
The Wish System Volume(1)

Just as he felt like he was about to die, a mysterious voice popped into Keith's head. He heard a beep in his mind, and then a voice said, Wish system successfully bonded. Uploading welcome gift for new host. The voice continued, Congratulations, host obtains three wishes. Keith was utterly bewildered, and his mind went blank. The only thought left in his head was that he didn't want to die. He heard the voice again. Ding! You have made your first wish. Host receives a skill, recovery from injury. Description, host will recover from any and every kind of injury within five seconds. As the voice faded, Keith felt a warm current flow through his entire body.

Daoistslothh · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter:-52 Isabella

Suddenly, there was a yelp from the corner of the room. The beautiful camera woman

had slipped and fallen to the ground. She seemed to have sprained her ankle.

Travis had been taken with her from the moment he saw her, and seeing her hurt, he

was the first to rush over to help. The young woman seemed shaken. After being helped

up by Travis, she blurted out a string of thanks in Spanish.

Seeing that the young woman was fine, the mayor laughed and said, This is Isabella

Guzman from our publicity department. She grew up in Ecuador and has come over here

to work with us. She's still learning English.

Keith nodded, but Travis seemed to want to show off in front of the city leaders. He

started speaking to Isabella in Spanish. But even if Travis's grades were good, he didn't

have much experience with native Spanish speakers.

Isabella blinked, clearly unable to understand what Travis was saying. Seeing this, Keith

smiled and stepped forward. In fluent Spanish, he asked if she was hurt, and politely

helped her over to the couch.

It was rare to meet someone of the same age who could communicate fluently with her

in Spanish, and Isabella was delighted. Even in Spanish, Keith was witty and amiable,

and with his three-point charm value, he had an undeniable charisma. Isabella laughed

at something he said, and the others looked at Keith in surprise before smiling.

The mayor said to James, Keith's Spanish is so good for such a young age. Maybe I should hire him as my secretary. James laughed and said, You'll have to fight me for him,

Mayor Anderson.

I think he'd be an outstanding candidate for the police academy. The mayor laughed

when he heard that. The more he saw of Keith, the more he liked him.

Quinn also looked at Keith. She'd had no idea how talented he was. But when she

thought of this charismatic guy flirting with beautiful women, she felt upset.

Meanwhile, Travis' mouth was hanging open, and he looked at Keith in disbelief. Travis

had always been confident in Spanish, but Keith, the cousin he'd always looked down on,

was actually so much better than him. He was so fluent, he could even crack jokes.

Those who didn't know him would think he was a native Spanish speaker. But being

mercilessly defeated in his field of expertise, Travis was both angry and resentful. But he

couldn't do a thing about it.

Keith's parents were beaming with joy. Their son was making them proud. Meanwhile,

Aunt Sandra and Aunt Mimi's jaws had dropped to the floor.

Keith had shocked them to the core. Ding! You've fulfilled Isabella's wish to

communicate with her peers. Wish value plus one.

You've shattered Travis' wish to show off in front of a beautiful woman. Ability value plus

one. Keith's lips curled.

After chatting casually for a while, he returned to his seat. Since it was getting late, the

guests wrapped up their conversations and then left one after another. Under Quinn's

watchful eye, Keith and Isabella exchanged numbers and added each other on


Sandra and the other relatives also left with their tails between their legs. Sandra had

suffered a huge loss. Not only had she not been able to borrow any more money, but

she'd also been made to repay $50,000.

After they'd finished clearing up, Keith transferred the $50,000 to his father. They

chatted for a while before Keith finally remembered the original point of the evening. He

asked, Dad, didn't you say you had something you wanted to talk about? Sam rubbed his

eyes and sighed, I almost forgot.

He took a letter from a drawer and handed it to Keith. Take a look. Keith scanned the

letter and frowned.

It was from his grandfather, and it said that years ago he had agreed with his close

friend that their future children would be engaged when they were old enough. But both

families had had sons, and so the arrangement had passed on to their grandchildren instead. Sam sighed and said, Their grandfather passed away years ago, but his friend

kept this letter and never forgot about their arrangement.

The letter arrived today. In a few days' time, he'll bring his granddaughter to see you.

He's already seen your photo and has your contact details.

You should prepare yourself. Keith was well aware that this must be the wife chosen by

the system. He hadn't expected it to happen like this, though.

It was so old-fashioned. But Keith knew he had been the one to make the wish. All he

could do now was accept the consequences.

After talking it over for a while longer, Keith

decided to go back to the police barracks to sleep. It wasn't that he didn't want to stay at

home, but he was worried that if Blake came to seek revenge, his parents would be in

danger. The issue was a ticking time bomb.

He knew that it would explode sooner or later. His parents trusted him completely. They

didn't ask him about the $20,000, and Keith didn't tell them what he was going to do


As he walked along under the night sky, Keith began to count his gains. His wish value

was up to five now, and he was getting closer to making his next wish. He'd also

obtained three attribute points.

Without hesitating, he added another point to his power stat, and two more points to

dexterity. That meant that now his attributes were power, 14. Dexterity, 19.

Stamina, 11. Charm, 3. Wish value, 5 of 10. Skills, recovery from injury, hammer fist

proficiency, eye of detection, throwing proficiency, culinary mastery, instant

memorization, and optimal logic .

It had only been a few days since Keith had obtained the system, and he was pretty

happy that he'd gained so much from it already. Just as he was smiling to himself about

all this, three black cars squealed to a stop beside him. More than a dozen men jumped
