? Old Mr. Strauss snorted. I knew you

were up to no good. If it wasn't for your father, do you really think you'd have become

the deputy CEO of Olive Industries? Up to no good.

Calvin laughed crazily. Yes, my heart is no good. But after today, Olivia and Olive

Industries are all mine.

As he spoke, his face turned cold. He looked at Keith and said, It's you. It's all because of

you that I had to take this risk.

It's all your fault. Do you want Olivia? I want you to die. I want your whole family to die.

I've heard you've got a younger sister and an ex-girlfriend. I'm going to kill them all. I'm

going to let you see how it feels to lose the woman you love.

Keith looked at Calvin coldly and said, Have you finished your nonsense? What?

Everyone was slightly stunned when they heard Keith's words, but Keith had already

attacked. Thrilling proficiency skill activated. Keith waved his hand and four coins shot

toward the four armed men.

With the enhancement of 18 power, the lethality of the coins couldn't be

underestimated. At the same time, he stood up. Wind walking activated.

With the enhancement of the skill, Keith's speed had surpassed the limits of an ordinary

human. The four coins and Keith's fist hit their respective targets at the same time. The

kidnappers' hands were hit by the coins and their guns clattered to the ground.

In the same instant, Keith's fist landed on Calvin's face. With a dull thud, Calvin fell to

the ground, his entire face covered in blood. He didn't have time to scream before he


If it wasn't for Keith holding back, Calvin would already be a corpse by now. After

knocking Calvin out, Keith didn't stop before the kidnappers could react. He knocked

them out as well.

In the space of just a few breaths, every one of the kidnappers had fallen to the ground.

The scene was dead silent. Olivia and old Mr. Strauss looked at Keith in disbelief.

The young man had a cold expression and his eyes were steely. At that moment, he

looked like a rampaging god. Olivia covered her mouth.

Maybe it was because she was afraid, or because she was shocked, or because she was

suddenly safe. Tears began to stream down her face. You've fulfilled Mr. Strauss and

Olivia's wishes.